Двостулковий клапан аорти – це вроджена вада серця, поширеність якої складає 0,9-1,37 у загальній популяції, і, можливо, вона є найчастішою серцево-судинною дисплазією. Дана вада втричі частіше зустрічається у чоловіків ніж у жінок [1]. Двостулковий клапан складається з двох стулок (передньоі і задньоі чи правої та лівої), зазвичай неоднакових за розміром, можливо, внаслідок неадекватної продукції фібриліну-1 в період пренатального онтогенезу. Стулки клапана з’єднані двома спайками, які можуть бути частково зрощеними [2]. Безсимптомний перебіг двостулкового клапана аорти впродовж багатьох років істотно підвищує ризик виникнення його ускладнень: аортального стенозу, недостатності аортального клапана, дилатації висхідної аорти, утворення аневризми аорти. Основним методом діагностики даної вади є ехокардіографія, яка може визначити остаточний діагноз у більшості пацієнтів

The mechanisms of formation of male infertility are increasingly becoming immune dependent. This study aims to study the role of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in seminal fluid to clarify their role in spermatogenesis. This research is carried out at rheumatology and urology departments of Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (Ukraine). 45 infertile men aged 22–48 were examined. They were divided into 2 groups: first group – 22 men with a systemic autoimmune disease – rheumatoid arthritis; second group – 23 somatically healthy patients with idiopathic infertility. The control group included 27 fertile healthy men aged 22–48 years. Student's t-test was used to compare the significant difference in mean values between groups. Patients with autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis) had the highest rate of leukocytospermia, indicating a possible long-term inflammatory process. The TGF-β1 level was higher in men with idiopathic infertility, and in patients with autoimmune pathology was reduced compared to the control group, however these changes were not significant. At the same time in patient of both group the level a pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-18 increased approximately by 2.5 times.
In patients with idiopathic infertility and patients with autoimmune pathology, a simultaneous increase in the IFN-γ level and a decrease in the IL-1β level were found. The ІL-6 level in seminal plasma of infertile men of both groups was increased. The ratio IL-10/TNF-α was decreased in seminal plasma of infertile men with rheumatoid arthritis. It was found that in autoimmune pathology, the increased level of IL-1β in blood serum compared to controls was associated with its reduced level in seminal fluid (r=-0.51, p<0.05). In idiopathic infertility, a low level of IL-1β in seminal fluid was also associated with a low concentration of this cytokine in blood serum (r=0.62, p<0.05). The functioning of the immune and reproductive systems of the male body is closely related and interdependent. Disorders of immune reactivity, which accompany the development of autoimmune pathology associated with disorders of reproductive function in men. The largest number of deviations of immune reactivity was found in infertile men with concomitant autoimmune diseases.

In 2022, 90 years passed since the birthday of the outstanding Ukrainian scientist-anatomist, head of the Department of Normal Anatomy of the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Professor Mykhailo Andriyovych Netlyukh, and 50 years since the publication of his first "Latin-Ukrainian Anatomical Dictionary (International and Ukrainian anatomical nomenclature)" (Kyiv, Naukova dumka, 1972).

In our opinion, this is the anniversary date of the Ukrainian professor-anatomist Mykhailo Andriyovych Netlyukh, our dear teacher and mentor, who tirelessly, dignified, heroically defended, nurtured and developed Ukrainian names in anatomy and medicine in general, created and enriched the Ukrainian-speaking space in the years that it is difficult to call them favourable for the development of the Ukrainian language, science and culture, affirms our grateful memory, which does not fade or wither over time. We hope that the "Latin-Ukrainian Anatomical Dictionary" by M.A. Netliukh, published 50 years ago, will delight medical students, doctors, philologists and all interested people with its language richness in new editions more than once.

After three years of the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, main tasks as to treatment and vaccination are still pending their solution. Today, it is known that SARS-CoV 2 coronaviruses are intracellular viral infections having an inevitable negative impact on all cells of the human body, including the blood cells. It is established that COVID-19 patients can be classified into mild, moderate, and severe. Modern literature does not describe ultrastructural changes of circulatory blood cells in patients with moderate course of this disease.

Від початку пандемії Covid-19 минає два роки, але головні задачі щодо лікування і вакцинації, ще чекають на своє вирішення. На сьогодні відомо, що коронавіруси SARS-CoV-2 є внутрішньоклітинною вірусною інфекцією, яка має неминучий негативний вплив на усі клітини організму людини, в тому числі і на формені елементи крові.