The purpose of the present research was to prove the assumption that considering students’ personality type and self-determination, including motivation about their profession choice, has a direct positive effect on building their English for professional purposes competence. Considering obtained theoretical and empirical data, we can state that personality type and self-determination are interrelated with developing English for professional purposes competence of students majoring in non-philological specialities, namely in Sciences. To collect the data, we employed theoretical analysis and conducted two questionnaire polls to define the significant personality types of students and their motivation for their occupational choice. English for professional purposes competence is an integral characteristic of occupational and personal qualities of future specialists majoring in non-philological specialities. Acquisition of linguistic, specialised and cultural knowledge and building abilities and skills in speaking, writing, listening, and reading involve many psychophysiological mechanisms. Some conscious acts alter into a series of automatic, unconscious operations in language learning. Thus, building English for professional purposes competence involves focusing on activities consistent in the gradual accomplishment of different tasks, concentrating on structured performance according to the instructions, performing a series of automatic, unconscious operations and building associative links. In this way, constructing cognitive maps will bring fruitful results.

   Оскільки актуальність дослідження роботи полягала у необхідності вивчення специфіки перекладу сленгових одиниць на прикладі п'єси Бернарда Шоу “Пігмаліон”, то метою дослідження було зіставлення та розгляд особливостей формування, функціонування, імпозиції (впливу) та перекладу сленгу у творі. Автор зазначила, що розвиток мови постійно перебуває у динаміці, і сленг, як наслідок, змінюється і трансформується у свою чергу. У роботі представлене дослідження сленгових одиниць (кокні) та їх впливу на фонетику, граматику, лексику та орфографію як мові-оригіналі, так і у перекладі на українську.

Ключові слова: сленгові одиниці, кокні, приклади, вплив сленгу. 

Social, cultural, commercial and technological fluctuations are occurring all over the world and necessitate to alterations in people’s behavior and the necessity to adapt to these changes even in the teaching process due to Covid-19 pandemic. The educational process is performed according to innovations and information technologies, mechanisms and procedures approved by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The Project “Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2021-2031” was compiled and submitted for public discussion as a result of the completion of the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine in 2021 (Decree of the President of Ukraine dated June 25, 2013 No 344/2013)[4] and an increased global cooperation and mobility, market integration and advances in information technologies.

Despite an extensive body of research the issues of teachers’ continuous professional development are of particular importance for modern pedagogical theory and practice. The article outlines the features of public school teachers’ professional development in Australia. The study employed a range of theoretical and applied research methods, namely comparative and historical, induction and deduction, logical, analytical, descriptive and statistical as well as questionnaires and interviews. The article specifies the functions of teacher professional development, its elements and components. It analyses the legislative basis and the genesis of Australian teachers’ professional development standards. The article identifies the specificities of teacher professional development implementation in Australia. The results show that teacher professional development is a continuous process of deepening knowledge, improving skills and competencies, forming values and attitudes. The methods helped in revealing the interconnection between continuous professional development and educational reforms, the forms, models and methods of CPD of Australian and Ukrainian teachers. The results of the survey showed the potential for the system of Ukrainian continuous teacher education development and the possibilities of Australian experience adaptation taking into account our rich educational traditions.