
ЛНМУ імені Данила Галицького

Abstract. The mechanisms of formation of male infertility are increasingly becoming immune-dependent. Immunological isolation of the testes is provided by the anatomical blood-testis barrier and the special tolerance of the immune system to antigens expressed on male gametes. For a better understanding of the immunopathogenetic mechanisms of infertility, a study of the role of various immune factors is required.
The aim: to study the role of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in blood serum to clarify their role in spermatogenesis.
Materials and Methods: 45 infertile men aged 22-48 were examined. They were divided into 2 groups: first group – 22 men with a systemic autoimmune disease - rheumatoid arthritis; second group – 23 somatically healthy patients
with idiopathic infertility. The control group included 27 fertile healthy men aged 22-48 years. Determination of the
cytokines concentration in blood serum was carried out by the immunoenzymatic method. Student's t-test was used to compare the significant difference in mean values between groups. P < 0.05 was considered significant.
Results. Patients with autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis) had the highest rate of leukocytospermia, indicating a possible long-term inflammatory process. In patients with idiopathic infertility, oligozoospermia was diagnosed in 3 patients (13.04%), oligoasthenozoospermia in 7 patients (30.36%), asthenozoospermia in 8 patients (34.78%) and leucocytospermia in 5 patients (21.82%). In patients with rheumatoid arthritis, the concentration of IL-18 (cytokine of the IL-1 family) in the blood serum of infertile men was 1.36 times higher than that of fertile men. The level of IL-6 was 6 times higher, and the concentration of IFN-γ exceeded the norm by more than three times. The level of IL-10 was 9,4 times higher than in control group. Significant changes in the serum cytokine profile were recorded in men with idiopathic infertility. The level of pro-inflammatory cytokines increased statistically significantly: IL-18 – 1.45 times, IL6 – 2.85 times, IFN-γ – 2.65 times. Simultaneously, the level of anti-inflammatory cytokines increased: IL-10 – 3.0 times.
We also analyzed the ratio of serum levels of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Significant increase in ІL10/TNF-α ratio was recorded in men with idiopathic infertility and infertile men with rheumatoid arthritis. Specifically, in men with idiopathic infertility the ІL-10/TNF-α ratio was 3.3 times higher and in patients with rheumatoid arthritis the ІL-10/TNF-α ratio was 4.1 times higher than in control group. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis the ІL-10/ІFN-γ ratio
was in 3 times higher than in control group. Significant positive correlations were found in healthy fertile men: TGF-β1 – IFN-γ, IL-10 – IL-18 and IL-10 – TNF-α. In men of the control group, the synthesis of IL-18 and TNF-α was balanced by the production of IL-10. The synthesis of IFN-γ was by balanced by the production of TGF-β1.
Conclusions. The development of infertility associated with various accompanying pathologies is related with by changes in both systemic and local immune reactivity. The pro-inflammatory cytokine profile of blood serum and a decrease in the concentration of IL-1β are observed in patients with idiopathic infertility. The largest number of deviations of immune reactivity was found in infertile men with concomitant autoimmune diseases

 The aim: To provide clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of anesthesia for cystectomy of radicular cysts that have grown into the maxillary si-nus or nasal cavity using different techniques of endonasal block-ade of the nasopalatine nerve.
Materials and methods: Clinical observations were conducted on 52 patients of different age and sex. These patients were diagnosed with large radicular cysts (more than 3.0 cm in diameter) that had grown into the maxillary sinus (33 cases) or into the nasal cavity (19 cases). The surgical excisions of cysts (oroantral cystectomies) were performed un-der local potentiated anesthesia. Patients were divided into two clinical groups, depending on the methods used for endonasal blockade of the nasopalatine nerve: the main and the control group. Patients in the main group underwent endonasal blockade of the nasopalatine nerve at the point of its emergence from the pterygopalatine ganglion.
In the control group, the neural blockade was performed at the entry of this nerve into the incisive canal. Pain sensitivity and perception in patients were studied using subjective and objective methods. The data was analyzed by means of the Pearson’s chi – square tests.
Results: During the enucleation of radicular cysts that grew into the inferior nasal meatus and maxillary sinus in patients of the main group there was no pain observed. There were no manifestations of pain-induced stress neither from the side of autonomic system, nor physical or emotional manifestations of pain, which confrmed the effectiveness of nasopalatine nerve anesthesia. In patients of the control group during similar operation the full effect of local anesthesia was achieved in 56.0% of cases (χ2 – 9,270, р = 0,003). The rest of the patients during cystectomies showed some signs of pain-induced stress from the side of autonomic system or in the form of physical or emotional manifestations.
Conclusions: Endonasal blockade of the nasopalatine nerve at the point of its emergence from the pterygopalatine ganglion invariably provided a complete analgesia during enucleation of radicular cysts that have grown into the maxillary sinus or nasal cavity. Anesthesia of the nasopalatine nerve at its entry into the incisive canal allows pain-less cystectomy of radicular cysts that have spread to the front of the inferior nasal meatus from the front teeth. 


