
ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького

Introduction. A search continues for effective means which may reduce the overload of harmful factors, eliminate the inflammatory process, and reduce stress on the periodontal tissues during the active period of orthodontic treatment. We developed and patented the gel composition (GC) Benzidaflaziverdine prepared based on Proteflazid® (flavonoids) and benzydamine hydrochloride (BH) T-Sept® for the local treatment of the periodontal tissues in the form of a periodontal dressing in the orthodontic patients. 
The aim of this study was to evaluate the cytocompatibility of different combinations of components in gel composition based on flavonoid complex and benzydamine hydrochloride (Benzidaflaziverdine) used for the treatment of periodontal diseases in orthodontic patients. For this, mechanisms of their cytopathic and cytoprotective effects will be explored using cultured human and mouse cells. 
Methods. We studied the effect of different supplements used in GC Benzidaflaziverdine on the viability of pseudonormal human keratinocytes of the HaCaT line and mouse fibroblasts of the BALB-3T3 line, and mouse macrophages of the J774.2 line. Various methods of cell survival assessment were used: MTT-assay, staining of cells with fluorescent dyes Hoechst 33342 and Propidium iodide (PI), as well as a test for the genotoxic effects on cells (DNA 
comet assay). The antioxidant properties of the developed GC variants were evaluated using DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl), Merck (Dam-stadt, Germany), and DCFDA-H2 (2’,7’-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate). 
Results. We demonstrated that the Sample containing gel base and BH in the form of a solution (Tantum Verde®) possessed weak prooxidant properties. While the Sample contained gel base, powdered BH (T-Sept®) and Sample containing gel base and powdered BH (T-Sept® and Proteflazid®) possessed pronounced antioxidant properties. 
Conclusions. Tests with DPPH and DCFDA dyes were used to confirm the hypothesis regarding the cytoprotective effect of the patented gel composition Benzidaflaziverdine for local application in the form of a periodontal bandage due to the antioxidant activity of the flavonoid complex, which reaches the maximum level at the 2nd hour of exposure. This gel composition can be recommended for use in clinical periodontology for medical support of  orthodontic patients before and during the active phase of orthodontic treatment.
Keywords: Flavonoid complex, Proteflazid®, benzydamine hydrochloride, gel composition, antioxidant activity, cell culture, periodontal diseases, orthodontic patients.

Dystrophic changes of all periodontal structures and teeth in patients with periodontitis and generalized periodontitis were investigated in the study. Characteristic signs of the gums’ pathological contour, as well as other clinical and radiological features of dystrophy differ in patients with periodontitis and generalized periodontitis and contribute to the improvement of their differential diagnosis. Ultrastructural examination of the patients’ gums with periodontitis revealed disseminated microthrombosis, mucoid edema and fibrinoid transformation of intermediate connective tissue, and coagulation-dystrophic changes in periodontal tissues and cells. 
Key words: periodontitis, parodontosis, gingival ultrastructure, coagulation dystrophy 

