BACKGROUND: Since its start, the war in Ukraine has taken a devastating toll on the country's children. As of now, 508 children have been killed and 1,135 injured. Besides, 13 children suffered from sexual violence, and 19,546 went missing, were deported and/or forcibly relocated, with 386 eventually returning to Ukraine. The repercussions of these harrowing experiences have had profound effects on the overall well-being and mental health of children, along with their access to medical care and education. Simultaneously, Ukraine has witnessed rapid changes in its rehabilitation system due to the ongoing war.
Aim: To investigate the quality of life of women who left Ukraine and those who did not leave their homes under the threat of war.
Materials and Methods: We used the WHOQOL-100 questionnaire for quality assessment. 376 young women (aged 25-44) were interviewed using a Google
questionnaire (WHOQOL BREF). The respondents were divided into 2 groups: group 1 – women who left the territory of Ukraine during the war (n-176); group
2 - women who did not leave their homes (n-200).
Results: The general level of quality of life for group 1 (62.9% ± 9.3) was slightly lower than group 2 (66.7% ± 9.1). In terms of quality of life, group 2 prevails
over group 1 in the domain of microsocial support.
Conclusions: Therefore, women who did not leave their homes during the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine rate their quality of life
higher than women who left the territory of Ukraine. Respondents of group 2 are more satisfied with their social support, sexual life, support from friends,
enjoy life more than respondents of group 1.
Актуальність. Важливу роль в сучасній діагностиці та лікуванні увеїтів відіграють дослідження молекулярних механізмів імунних порушень, що призводять до розвитку запального процесу в оці.
Мета. Вивчити рівень експресії маркера апоптозу CD 95 – запрограмованій клітинній загибелі – у здорових осіб і у хворих з середнім увеїтом.
Матеріал і методи. Вивчення рівня експресії маркера апоптозу лімфоцитів СD 95 здійснювалося імуногістохімічним методом у 15 хворих з середнім увеїтом (вік 34±11 років) та у 26 практично здорових осіб контрольної групи (вік 36±10 років).
Результати. В результаті проведеного дослідження відмічався високий рівень експресії молекулярного маркера апоптозу СD 95 на лімфоцитах у хворих з середнім увеїтом. Цей показник перевищив нормативні значення і становив в відсотковому співвідношенні − 28,5±4,9 та в абсолютному значенні - 534,2±59,5 кл/мкл (n=15). В той же час, у здорових осіб ці показники склали відповідно 18,9±3,1 у відсотковому значенні та 254,5±42,1 кл/мкл (n=26) в абсолютному, що відповідало р<0,05 за критерієм Манна-Уітні.
Висновки. Вивчення експресії мембранних молекул лімфоцитів, що беруть участь в регуляції імунної відповіді, допоможе зрозуміти механізми прогресу імуноопосередкованого запального процесу. Подальше вивчення і розуміння механізмів реалізації і регуляції запрограмованої клітинної загибелі (апоптозу) надзвичайно актуально для лікування увеїту.
Abstract. Purpose Despite the potential value of point-of-care ultrasonography (POCUS) in resource-limited environments, it is not widely used in low- and middleincome countries compared with high-income countries. We sought to evaluate the current POCUS practice of Ukrainian anesthesiologists who attended POCUS courses to guide future POCUS training in Ukraine. Methods We conducted a 25-question web-based survey. It was distributed to 255 participants of POCUS courses held in Ukraine in 2023. The survey sections described current POCUS practice, perception of POCUS value, POCUS skills self-assessment, and perceived barriers to implementing POCUS in clinical practice. Results Two hundred and forty-four out of 255 course participants completed the survey, representing 214 unique respondents. Those who self-rated their skills identified themselves as either novices or beginners in areas of POCUS knowledge (118/157, 75%), image acquisition (110/158, 70%), image interpretation (117/158, 74%), and integration into clinical decision-making (105/155, 68%). Among all survey responders, 55% (118/214) reported using POCUS for vascular access procedures, 45% (97/214) for trauma assessment, and 44% (93/214)for regional anesthesia. Reported barriers to POCUS implementation included lack of ultrasound devices (101/214, 47%) and lack of trained faculty (112/214, 52%). Conclusion Among anesthesiologists who participated in POCUS courses in Ukraine, the majority were in early
stages of ultrasound practice. Respondents identified POCUS applications not currently practiced and evaluated barriers to POCUS use. Based upon these
survey findings, we propose the following measures in Ukraine: 1) developing a standardized national POCUS curriculum; 2) increasing the number of experienced instructors of POCUS; and 3) acquiring ultrasound devices to support clinical applications of POCUS, especially in the Central, Southern, and Eastern regions.
Introduction. One of the most prognostic complications of diabetes is diabetic retinopathy (DR), which leads to blindness and disability in the working population. There are currently data on the role of dyslipidemia in the pathogenesis of DR. However, the pathogenetic mechanisms that may explain the relationship between the main indicators of lipid metabolism and the development of DR remain to be fully understood.
The purpose of the study: To investigate the features of lipid metabolism in patients with diabetic retinopathy.
Materials and methods. A clinical and laboratory examination of 130 patients with DR (70 patients who are insulin-dependent in group 1 and 60 non-insulin-dependent patients - in group 2). The average age of patients ranged from 20 to 55 years. The obtained laboratory parameters were compared with the control group, which included 30 healthy individuals. All patients underwent fasting venous blood collection in BD Vacutainer double coagulation activator tubes and K2-EDTA anticoagulant tubes. In all subjects, serum lipid metabolism was determined - total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and atherogenicity index. Parametric data are presented as M ± m, because the distribution of data in the groups was normal, pairwise a posteriori comparison of groups was performed using the Newman-Keuls test using the software package STATISTICA 6.0 (StatSoft, USA).
Results. It is established that in patients with DR there is an imbalance in lipid metabolism. Patients in group 1 had significantly higher levels of triglycerides (3.23 ± 0.2 mmol / l), total cholesterol (6.47 ± 0.43 mmol / l), LDL (3.16 ± 0.15 mmol / l) and atherogenic index (3.13 ± 0.1 um.od) compared with the control group. The same vector of changes in the second group of examined patients, but the content of triglycerides (1.61 ± 0.1 mmol / l) is at the level of the control group. In both groups, the HDL content did not differ from the control value and was 1.61 ± 0.1 mmol / l and 1.46 ± 0.08 mmol / l, respectively.