Adenocarcinoma is the most common type of bronchogenic
carcinoma in pediatric patients. It often has a poor prognosis, and stage 4 of the disease is observed in approximately 50% of the diagnosed cases.1
We present the case of a 17-year-old female patient with a complaint of unproductive cough for 4 months, which intensified during exercises and air temperature changes. Intrusive cough, increased fatigue, and appetite and weight loss were observed. Chest X-ray revealed a right-sided pleural effusion. Drainage of the right pleural cavity was performed and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mbt) was detected in the exudate using polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Diseases of respiratory tract in young children are often accompanied by the development of bronchial obstruction syndrome. Recurrent episodes of bronchial obstruction are a common problem in young children with respiratory disorders in neonatal period. The aim of our work was to test secondary prophylactic measures concerning development and progression of recurrent bronchial obstructive syndrome in young children, who had suffered respiratory disorders in neonatal period. Prophylactic complex included basic therapy (inhalation of glucocorticosteroids—fluticasone propionate or budesonide), administration of immunomodulating drug Ribomunyl and conducting of prophylactic vaccination in specialized inpatient department after prior preparation whith antihistamines.


The feature of disease course was assessed based on the need of using drugs with symptomatic action, frequency of exacerbations, their mean duration and severity in 60 children, who had breathing disorders in neonatal period. Children were randomly divided into two groups. The study of efficacy of secondary prophylactic measures was conducted in 30 children (basic group) and in other 30 patients secondary prophylactic complex was not used (control group).


Algorithm of secondary prophylactic complex included basic therapy involving inhalation glucocorticosteroids, administration of immunomodulatory drug Ribomunyl as recommended and conduction of planned prophylactic inoculations with the use of antihistamines.


In children, who were administered secondary prophylactic complex was a positive dynamics in clinical picture and laboratory data.


Administration of secondary prophylactic complex enabled, to a certain extent, to prevent progression of bronchial obstructive syndrome and achieve a reliable increase in γ-INF, IgA, IgM, IgG levels and decrease in IL-4 (р < 0.01).


Background: In children, facial neuropathy is the most common disease that occurs due to damage of the cranial nerves. Facial nerve palsy (FNP) in children can be congenital or acquired. Congenital FNP may occur at birth due to trauma and with certain genetic syndromes. Acquired FNP can be caused by HSV types 1,2, HHV-6, cytomegalovirus, EBV, VZV, the bacterium B. burgdorferi or can result from inflammatory diseases, trauma and tumors. Unilateral or bilateral FNP is the most common complication of Lyme disease in children. The study that was conducted by Furuta Y. et al. indicates that reactivation of VZV infection is an important cause of acute peripheral FNP in children aged 6-15 years. Case Report: We have described a rare clinical case of bilateral peripheral FNP in a 14-year-old child with a confirmed diagnosis of Lyme disease and reactivation of VZV infection. Conclusions: Prescribed therapy with doxycycline for 21 days and valaciclovir for 7 days made it possible to achieve functional recovery of nerve on both sides.

УДК 616.9-053.2-036:355(477)

Представлено клінічні випадки хвороб у дітей,переміщених із зони бойових дій, які тривалий час перебували в бомбосховищах у тісному контакті з великою кількістю людей, в тому числі хворих на різні інфекційні недуги. Діти за короткий час перенесли по декілька
інфекційних хвороб, що послабило їх імунний статус. Клінічні випадки демонструють: тяжку геморагічну форму вітряної віспи з вторинною тромбоцитопенією; мультисистемний запальний синдром, асоційований з COVID-19, із симптомокомплексом, схожим на кір; вторинний гнійний менінгоенцефаліт (E. coli), який ускладнив субдуральну гематому. Командна робота кваліфікованих фахівців різних спеціальностей дала
бажаний результат – усі діти одужали.

Objective: The aim: The prevalence analysis of three ways of tobacco use among young adults: traditional (smoking of cigarillos or cigars) and alternative (hookah smoking and use of E-cigarettes) as well as the development of ways of tobacco smoking prevention.

Patients and methods: Materials and methods: Cross-section anonymous survey among young adults 18-44 years of age (n=410) has been conducted. The obtained results were compared with the data of the similar studies from different countries. The statistical methods (analysis of the mean and relative values), structural and logical analysis and systemic approach.

Results: Results: Among those who were interviewed, aged 18-44 years, there are 24.15±2.11 % of respondents - hookah smokers, 9.02±1.42 % persons prefer the traditional method of tobacco use (smoking of cigarillos or cigars), while 6.34±1.20 % ones use E-cigarettes. Such forms of smoking are more common among males. The smokers of cigarillos, cigars and hookahs have appreciated their high availability when buying - 9 (7;10) points out of 10 possible. The study has found that 11.54±1.58 % of smokers of E-cigarettes and 8.08±1.35 % of hookah smokers consider them safe types of smoking and harmless to their health.

Conclusion: Conclusions: The prevention methods of smoking prevalence among young people must be based on the tougher rules of tobacco market and latest devices for smoking at the legislative level.

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