УДК: 616.24-006-089-06[.001.36

The aim of the study was to identify factors that are associated with complications after surgery for lung cancer.

Materials and Methods. Retrospective analysis of the surgical treatment results in patients with lung cancer who were operated on in 2010-2014 at the department of thoracic surgery of the Lviv Oncological Regional Treatment and Diagnostic Center. The study included 461 patients. The data of each patient were divided into the following groups: general characteristics, tumor characteristics, treatment characteristics, and complications. The whole cohort of patients was analyzed and their separate subgroups were compared by age, type of complications, and type of surgery.

Results and Discussion. Elderly patients have three times higher levels of postoperative dyspnea and much higher levels of cardiac arrhythmias. Pulmonary complications are more common in men, after more aggressive surgeries with longer time of operative pulmonary ventilation; increase with age. This subgroup is also characterized by longer postoperative period and a higher in-hospital mortality rate. Postoperative complications such as dyspnea, fistula of the bronchial stump, and pleural empyema, higher levels of pleural punctures, and postoperative bed-day were more common in the group of patients who underwent pneumonectomy. A higher level of postoperative pneumonia and a longer drainage period were observed in the group of other operations. It is noteworthy that the level of dyspnea in elderly patients who underwent pneumonectomy is three times higher.

Conclusions. There are age-related features connected to the onset of postoperative complications in patients with lung tumors who have undergone surgery. Complications typical for the patients after different types of operations were found. It is established that the age of patients and the type of surgical treatment significantly change the palette of postoperative complications. An improved method for predicting complications is required.

УДК: 614.1:313.13:312.2:616.22-006.6(477)(477.83)"2010/2019"

Aim. Analysis of the epidemiological block of the model of early detection and prevention of laryngeal malignancies.
Material and Methods. A retrospective analysis of morbidity and mortality from malignant neoplasms of the larynx among the population of Ukraine and Lviv region for ten years (from 2010 to 2019). Statistical data of the National Cancer Registry of Ukraine were used. The following methods are used in the work: medical- statistical analysis, system approach, and structural- logical analysis.
Results and Discussion. The primary incidence of laryngeal cancer among the population of Ukraine decreased by 6% (from 5 cases per 100,000 population in 2010 to 4.7 cases per 100,000 population in 2019). In Lviv region, there was an increase in the level of primary morbidity by 12.3% (from 5.7 cases per 100,000 population in 2010 to 6.4 cases per 100,000 population in 2019). In 2010-2019, the mortality rates from laryngeal  cancer in Ukraine and Lviv region were in the range of 2.7-3.1 and 2.8-4.6 cases per 100,000 population, respectively. The proportion of men with newly diagnosed
laryngeal cancer was 94.4-95.8%, and women - only 4.2-5.6%. Analysis of sex and age incidence of laryngeal cancer in Ukraine in 2019 showed that the highest rates among both men and women were in the age group of 60-74 years. The proportion of patients with stage IV laryngeal cancer in Ukraine in 2010 and 2019 was 10.2% and 15%, respectively. A similar indicator in the Lviv region in 2010 was 12.6%, and in 2019 - 20.8%. Mortality
up to one year from among newly diagnosed patients in 2019 in Ukraine was 25.1%, and in Lviv region - 23%. In Ukraine in 2019, the proportion of patients detected at professional examinations was 11.2%, in Lviv region -only 0.7%.
Conclusion. The incidence of malignant neoplasms of the larynx among the population of Lviv region during the study period was higher than the national. There was a tendency to reduce the death rate from laryngeal cancer in both Ukraine and Lviv region. In men, laryngeal cancer is more common than in women in Ukraine and the Lviv region. The incidence of malignant neoplasms of the larynx is highest among people 60 years and older. There
was a low proportion of patients identified during preventive examinations, as well as high mortality rates up to one year from diagnosis and neglect of the malignant process.

УДК 616.22-006.6:616-057

Злоякісні новоутворення гортані порушують функціонування багатьох суміжних анатомічних структур і життєвих процесів, які забезпечують важливі фізіологічні та соціальні функції. Враховуючи той факт, що значна частка хворих на рак гортані є особами працездатного віку, проблема раннього виявлення та лікування такої категорії хворих набуває важливого соціально-економічного значення. У даній статті проведено науковий аналіз літератури, присвяченій професійним факторам ризику раку гортані (азбест, поліциклічні ароматичні вуглеводні). Отримані дані допоможуть розробити скринінгову програми серед груп підвищеного ризику та запровадити науково опрацьовану індивідуальну ризик-орієнтовану модель прогнозування появи раку гортані в діяльність закладів охорони здоров’я.