Background: The tendency of premature infants to develop an excessive inflammation in the intestines can lead to morbidities such as necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) or sepsis. Lactoferrin theoretically can downregulate the intestinal inflammatory status of preterm newborns. In a randomized study, we investigated the effect of enteral bovine lactoferrin (bLF) supplementation on fecal calprotectin (FC) levels in premature infants.

Methods: The study included 26 preterm neonates with a gestational age of ≤ 32 weeks and a birthweight of ≤1500 g. All babies were aged less than 72 h and tolerating minimal enteral feeds. Eleven infants were receiving bLF at a dose of 100 mg/day with enteral feeds until postmenstrual age (PMA) of 36 weeks (lactoferrin group), 15 infants were receiving standard medical care (control group). Stool samples were collected twice: during the first 7 days of life (before administration of bLF) and at PMA of 36 weeks. FC measurements were done with an ELISA method.

Results: The baseline characteristics of the groups were not different. The initial median (IQR) FC level was lower in the lactoferrin group, but the difference was not statistically significant (264.9 (211.0–689.4) vs. 413.5 (274.2–800.0) μg/g, respectively, p > 0.05). At PMA of 36 weeks, FC concentrations increased in the lactoferrin group (p > 0.05) but were not different as compared to the control group (631.1 (232.0–800.0) vs 274.7 (144.8-599.6) μg/g, respectively, p > 0.05). Initial FC concentrations were higher in infants with early-onset sepsis (EOS) (rS = 0.44; p < 0.05) but did not correlate with the incidence of NEC or late-onset sepsis (LOS). FC levels were not significantly different in patients with NEC or LOS compared to infants without these morbidities, both initially and at PMA of 36 weeks. Supplementation with bLF did not affect the incidence of either NEC or sepsis.

Conclusions: Daily enteral intake bLF at a dose of 100 mg until PMA of 36 weeks was associated with the increase of FC levels but this effect was not statistically significant. FC levels during the first week of life do not predict the development of NEC or LOS but might be an additional tool for diagnosing EOS.

УДК: 616-053.2:378.046.4[477]

Мета публікації – проаналізувати особливості післядипломної освіти в різних європейських країнах та запропонувати шляхи оптимізації розвитку медицини в Україні в умовах сьогодення. Матеріали і методи. Проведено огляд літератури за тематикою отримання медичної освіти в різних країнах, використано дані офіційних Інтернет-ресурсів та дані Міністерства охорони здоров’я України. Результати і обговорення. Наведено короткі відомості про сучасні особливості післядипломної освіти в Україні та світі. Проведено паралелі на різних етапах навчання, проаналізовано їх тривалість, напрями та основні характеристики. Термін підготовки практикуючого лікаря в Україні є одним із найкоротших у світі – 6–9 років, а найдовшим серед європейських країн – у Франції – 9–14 років. Висновки. У процесі реалізації реформування післядипломної освіти в Україні потрібно орієнтуватися на уніфікацію робочих навчальних програм та наближення стандартів післядипломної освіти. Упровадження поступової трансформації системи шляхом збільшення тривалості підготовки післядипломної підготовки дасть змогу наблизити рівень освіти до європейських стандартів і готувати конкурентних спеціалістів.
Ключові слова: післядипломна освіта, медицина, шляхи оптимізації, інтернатура, резидентура.

Алергія на кліщів домашнього пилу — основна причина респіраторних форм алергії, а саме алергічного риніту та бронхіальної астми. До  кліщів домашнього пилу сенсибілізовані 1–2% населення у  світі, що еквівалентно 65–
135 млн осіб. Загалом сьогодні доведено існування понад 150 видів кліщів домашнього пилу. Серед них найбільш поширеними і клінічно значимими видами є Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus та Dermatophagoides farinae. У статті представлено практичні поради щодо розпізнавання, діагностики, лікування алергії на кліщів домашнього пилу та попередження розвитку симптомів захворювання.
Ключові слова: алергія, алергія на кліщів домашнього пилу, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Аллервег

Cow's milk protein allergy is a topical issue in pediatrics. The diagnostic algorithm for cow's milk protein allergy includes thorough history taking, examination, physical development assessment, determination of specific cow's milk IgE, and oral food challenge tests.
The study aimed to develop a step-by-step algorithm for conducting oral food challenge tests with milk in young children, taking into account individual indications and risks.
Materials and methods. The task is to diagnose the cow's milk protein allergy in children in the first year of life. It is solved by allergy history taking, examination, assessment of physical development, detection of specific cow's milk IgE and based on the obtained results, oral food challenge test is performed: in age category before reaching one year when the specific IgE is more than 0.7 kU/L, testing is performed in the intensive care unit, if the specific IgE is less than 0.7 kU/L – in a specialized inpatient department.
Patients. The algorithm for diagnosing cow's milk protein allergy in 96 children under 12 months of age was tested in the City Children's Clinical Hospital.
During the oral food challenge test, the dose is increased logarithmically until the desired amount of product is reached, depending on the predicted risk of the reaction. Children at medium risk (specific IgE less than 0.7 kU/L) are tested in a specialized inpatient department by “five steps”, and at high risk (specific IgE greater than 0.7 kU/L) – in the intensive care unit by “eight steps”.
Results. Among 96 children who underwent an oral food challenge test with milk, cow's milk protein allergy was diagnosed in 42 (43.75%). After the oral food challenge test, patients were given further recommendations, of which 27 (64.29%) were transferred to a formula with total protein hydrolysis, and 15 (35.71%) began to take oral tolerance induction (regular administration of acidified milk formula from lower doses to larger).
Conclusions: The developed algorithm for conducting oral food challenge tests with milk in children of the first year of life gives a possibility to personally select the examination technique taking into account the indications and risks. Appropriate preparation for the oral food challenge test enables to correctly conduct it, interpret the results, and develop a therapeutic approach.
Keywords: cow’s milk allergy, food allergy, oral food challenge test. 

Introduction: Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is one of the most common cardiovascular problems that occur in preterm infants. This trial aimed to investigate whether acetaminophen is non-inferior to ibuprofen in closing PDA in very preterm infants.

Patients and Methods: A randomized non-inferiority trial was conducted on preterm infants with a gestational age <32 weeks, birth weight <1500 g, postnatal age <72 h, and PDA size >1.5 mm. Infants were randomly assigned to receive either intravenous acetaminophen (n=52) or rectal ibuprofen (n=52). The primary study outcome was the ductus closure within 24 hours after completion of the first and/or second course of pharmacological treatment. Results: The incidence of PDA closure after completion of the first and/or second course of pharmacological treatment was identical 81% (42/52). After the first course of treatment, PDA closed in 37 infants (71%) in the ibuprofen group and 41 patients (79%) in the acetaminophen group (p>0.05). The median age (IQR) at the time of ductus closure was also the same in both groups, 5 (5-6) days. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in the incidence of severe complications associated with preterm birth and mortality (p>0.05). No side effects related to pharmacological treatment were detected.

Conclusions: Acetaminophen is non-inferior to ibuprofen for the closure of PDA in very preterm infants.

Keywords: patent ductus arteriosus; PDA; acetaminophen; ibuprofen; very preterm infants