UDC 618.11-007.1

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), an endocrine and metabolic disorder in women of reproductive age, is characterized by high androgen levels, irregular periods, and small cysts in the ovaries. PCOS affects approximately 10 % of reproductive age women of all races and ethnicities. PCOS has been recognized to affect women of reproductive age since antiquity and in the 21st century, it emerges as the most widespread and serious reproductive metabolic disorder in the world. PCOS is a multifactorial disorder that affects both the reproductive and metabolic health of women. In addition, PCOS is a leading symptom of infertility in women. Nevertheless, women with PCOS who become pregnant unfortunately have an increased risk of complications, such as gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), preterm birth. Many people believe GDM disappears after childbirth, despite the fact that GDM is a warning symptom of type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. According to growing evidence, GDM complicates 40 % of PCOS pregnancies, suggesting that PCOS is a risk factor for GDM. Hence, PCOS is a lifelong disorder that can eventually lead to various long-term health complications, including chronic menstrual irregularity, infertility, endometrial hyperplasia, and endometrial cancer. Thus, it’s a scientific fact that both PCOS and GDM are significantly associated with each other. However, most studies on the risk of GDM in PCOS patients are retrospective. Therefore, there is no strong evidence whether PCOS is a risk factor for GDM or any other related factor. PCOS, a polygenic endocrinopathy, is in a true sense a set of diseases that worsen the state of the body. Reproductive and metabolic disorders associated with PCOS cause several clinical symptoms, such as irregular and painful periods, hirsutism, acanthosis nigricans, acne, psoriasis, anxiety, mood swings, patterned baldness, cardiovascular problems, type 2 diabetes, infertility, pelvic pain, low libido, low self-esteem, etc. Further studies are needed to understand the genetic and epigenetic contributions of PCOS, PCOS-related comorbidities, the role of placenta in nutrient availability, and influence of medications that may affect the long-term offspring health.

UDC: 616.311.2+616.314.17):615.212.7]-019-076

Opioid addiction has acquired the characteristics of an epidemic in recent years and is a serious problem in modern medicine. In users of narcotic substances, a significant prevalence of diseases of the oral cavity and periodontal tissues is noted in comparison with the general population. The aim of the work was to investigate the ultrastructural organization of the periodontal tissues of rats at the end of the fourteenth week of the experimental opioid effect. The animals were administered intramuscularly, daily, once, the opioid analgesic nalbuphine (pharmacotherapeutic group: analgesics, opioids, morphinan derivatives) in increasing doses for 14 weeks: 1-2 weeks - 0.212 mg/kg, 3-4 weeks - 0.225 mg/kg, 5-6 weeks - 0.252 mg/kg, 7-8 weeks - 0.260 mg/kg, 9-10 weeks - 0.283 mg/kg; 11-12 - 0.300 mg/kg, 13-14 weeks - 0.450 mg/kg. At the end of the fourteenth week of opioid exposure, ultrastructural changes in the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the gums, periodontium, and hemomicrovessels with the development of decompensation and pronounced dystrophic-destructive changes were established. With the long-term effect of an opioid analgesic, signs of karyorrhexis, segregation of nucleoli, spongiosis, apoptosis, violation of the integrity of intercellular contacts, as well as vacuole-like formations, which were a manifestation of focal necrosis of epitheliocytes, were revealed. The development of necrotic changes was caused by significant damage and destruction of organelles, as well as fragmentation or lysis of bundles of tonofilaments. The intercellular spaces were mostly expanded and uneven, which was caused by edematous phenomena. Fragmentation and destruction of periodontal collagen fibers, destructive changes in fibrocytes and fibroblasts were found in the periodontium. The translucency of the amorphous component of the intercellular substance of the connective tissue was determined. The ultrastructural reorganization of the cellular components of the periodontium was caused by vascular disorders of a systemic nature, which were manifested by the phenomena of dilatation, hemoptysis, sludge phenomenon, dystrophic changes in the endotheliocytes of hemocapillaries and venules, and the progression of sclerotic changes, which significantly disturbed the trophism of the periodontal tissues of rats.

UDC: 612.616.2:612.015.1]-07

Background. One of the most important antioxidant defence mechanism in spermatozoa is the gluthatione system which includes glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione S-transferase (GST) and reduced glutathione (GSH). It is promising to use ROC analysis, which allows to assessing the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of indicators.
Materials and methods. Infertile men were divided into 3 groups: patients with oligozoospermia (n = 30), asthenozoospermia (n = 34), and oligoasthenozoospermia (n = 22). To assess the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of indicators, the values of the biomarkers were tested using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, and the area under it (AUC), the standard error (SE) and the 95% confidence interval (CI 95%) were calculated.
Results. The ROC analysis showed that GP activity was characterized by excellent diagnostic significance for diagnosing both oligozoospermia and asthenozoospermia (the sensitivity was 100%, and specificity – 100%). The GR activity has moderate diagnostic significance, since the AUC is 0.654 (95% CI from 0.503 to 0.785, P = 0.0645) for oligozoospermic, the AUC is 0.612 (95% CI from 0.454 to 0.7555, P = 0.1979) for asthenozoospermic men. The analysis of the ROC curve revealed a good diagnostic value of GsT activity in sperm samples for the diagnosis of pathospermia (sensitivity of 75% and specificity of 80%). Simultaneously, it was shown that GSH content could not serve as valuable biomarkers for distinguishing patients with pathospermia from healthy controls, with an AUC of 0.615, corresponding to moderate diagnostic significance for oligozoospermia.
Conclusion. The results of this study show that the cut-off points for the biomar­kers glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase can be used to distinguish between patients with pathospermia and normozoospermia, and the parameters themselves can serve as valuable diagnostic biomarkers to distinguish patients with pathospermia from healthy controls, regardless of the causes of pathospermia. The value of these indicators below the cut-off point indicates the probable presence of pathology. Indicators of GR activity and GSH content have a low diagnostic value, which makes them unsuitable for use as laboratory tests for the diagnosis of male infertility.

The article analyzes the scientific positions of scientists regarding the purpose of financial management of territorial communities and its evolutionary features. On the basis of modern approaches to management, the main financial goals of the territorial community were formed and the peculiarities of their implementation in the current conditions of transformational changes were substantiated.

Ukraine's state policy in the field of local self-government isbased primarily on the interests of local communities and provides for radicalchanges and systemicreforms, decentralization of power, ie the transfer of muchpower, resources and responsibility from the executive branch to local governments.The provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government and the best worldpractice of public relationsin this area are the basis of policy. The need for a radical change in the structure of power and its territorial base atall levels, the implementation of real steps to stimulate the development of thecountry, the proper response to modern challenges required legislative action