УДК: 616.988:578.834]-07:616.15-097-07]-036-053.2(477.83)


Aim. The research aims at analyzing the kinetics of IgA, IgM, and IgG to SARS-CoV-2 in children based on the severity of COVID-19 and age.

Materials and Methods. The conducted prospective study involved 88 children (mean age 9.4 years) with COVID-19, admitted to the "Lviv Regional Pediatric Clinical Hospital "OKHMATDYT" from 2020 to 2021. The participants included 36 males (40.90%), and 52 females (59.10%) in the observation group. Diagnosis verification relied on clinical manifestations of the disease, with the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from nasal mucus using the PCR method. The values of IgA, IgM, and IgG to S and N proteins of SARS-CoV-2, determined by the ELISA method at different times of the infectious process in 380 blood serum samples, were analyzed.

Results and Discussion.The research findings of IgM to SARS-CoV-2 in the first week of illness revealed a median value of 0.24 [0.14; 1.39], increasing to 0.49 [0.30; 2.87] in the second week. The highest median value of IgA to SARS-CoV-2 is 0.33 [0.24; 1.00] was found from 15 to 30 days, after 30 days it was 0.24 [0.20; 0.28].

The increase in the median value of IgG-N to SARS-CoV-2 was observed from the second week of the illness, reaching 1.13 [0.52; 3.17], with its maximum value at 5.68 [2.39; 8.86] within the period up to three months. Severe COVID-19 was diagnosed in 27 children (30.68%), comprising 15 females (55.56%) and 12 males (44.44%). In the majority of hospitalized children, IgM values at different degrees of disease severity were positive from the first to the seventh day of illness. In children with a severe course of SARS-CoV-2, the median value of IgM in blood serum during this period was 1.39 [1.36; 4.07]. There was a statistically significant difference between the IgG levels for moderate and severe forms on days 15-30 of the illness: 0.54 [0.21; 1.89] compared to 5.55 [4.99; 5.80], respectively (p<0.05). In patients with both moderate and severe forms of the disease, median values of IgG to N SARS-CoV-2 were positive throughout the study period. A significant increase in the median value of IgG to N SARS-CoV-2 was observed in females from day 31 to day 90. In severe cases of the disease, the median value of IgG to SARS-CoV-2 from three to six months was 9.40 [7.80; 10.60], which was higher than in patients with a moderate form of the disease - 8.72 [8.64; 8.97] (p<0.05).

Conclusions. Serological studies enable the investigation of the immune response to SARS-CoV-2, determination of seroconversion, and characterization of the course of COVID-19, being crucial for epidemiological research. The levels of IgM, IgA, and IgG to SARS-CoV-2 depend on the disease's severity and the patient's age.

Keywords: COVID-19, IgM, IgA, IgG, SARS-CoV-2, children.

Abstract: Background: Some investigations show that obesity is associated with increase in bone mass due to excessive mechanical exertion. However, these data are contradictory as loss of mineral density of bone tissue and, respectively, the risk of fractures in this population group is higher. The aim of the research was to investigate impact of drug therapy with zoledronic acid on nanostruc- ture of bones in rats with limited mobility and high-calo- rie diet.

Methods: Rats (n = 56) were distributed into three groups: control (n = 18) – standard vivarium conditions, І experi- mental group (n = 18) – rats, which were on a high-calo- rie diet with limited mobility (HCD+LM), ІІ experimental group (n = 18) – HCD+LM+zoledronic acid. Zoledronic acid was injected at the dose 0.025 mg/kg intramuscularly every four weeks for six months. X-ray structure analy- sis, scanning electron microscopy and atomic absorption spectrometry were used for investigation of ultrastructure and quantitative assessment of mineral component loss in the femoral neck.

Results: Obesity and limited mobility reduced the level of the mineral component in the femoral neck (−31.5%) com- pared with control. It is significant that zoledronic acid did not permit decrease in mineral component of the bone throughout the entire experiment compared with group I (+41.8%), and all parameters were higher than in control group (+15%).

Conclusions: Obesity and limited mobility negatively affect mineral bone mass. Zoledronic acid induces increase in the mineral component as a result of remodeling inhibition under conditions of obesity and limited mobility modeling.

The aim of the study management of medical institutions in the context of providing medical and preventive care in conditions of COVID-19 is an urgent research problem because it provides detection of management’s effective mechanism in times of crisis. It was to identify the management’s peculiarities of medical institutions in the context of providing medical and preventive care in conditions of COVID-19. The article uses a qualitative content analysis method, a method of comparison, and a method of analysis of countries’ cases in the context of rendering medical and preventive care in Ukraine, Spain, Italy, Germany, and the Czech Republic. The article identifies the main elements of the health system management mechanism during the pandemic, which includes coordinated work by stakeholders to ensure a coordinated response to the emergency. The mechanism includes the organizational, legal, and financial components of cooperation between agencies and ministries of national, regional level, involvement international organizations in the process of development of policy and tactics, management crisis’ strategies. Strategic documents of the national level are one of the main elements of the management’s system.

