The incidence of miscarriage has been increased all over the world. In this situation more often children need artificial ventilation of the lungs (AVL) and form risk group for recurrent and chronic bronchopulmonary pathology development . Interconnection of prematurity – acute pulmonary disorders – the further formation of bronchopulmonary disease is no longer in doubt. It is observed a correlation between the administration of artificial ventilation in the neonatal period and the subsequent formation of bronchopulmonary pathology.  Our studies have shown that in the case of developing bronchial asthma in a child born prematurely and suffering from acute pulmonary disorders in the period of newborn birth, the risk of developing a severe variant of the disease is extremely high . The obtained data showed that asthma in such children is characterized by a severe course, often the so-called variant "difficult asthma" (with frequent exacerbations in the form of an asthmatic condition) is often observed [5, 10]. We have been followed up 27 children with bronchial asthma, whom after birth prolonged ventilation (more than 7 days) was performed due to pulmonary sickness.
The course of asthma in these children is characterized by frequent exacerbations and perscription of high doses of β2-agonists and hormonal drugs. This cohort of patients requires special care both on the part of parents and nursing staff.
      The reason should be sought, analyzing the features of the ante and perinatal period of the child's development [1, 4]. Frequent causes of miscarriage are inflammatory processes of diverse nature and etiology. In the process of inflammation, the number of cytokines, oxidants, and lytic
enzymes increases in the mother's body. In immature children, control over the inflammation process is inadequate [8, 12]. Low levels of antioxidants, antiprotease and anti-inflammatory cytokines can negatively affect the balance between inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, which in turn causes persistent inflammatory reaction and damage . Chronic inflammation causes hyperreactivity of the respiratory tract, which can not but affect the development and progress of bronchial asthma in the future . It is precisely this situation that determined the relevance and purpose of our study.
        Aim is to study the frequency and the features of the course of broncho-pulmonary pathology in young children who were on artificial ventilation of the lungs in the neonatal period.

RATIONALE: Precision allergy molecular diagnostics allows assessment of cross-reactivity between pollen and food allergens using multiplex
measurement arrays.
METHODS: Data from 8016 ALEX tests performed in different regions of Ukraine in 2017-2019 were assessed in patients from 1 to 78 years old.Correlation analysis was performed by the Spearman method.
RESULTS: Cross-reactions were mostly seen with Betulaceae pollen groups. Sensitization to Alnus, Betula and Corylus pollen alone expressed cross-reactivity to other pollen types in 55-60 % of cases. 51 % of pateints sensitive to Bet v 2 profilin were sensitized to olive pollen profilin Ole e 2 and of date palm profilin Pho d 2. 51-53 % of patients were sensitized to PR-10 Bet v 1 of Betula pollen and Ara h 8 peanut allergen. 52 to 60 % of patients were sensitized to birch and alder pollen PR-10 allergens and to Mal d 1 of apple from the same group. Cross-reaction between alder and celery PR-10 allergens (Aln g 1 and Api g 1) was 50 %. 50 % of patients reacted to profilins of birch and latex (Bet v 2 and Hev b 8).
CONCLUSIONS: Pollen-targeted allergen-specific immunotherapy may possibly impact pollen-food oral allergy syndromes based upon allergen

УДК: 614.2:005.311.11

Aim. The medical care quality remains one of the most pressing issues of the health care system, especially at the stage of reforming of the medical sector. Medicalstatistical information comprising reporting forms is the basis for analyzing the status of medical care quality and incorporating management decisions to improve it.
Material and Methods. The study was performed by the means of analysis of the annual reports of the Urology Department of Municipal Non-profit Enterprise "Lviv Clinical Emergency Hospital" over a ten-year period: from 2010 to 2019. Statistical analysis included the analysis of average and relative values, as well as the calculation of indicators of the dynamic range: growth rate and absolute increase.
Results and Discussion. Analysis of the use of bed stock of the Urology Department of MNELCEH during 2010- 2019 showed that the average quantity of inpatient days is 251.12-340.18 days per year. Inpatient turnover was in the range of 30.28-36.55 patients per year. The indicator of surgical activity increased by 5.4 percentage points (from 33.0% in 2010 to 38.4% in 2019). There was also a positive tendency of decrease of the duration of post-surgery stay of patients at the inpatient department of the Urology Department (from 9.25 in 2010 to 8.55 in 2019). During the study period of 2010-2019, the ratio of post-surgical complications remained relatively stable and did not exceed 5.1% (the indicator is in the range of 4.38% -5.09%). The analysis of the total mortality among all treated patients was in the range of 0.06%-0.65%.
Conclusion. The indicators analyzed in the annual reports make it possible to identify the main problematic issues in the work of the department. In order to provide professional specialized care, quality and rational use of property and human resources, algorithms should be developed to increase treatment of patients with malignant tumors and urolithiasis at the department, as in recent years we could observe an outflow of patients with these
diagnoses to other healthcare establishments. There is a need for individual analysis of the causes of post-surgical complications and mortality. These issues can be resolved by introducing clinical audit into the work of the departmen.

УДК: 616.411-002.9-085-053.2

     Погляди хірургів щодо лікувальної тактики при кістах селезінки (КС) у дітей широко дискутуються в літературі. Окремими питаннями є показання та методика консервативного (неінвазивного) ведення (спостереження) пацієнтів з КС.
Мета – розробити раціональні тактичні підходи консервативного (неінвазивного) ведення пацієнтів дитячого віку з КС.
Матеріали та методи. Проведено ретроспективний аналіз консервативного (неінвазивного) ведення 90 (33,96%) із 265 пацієнтів дитячого віку з КС.

    Не оперували дітей за наявності в селезінці кістозного утворення діаметром менше 20 мм (n=61). Їм проводили УЗД спочатку 2 рази на 6 місяців, після цього – 2 рази на рік, до досягнення пубертатного віку. Прогресування росту кіст у цих дітей ми не спостерігали.

     Також не оперували тих дітей, у яких розміри кіст в селезінці були від 20 до 62 мм, мали безсимптомний перебіг і батьки не давали згоди на хірургічне лікування (n=29). Це найскладніша група пацієнтів для аналізу, оскільки у більшості із них відсутня інформація щодо динаміки. За результатами динамічного спостереження у 19 із 29 обстежених пацієнтів регресу кіст у селезінці не відмічено, що в наступному слугувало показанням до хірургічного лікування.
Результати та висновки. За наявності кіст у селезінці можливий вибір хірургічного лікування або консервативного (неінвазивного) ведення. Лікувальна тактика при КС у пацієнтів дитячого віку – строго індивідуальна і залежить від розмірів і локалізації ураження паренхіми. При КС діаметром до 20 мм раціональним є консервативне (неінвазивне) ведення, що підтверджено відсутністю прогресування росту кіст у цих дітей. Динамічне спостереження пацієнтів з КС діаметром більше 20 мм підтверджує відсутність регресу таких кіст, що в наступному служить показанням до хірургічного лікування.

    Дослідження виконано відповідно до принципів Гельсінської декларації. Протокол дослідження ухвалено Локальним етичним комітетом установи. На проведення досліджень отримано інформовану згоду батьків, дітей.

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