Резюме. Використання технології «Стратегічна імплантація» дозволяє виконувати тотальне протезування щелеп на зубних імплантатах навіть в умовах критично зменшеного об’єму кісткової тканини у протоколі негайного навантаження. Проте для реалізації вищенаведеної концепції варто чітко дотримуватись встановлених правил протезування на кортикобазальних імплантатах, зокрема розміщення зубних дуг у стандартних позиціях і під стандартним кутом до протетичних площин, повної симетрії для досягнення двостороннього жування та уникнення жувального перевантаження тощо, що у багатьох випадках пов’язано з необхідністю редукції кісткової тканини альвеолярного відростка в тому чи іншому ступені.
Мета дослідження – детально описати як технологія «Стратегічна імплантація» дозволяє в межах одного хірургічного втручання, включно із видаленням зубів, редукцією кісткової тканини та встановленням імплантатів, провести повну реконструкцію щелеп на прикладі клінічного випадку з критичною асиметрією зубоальвеолярного комплексу.
Матеріали і методи. Обстежено та оперовано пацієнтку 53 років із частковою відсутністю зубів на обох щелепах та наявністю значного зубоальвеолярного видовження. Лікування полягало у множинному видаленні зубів, редукції альвеолярних відростків, встановленні кортико-базальних імплантатів з їх негайним навантаженням упродовж 3 днів.
Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. Як видно з наведеного клінічного прикладу, редукція кісткової тканини в комплексній хірургічно-ортопедичній реабілітації пацієнтки дозволила не лише змістити верхні фронтальні зуби краніальніше і замаскувати перехідну зону між протезною конструкцією та власними яснами, що було доцільним з точки зору естетики, але й забезпечити однакові передньо-задні площини прикусу за Іде з обох боків, що сприяло оптимізації функції жування.
Висновки. Кортико-базальна імплантація, зокрема у вигляді технології «Стратегічна імплантація», звільняє імплантологію від потреби у великому об’ємі кісткової тканини, особливо у вертикальному напрямку, що нівелює проблему кісткової аугментації, а в поєднанні з редукцією кісткової тканини дозволяє досягнути відмінних довготермінових естетичних і функціональних результатів, відкриваючи двері для абсолютно нового, спрощеного та доступного відновлення адекватного стоматологічного статусу пацієнтів, незалежно від наявного об’єму кісткової тканини, її якості, стану існуючих зубів тощо. 

 Introduction. The use of basal implantation permitted to perform prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with defects of the upper jaw, where traditional dental implantation could not be used. Materials and methods. We present the clinical case of a patient with a subtotal defect of the right half of the maxilla after removal of a benign tumor, for prosthetic rehabilitation through basal dental implantation.Results and discussion. According to the signifcant post-resection defcit of the bone, it was decided to create a fxed prosthetic construction with support on 3 dental implants located in “strategic” areas – floor of the nose, tubero-pterygoid area and zygomatic body. The treatment was uneventful. No complications were detected during 9 years of follow-up observation.Conclusions. This clinical case successfully demonstrates the possibility of rehabilitation of patients with post-resection defects of the upper jaw trough basal dental implants with fxed prosthetic bridge-like constructions. 

 The purpose of the study was to generalize our experience of using tuberopterygoid (TPG) implants for prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with partial/ total maxillary/ mandibular adentia under immediate loading protocol. The study describes results of the treatment of 105 patients with total/ partial maxillary/ mandibularadentia, who, during 2012-2019 required dental implantation, which was performed using tuberopterygoid implants in combination with other types of cortico-basal implants, with a follow-up period of 5-2 years. Data was extracted from patient records, panoramic post-op X-rays or from interviews with patients. The employment of TPG implants demonstrates a high implant survival rate (95.7%) within 24-60 months of follow-up period. The high cumulative implant survival rate for TPG implants in immediate loading protocol indicates (within the limitations of this study) the reliability of this treatment approach in patients with partial/ total maxillary/ mandibular adentia, independently on their somatic or local status. 

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