The purpose of the present research was to prove the assumption that considering students’ personality type and self-determination, including motivation about their profession choice, has a direct positive effect on building their English for professional purposes competence. Considering obtained theoretical and empirical data, we can state that personality type and self-determination are interrelated with developing English for professional purposes competence of students majoring in non-philological specialities, namely in Sciences. To collect the data, we employed theoretical analysis and conducted two questionnaire polls to define the significant personality types of students and their motivation for their occupational choice. English for professional purposes competence is an integral characteristic of occupational and personal qualities of future specialists majoring in non-philological specialities. Acquisition of linguistic, specialised and cultural knowledge and building abilities and skills in speaking, writing, listening, and reading involve many psychophysiological mechanisms. Some conscious acts alter into a series of automatic, unconscious operations in language learning. Thus, building English for professional purposes competence involves focusing on activities consistent in the gradual accomplishment of different tasks, concentrating on structured performance according to the instructions, performing a series of automatic, unconscious operations and building associative links. In this way, constructing cognitive maps will bring fruitful results.

УДК: 613.84:159.923

Aim. Establishing the type of tobacco behavior and the main motives and reasons for smoking among consumers of tobacco products.

Material and Methods. A survey involved 817 individuals aged 18-44 in the Lviv region. Various types of tobacco products were identified among the interviewees: 96 respondents were smokers of electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), 93 respondents were smokers of heated tobacco products (HTPs), and 228 respondents were smokers of classic cigarettes. A sociological survey using Horn's questionnaire was conducted to determine the types of behavior of smokers.

Results and Discussion. The dominant type of smoking behavior, both among smokers of classic cigarettes or tobacco products for heating (HTP), and among users of nicotine through electronic cigarettes (ENDS) was the "Support" type, the second-ranked - "Playing with a cigarette", the third-ranked - "Thirst". The largest number of smokers by the behavioral type "Playing with a cigarette" was found among HTP smokers - 55.91±5.15 cases per 100 respondents. The "Thirst" type is most typical in smokers of classic cigarettes - 39.91±3.24 cases per 100 respondents. The "Support" type was the leading one for male smokers in the groups of classic cigarette smokers (47.09±3.81 cases per 100 men) and ENDS smokers (47.62±7.71 cases per 100 men), while for HTP smokers - "Playing with a cigarette" (54.55±7.51 cases per 100 men). In the group of female smokers in all studied groups, the "Support" type was the dominant type of behavior. At the same time, among female ENDS smokers, two types of behavior were dominant, namely - "Support" and "Playing with a cigarette" with an identical rate of 44.44±6.76 cases per 100 women.

Conclusions. Determining the types of behavior of a smoker and the main reasons and motives for smoking will allow choosing a method of smoking cessation and increasing the effectiveness of quitting tobacco and nicotine use.

10,7% серед усіх пацієнтів із персистуючим синдромом сухого ока (ССО) після ексимерлазерної корекції міопії, у яких зафіксували рефракційний регрес у межах 0,5±0,1 D. Потовщення епітелію в центрі рогівки після ексимерлазерної корекції у пацієнтів без ССО менше на 37,5%, ніж у пацієнтів із персистуючим ССО. Товщина епітелію рогівки менша при міопії на 6,4%, ніж за відсутності аметропій. Кератотопографічні дані виявляють нерегулярний астигматизм при ССО, який знижує якість зору, і пов’язані зі змінами товщини епітелію, рефракційним регресом після ексимерлазерної корекції міопії. Профарбовування поверхні рогівки – доказ пошкодження епітелію рогівки при персистуючому ССО після ексимерлазерної корекції міопії.

Включення в загальний комплекс лікування рецидивуючої ерозії рогівки офтальмологічної ізотонічної мазі Гілайс® Кеа з натрію гіалуронатом 0,4% є доцільним завдяки її можливості довше утримуватися на очній поверхні й давати більш пролонгований і дієвий ефект, прискорювати епітелізацію рогівки, полегшувати суб’єктивний стан пацієнтів і поліпшувати якість життя таких хворих.