Despite the war, or maybe because of it, progress was made in the European integration process: in June 2022, Ukraine entered the status of an applicant for the EU state. Along with this, the requirements remain the same as before, and improving the level of medicine and healthcare is among them. The purpose of writing an academic paper was to familiarize Ukraine’s citizens with equal access to quality medical services, as a result of changes to orient the system and to place the patient in its center. The research methods were analysis, synthesis, generalization, explanation and data qualification. The regional office of the World Health Organization for Europe (WHO / Europe) became the first and main source for the disclosure of the topic outlined (World Health Organization). The present scientific work will reveal the possible consequences of European integration for Ukrainian medicine. It is important to understand that the arguments of this research are not entirely academic, because it is impossible to know when the war will end and whether Ukraine will not remain a buffer zone for the EU countries. Nevertheless, regardless of the development of events, it is important to critically assess the role of the European Union and its interests in Ukraine.


The reform of the health care system in accordance with the goals of sustainable development in the EU countries is analyzed.

The research reveals the possible consequences of European integration for Ukrainian medicine. The research reveals the possible consequences of European integration for Ukrainian medicine.

УДК 616.24-007.241-036.12:612.014.4]-036-092

Метою дослідження було визначити клініко-лабораторні особливості запальних фенотипів серед пацієнтів з хронічним обструктивним захворюванням легень, помірним порушенням функції зовнішнього дихання та анемією хронічного захворювання.
Об’єкт та методи. Обстежено 150 пацієнтів із загостренням хронічного обструктивного захворювання легень та анемією хронічного захворювання, в яких було визначено фенотипи запалення, серед яких найбільшу частку становив нейтрофільний (66/44,0±4,0%), меншу лімфоцитарний (35/23,3±3,4%) та еозинофільний (16/10,7±2,5%). У 33/22,0% хворих фенотип запалення був змішаним і пацієнти були виключені з дослідження.
Серед 117 пацієнтів, включених до дослідження, було 67,5% чоловіків та 32,5% жінок середнього (25,6%), похилого (42,7%) та старечого (24,8%) віку. Результати опрацьовано методами варіаційної статистики, поріг істотності р<0,05.
Результати. Встановлено, що за аналізом периферійної крові та біохімічними параметрами, незалежно від патофізіологічного характеру запалення, у всіх групах спостерігались помірні порушення функції зовнішнього дихання, нормохромний нормоцитарний характер анемії хронічного захворювання легкого ступеня з активацією усіх компонентів зовнішнього механізму згортання та збільшеним протромбіновим часом та запалення (за підвищенням значень С-реактивного протеїну та серомукоїдів). Нейтрофільний фенотип запалення, у порівнянні з лімфоцитарним та еозинофільним, зустрічався найчастіше, та супроводжувався найбільш вираженим анемічним синдромом, найвищою активністю системного запалення та найбільш вираженим синдромом ендогенної інтоксикації з погіршенням функціонального стану печінки. Лімфоцитарний фенотип запалення виявився другим за частотою, та характеризувався найбільш вираженим нормохромним анемічним синдромом з найбільш вираженою схильністю до гіперкоагуляції та найвищим протромбіновим індексом серед усіх типів запалення, та з високою активністю синдрому запалення. Еозинофільний фенотип запалення зустрічався істотно рідше, ніж нейтрофільний та лімфоцитарний, з найбільш сприятливими характеристиками анемічного синдрому, з невисокою активністю запалення та найменшою вираженістю синдрому ендогенної інтоксикації, однак найвищим вмістом глюкози крові натще на рівні нормо-гіперглікемії.
Висновок. Клініко-патофізіологічне фенотипування хронічного обструктивного захворювання легень дає можливість визначати не лише активність запалення, але й вираженість анемічного синдрому, ендогенної інтоксикації, стану печінки та вуглеводного метаболізму, що має практичне значення як для лікарів, так і для науковц

The purpose of the study was to determine the clinical and laboratory features of inflammatory phenotypes among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, moderate respiratory failure and anemia of chronic disease.
Materials and methods. The study included 150 patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic anemia, in which inflammatory phenotypes were identified, among which the largest share was neutrophilic (66/44.0±4.0%), less lymphocytic (35/23.3±3.4%) and eosinophilic (16/10.7±2.5%). In 33/22.0% of patients, the inflammatory phenotype was mixed and patients were excluded from the study. Among 117 patients included in the study, 67.5% were men and 32.5% were middle-aged (25.6%), elderly (42.7%) and senile (24.8%). The results were processed by the methods of variation statistics, the materiality threshold p <0.05.
Results and discussion. It was established, that peripheral blood analysis and biochemical parameters, regardless of the pathophysiological nature of inflammation in all groups showed moderate dysfunction of external respiration, normochromic normocytic nature of mild chronic anemia with activation of all componentsof the external coagulation mechanism and increased prothrombin time and inflammation activation (by C-reactive protein and seromucoids). The neutrophilic phenotype of inflammation, in comparison with lymphocytic and eosinophilic, was the most common and was accompanied by the most pronounced anemic syndrome, the highest activity of systemic inflammation and the most pronounced syndrome of endogenous intoxication with deterioration of liver function. The lymphocytic phenotype of inflammation was the second widespread and was characterized by the most pronounced normochromic anemic syndrome with the most pronounced predisposition to hypercoagulation (the highest prothrombin index) with high activity of the inflammatory syndrome. The eosinophilic phenotype of inflammation was significantly less common than the neutrophilic and lymphocytic with the favorable characteristics of the anemic syndrome and with low inflammatory activity and the small activity of endogenous intoxication but the highest fasting blood glucose level as normo-hyperglycemia.
Conclusion. Clinical and pathophysiological phenotyping of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease makes it possible to determine not only the activity of inflammation, but also the severity of anemic syndrome, endogenous intoxication, liver status and carbohydrate metabolism, which is of practical importance for both physicians and scientists.