
ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького

Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease with a chronic inflammatory process that affects bone metabolism and leading to impaired bone mineral density (BMD). Therefore, the determination of laboratory markers of bone metabolism contributes to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of metabolic bone diseases.

The aim of the study: To characterize the bone metabolism parameters in rheumatoid arthritis patients with impaired bone mineral density, to find out their features and diagnostic value.

Materials and methods: The study included 76 patients randomly stratified by RA status who were treated in the Rheumatology Department of Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital, a municipal non-profit enterprise of Lviv Regional Council, from 2013 to 2019. The goal was achieved by performing three consecutive stages of the study. At the first stage, markers of bone formation and bone resorption were characterized. At the second stage, the peculiarities of these indicators were determined. The third stage was to determine the diagnostic value of the content of the markers of formation оsteocalcin (OCN) and procollagen type 1 amino-terminal propeptide (P1NP) and resorption marker isomerized C-terminal telopeptide specific for the degradation of type I collagen in the bone tissue (β-CrossLaps).

Results: According to the results of the study at the first stage, it was found that, in RA patients with osteoporosis (OP), the serum content of markers of osteoblastic bone function OCN (p=0.000) and P1NP (p=0.035) was significantly lower compared to the healthy individuals of CG, while the content of the marker of bone resorption β-CrossLaps was significantly higher (p=0. 021); in RA patients with OP, the serum content of both markers of osteoblastic bone function OCN (p=0.000) and P1NP (p=0.001) is significantly lower, while β-CrossLaps (p>0.050) is only slightly higher compared to healthy CG subjects. According to the results obtained at the second stage of the study, it can be stated that the content of OCN and P1NP in the blood serum is significantly lower in RA patients both with osteopenia and OP compared to RA patients without BMD disorders.

At the third stage of the study, it was found a significant relationship between the content of P1NP and belonging to a group with osteopenia (AC -0.52). A confirmed relationship was found between the content of OCN and belonging to the group with OP (direct direction of AC 0.57; p=0.017).

Conclusions: Bone structure disorders in rheumatoid arthritis patients with osteopenia are characterized by a weakening of bone formation and increased resorption processes; in rheumatoid arthritis patients with osteoporosis, the weakening of osteoblastic bone function is more pronounced compared to rheumatoid arthritis patients with osteopenia. For rheumatoid arthritis patients with unimpaired bone mineral density, the highest diagnostic value is provided by procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide. For rheumatoid arthritis patients with osteoporosis, osteocalcin is a diagnostically valuable marker.

Introduction: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease caused by many polyclonal autoantibodies and characterized by numerous comorbid lesions of internal organs and systems. Research with respect to the role of various infectious agents in the development and course of SLE, and primarily the role of cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), is ongoing. It is important to find out whether patients with SLE are infected with CMV and EBV, since the clinical manifestations of SLE and active viral infection are similar.

Aim: To find out the infection of SLE patients with CMV and EBV.

Materials and methods: The study included 115 patients with SLE, among whom women of working age predominated. The study was conducted in three stages: to find out CMV infection, to detect EBV infection, to determine the simultaneous infection of SLE patients with CMV and EBV and, in particular, their active phases. The actual material was processed on a personal computer in Excel (Microsoft) and IBM SPSS Statistics using descriptive statistics.

Results: It was found that the serum of the vast majority of SLE patients has specific antibodies to CMV, and only three have no antibodies to the virus. IgM antibodies to CMV were detected in 22.61% of patients, which may indicate an active phase of infection. Most often, the CMV seroprofile was detected as a combination of IgG (+) and IgM (-) (74.78%) among patients with SLE. It was established that the absolute majority of SLE patients are infected with EBV (98.26%). Active EBV infection was found in 15.65% of SLE patients, and chronic persistent - in 53.91%. Most often (53.91%) there are SLE patients with a seroprofile in the combination of EBV IgG to NA (+) IgG to EA (+) VCA IgM (-).

Most often (41.74%) SLE patients had a combination of laboratory markers of viral infection in the form of seroprofile CMV IgG (+) IgM (-); EBV IgG to EA (+) IgG to NA (+) IgM to VCA (-). The active phase of CMV and/or EBV infection was present in 32.17% of SLE patients, of which: 16.52% had only active CMV infection, 9.57% - only active EBV infection, and 6.09% – a combination of active CMV and EBV infections, which indicates that more than a third of SLE patients have active CMV and/or EBV infections, which can affect the clinical manifestations of the disease and require specific treatment tactics.

Conclusion: Almost all patients with SLE are infected with CMV, among whom 22.61% of patients have active infection. The absolute majority of SLE patients are infected with EBV, of which 15.65% had an active infection. Most often, SLE patients had a combination of laboratory markers of infection in the form of seroprofile CMV IgG (+) IgM (-); EBV IgG to EA (+) IgG to NA (+) IgM to VCA (-). The active phase of CMV and/or EBV infection was present in 32.17% of patients with SLE, of which: 16.52% had only active CMV infection, 9.57% only active EBV infection, and 6.09% – a combination of active CMV and EBV infections.

Introduction: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects almost all internal organs, among which circulatory system organs (CSO)

lesions are not only among the most common but also at the top of the list of causes of mortality. The tactics of treatment of patients with SLE without and in combination with CSO lesions are fundamentally different, and therefore, improving diagnostic methods will help to enhance the effectiveness of the management of this category of patients.

The aim of the study: To determine the diagnostic value of laboratory markers of syntropic lesions of the circulatory system organs in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.