Computed tomography is the "gold standard" for performing aortic morphometry during preoperative planning in invasive cardiology and cardiac surgery. Predictive modeling of indicators can significantly save resources. The purpose of the study: to make modelling of Valsalva sinuses and coronary artery ostia height parameters depending on age-anthropometric indicators in healthy men based on computed tomography. The material is represented by contrast-enhanced computed tomography images of the aorta and coronary arteries of forty-three men under normal conditions. Methods: morphometric and statistical analyses. A multifactorial correlation-regression analysis was conducted to establish the complex influence of age-anthropometric parameters on sinuses of Valsalva and coronary artery ostia height. The reliability of the obtained indicators was confirmed by Fisher's test (F). Using the Durbin-Watson autocorrelation criterion, the correctness of the built model was proved. In healthy men, weight (direct effect) and body mass index (inverse effect) significantly influenced the height of the lower edge of the right coronary artery ostia. The regression coefficient is R = +0.632, with p<0.001, the standard error of estimation (SEE) is 2.951. The obtained linear equation of the prognostic model: the level of the height of the departure of the lower edge of the right coronary artery ostia = 0.359 x А 1 - 1.099 x А 2 + 16.53. The correctness of the built model was checked using the Durbin-Watson autocorrelation test (2.181). The prognostic model for calculating the height of the left aortic sinus was formed by height and weight indicators (strong direct influence): R = +0.759, p<0.001, SEE = 2.208. The adjusted coefficient of multiple determination was R2 adj = +0.562. The Durbin- Watson autocorrelation criterion was within the normal range (2.241). The linear equation of the prognostic model with the obtained β -coefficients: the level of the height of the left sinus of the aorta = 35.83 x А 1 + 0.033 x А 2 - 42.22. The work of prognostic models for individuals with different anthropometric and age parameters was verified. Thus, a model of the dependence of the indicator of the height of the left sinus of the aorta on height and weight was created; of the height of the deviation of the lower edge of the right coronary artery from weight and body mass index in healthy men based on computed tomography.
The increase in global burden of stroke is hard to overestimate. Every year it continues to be a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Extracranial pathology of the carotid arteries is a major underlying reason of stroke. Given the role of alimentary factors in the development of atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries, possible influence of food additives on the carotid sinus structure is of special interest. Monosodium glutamate is one of the most common food additives that is allowed for consumption in many countries due to it being considered relatively safe. Recent scientific research however points towards the possible adverse effects of monosodium glutamate on the living organism. The aim of this study was to analyze qualitative and quantitative parameters of carotid sinus structural organization of white male albino rats under normal conditions, in the setting of oral monosodium glutamate consumption and after its withdrawal. Carotid sinuses of 30 white male albino rats that had been daily consuming 10 mg/kg of monosodium glutamate for 4 or 8 weeks with subsequent withdrawal for 2 weeks were subjected to qualitative and quantitative analysis at different time-points of the experiment. The data obtained was compared with the results of morphologic and morphometric study of carotid sinuses of 9 rats of the control group. For morphometric analysis, the following parameters were considered: intima thickness, media thickness, adventitia thickness, diameters of the arterioles, venules and capillaries of the carotid sinus vasa vasorum. Summarizing the morphometric analysis results, it is worth noting that, for the duration of 8 weeks of the experiment, steady increase in the thickness of all layers of the vascular wall, but especially intima and adventitia, was observed in the study group. At the same time, the diameter of the arterioles located in the carotid sinus adventitia was decreasing, while venules and capillaries demonstrated invariable increase of their lumen diameter. After 2 weeks of monosodium glutamate withdrawal, the thickness of intima and adventitia continued to increase, while media thickness had somewhat decreased, probably due to fibrosis and dystrophy. The tendency towards narrowing of the arterioles' lumen and widening of the venules and capillaries persisted for at least 2 weeks despite discontinuation of monosodium glutamate. Therefore, systematic consumption of monosodium glutamate may lead to impairment of carotid sinus structural organization, particularly endothelial proliferation, fibrotic and dystrophic changes of media, adventitia thickening as well as microcirculatory vessels damage, that continue to persist despite the food additive withdrawal.

Для ранньої діагностики ускладнень цукрового діабету, що є запорукою успіху для подальшого лікування захворювання, важливо розуміти особливості будови і кровопостачання органів при цукровому діабеті. Домінуючу роль в інвалідизації при цукровому діабеті відіграє ураження стінки судин різних органів. Проте, до останнього часу недостатньо вивченим залишається питання морфологічних змін кровоносних судин яєчка при цукровому діабеті. Ціла низка невирішених питань щодо особливостей будови та кровопостачання яєчка на мікро- та ультраструктурному рівнях, морфологічних змін яєчка та його гемомікроциркуляторного русла за умов цукрового діабету, якісно-кількісних змін ангіоархітектоніки яєчка щура при експериментальній формі цукрового діабету, проблем успішного вибору ефективних методів лікування судинних порушень яєчка при цукровому діабеті, що безперечно зумовлено недостатнім вивченням морфологічних особливостей патогенезу мікроциркуляторних порушень на різних стадіях діабетичної мікроангіопатії.

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