UDC 577.346

 COVID-19 infection, preeclampsia and gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy cause similar changes in the placenta and influence development of the fetus between conception and birth in gestation. Proper uterine and placental vascularization is essential for normal fetal development. The transplacental exchange is regulated and maintained by the placental endothelium. During placental implantation, the trophoblast differentiates into two distinct layers, the inner cytotrophoblast and outer syncytiotrophoblast, which are key elements of the human placental barrier. Proinflammatory cytokines exacerbate ischemic events and create an upward spiral of an inflammatory reaction in the placenta. Placental pathology in gestational COVID-19 shows desquamation and damage of trophoblast and chronic histiocytic intervillositis. Similar lesions also occur in gestational diabetes mellitus and preeclampsia. Common ground: The systemic inflammatory response of the mother, the increased inflammation in the placenta and cytokine production by placental trophoblasts should be monitored throughout pregnancy. Placental angiogenesis can be evaluated by serum vascular endothelial growth factor, Annexin A2, placental growth factor or sclerostin. Tissue damage can be assessed by measuring levels of serum lactate dehydrogenase and myeloperoxidase. Blood flow can be monitored with three-dimensional Doppler and pathological changes can be documented with paraffin-embedded tissue sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and electron microscope images as well as immunohistochemistry tests for vascular endothelial growth factor, placental growth factor, sclerostin and Annexin A2. Opinion: The damage of maternal and fetal vascular perfusion (villitis and fibrin deposition) is a common mechanism of gestational diseases. The placenta lesions liberate anti-endothelial factors that lead to anti-angiogenic conditions and are the common mechanism of maternal placental vascular malperfusion in gestational diseases. 

UDC 582.232:547.977:581.132:543.42

The physicochemical characteristics of phycocyanin extracted from cyanobacteria collected in Kaunas Lagoon were studied (spectrum characteristics, C-PC content in the dry mass and chemical purity). It was determined that the tested concentrations of C-PC in purified water should be in the range of 0.02–0.16% for measuring C-PC content in the dry mass and its spectrum characteristics. The two clear absorption maxima were detected in the spectrum of C-PC at the wavelengths of 277 and 619 nm. The content of C-PC in the dry powder form was in the range of 7.25% to 9.30% depending on its concentration in the solution and type of spectrophotometer. Furthermore, a purity factor of 1.5 was calculated, which indicated the food qualification of the obtained biomass of C-PC. Finally, the analytical procedure for studying the pro- and anti-oxidant activity of C-PC was developed and the antioxidant activity of C-PC was measured for the available markers. It was revealed that C-PC has dual properties (pro- and anti-oxidant ones) depending on its concentration,
more exactly, its content in reaction mixtures with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPP H). The following issues were resolved during the research: the concentration of ethanol in the DPP H solution was chosen in order to avoid precipitation of proteins in the reaction mixtures (50%); the ratio of the solution of C-PC to the DPPH solution was selected; the selected concentrations of the markers for the construction of their calibration curves were chosen for quercetin and for rutin. The antioxidant activity of the obtained C-PC sample was determined