Materials and methods: The research included 125 patients with SLE with CSO lesions, among whom the vast majority were young women. Patients were stratified according to syntropy. Syntropic lesions were those whose frequency significantly increased with increasing severity of SLE: retinal angiopathy, capillaritis, Raynaud's syndrome, livedo reticularis, atherosclerosis, mitral valve insufficiency, mitral valve thickening, pericardial effusion, pulmonary hypertension, myocarditis, endocarditis, symptomatic arterial hypertension, and vein thrombosis. During the study, the diagnostic value of individual laboratory markers and their constellations in terms

of sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy in patients with SLE with syntropic lesions of CSO was determined step by step, and the one with the highest diagnostic value for the diagnosis of these lesions was chosen. The difference was considered statistically significant if p<0.050. The association coefficient and the contingent coefficient were used to determine the closeness of the relationship between the marker and the syntropic lesion. The relationship was considered confirmed if the association coefficient was ≥ 0.50 or the contingent coefficient was ≥ 0.30.

Results: We studied the diagnostic value of individual laboratory markers and their constellations in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy in patients with SLE with syntropic CSO lesions. It was found that the best diagnostic value for the diagnosis of retinal angiopathy is the constellation of ↑ LDL + ↑ IA + ↑ anti-ds DNA + ↑ ANA; capillaritis – ↑ β-globulins + ↑ IA + ↑ anti-ds DNA + ↑ antiphospholipid antibodies Ig M + ↑ anti-Sm + ↓ C4; Raynaud's syndrome – a separate marker ↓ C3; livedo reticularis – ↑ ESR + ↑ small CIC + ↑ anti-ds DNA + ↑ anti-Sm; atherosclerosis – ↓ hemoglobin + ↑ LDL + ↑ ANA + ↓ C4; mitral valve insufficiency – ↑ ESR + ↑ anti-ds DNA + ↑ ANA + ↑ antiphospholipid antibodies Ig M; mitral valve stenosis – ↑ ESR+↑ LDL + ↑ small CK + ↑ ANA; pericardial effusion – erythropenia + ↑ C-RP + ↑ lupus anticoagulant; pulmonary hypertension – hypercholesterolemia + ↑ LDL + ↑ anti-ds DNA + ↑ ANA; myocarditis – an individual marker ↓ C4; endocarditis – ↑ ESR + ↑ total fibrinogen + ↑ γ-globulins + hypercholesterolemia + ↑ anti-Sm; symptomatic arterial hypertension – ↑ LDL + ↑ anti-ds DNA + ↑ ANA + ↑ anti-SSA (Ro); vein thrombosis – erythropenia + ↓ hemoglobin + ↑ LDL + ↑ ANA.

Conclusions: For each syntropic lesion in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, an individual laboratory marker or constellations have been identified that having the best diagnostic value for the diagnosis of these lesions.

УДК 616.711-007.5-085.825.65-76-039.71

Вступ. Завдяки своєчасному розвантаженню хребта, декомпресії міжхребцевих дисків, корекції постави можна запобігти погіршенню його стану, хворобам внутрішніх органів і як наслідок – порушенню зв’язку центральної нервової системи з відповідними органами.
Мета. Ознайомити з конструкцією тракційного крісла для профілактики уражень хребта.
Матеріали й методи. Використано контент-аналіз, метод системного й порівняльного аналізу, бібліосемантичний метод вивчення актуальних  наукових досліджень стосовно конструкцій тракційного крісла для профілактики уражень хребта, методик його застосування. Пошук джерел здійснено в наукометричних базах інформації: PubMed, Medline, Springer, Google Scholar, Research Gate за ключовими словами: кінезотракція, опорно-руховий апарат, тракційна система. Відібрано і проаналізовано 11 джерел англійською та українською мовами, у яких висвітлено цю проблему. Описано конструкцію тракційного крісла для профілактики уражень хребта.
Результати. Конструкція тракційного крісла має такі складники: власне крісло, сидіння, встановлене на напрямних (із можливістю пересування у вертикальній площині та фіксацією у верхньому положенні), опори плечового пояса верхніх кінцівок, закріплені на рухливій спинці, встановленій на напрямних, тракційний підголовник, стійки, блоки, трос, вантаж. Можна здійснювати витягнення як окремих, так і одночасно зазначених відділів хребта, а також усіх відділів у статичному режимі за умови фіксації стегон поясом до крісла в положенні сидячи.
Висновки. Розуміння будови, методик і особливостей використання конструкції тракційного крісла, в основі якої є коригування порушень у нервовій, кістково-суглобовій системах, та запропоновані методики застосування – важливий складник ефективної профілактики хвороб хребта

The purpose of this section is to highlight the opportunities for digitizing important processes in the healthcare system to improve the efficiency of population health management. The introduction of these digital processes will increase patient satisfaction with the healthcare system, as well as provide a holistic outlook of patient health through access to data and give patients more control over their own health. Healthcare managers will also be using the developed Internet applications to conduct clinical audits and monitor health problems in the administrative district. It is proposed to develop and use free Internet applications and computer programs, namely: 1) Drug Compatibility Test online application, which is designed primarily for students. This app is designed to test knowledge of drug compatibility and
certain aspects of diet and behavioral habits; 2) electronic individual antenatal drug passport for a promising way to predict, prevent and reduce the risk of allergic reactions; and 3) Medical Intelligence app using the artificial intelligence technologies to develop an individual educational trajectory for doctors and pharmacists. 

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