Зростання Сa2+,Mg2+-ATФазної активності плазматичної мембрани й ендоплазматичного ретикулума при дії мітоміцину С свідчить про те, що він може запобігати перевантаженню цитозолю іонами кальцію і, таким чином, інгібувати проліферативні процеси та утворення стриктур. Активність Сa2+,Mg2+-ATФаз ПМ та ЕПР лімфоцитів крові підвищується за рахунок збільшення числа обертів ензиму, але не через зростання афінності до субстрату.

17 bladder cancer patients, stage T3N0M0 (main group), were included in the study. There were 10 men (mean age 58.2 ± 6.2 years) and 7 women (mean age 59.5 ± 2.4 years). Clinical data of 12 healthy individuals were used as a control. According to statistic data, the average level of VEGF in bladder cancer patients urine was 246.55± 6.90 pg/ml which significantly exceeded this indicator in the control group (129.21± 7.60 pg/ml), the difference was statistically significant At bladder cancer diagnosis the sensitivity and specificity of the urinary level of TNF-α was low and amounted to 30% and 20%, respectively, and the level of TNF-β was even lower - 25% and 20%, respectively, which is not representative for the pathology under study.

Background: Prostate cancer (PCa) is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. To date, the role of the combined application of long non-coding RNAs (PCA3, DLX1, HOXC6, TMPRSS2:ERG) for obtaining the most accurate method of detection of PCa has not yet been comprehensively investigated. Methods: In total 240 persons were included in the retrospective study. Among them were 150 patients with confirmed PCa, 30 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia, 30 patients with active chronic prostatitis and 30 healthy volunteers. In all patients, the urine samples were collected prior to biopsy or treatment. Polymerase chain reaction with reverse transcription was performed to detect the expression level of PCA3, HOXC6, DLX1 and the presence of the TMPRSS2:ERG transcript. Results: PCA3 was detected in urine samples in all cases. Using a PCA3 score of 56 allowed the differentiation between PCa and all other cases with a sensitivity of 61% and specificity of 96% (p < 0.001) while a PCA3 score threshold value of 50 resulted in a differentiation between clinically significant PCa (ISUP grades 2–5) and all other cases with a sensitivity of 93% and specificity of 93% (p < 0.001). The TMPRSS2:ERG expression in urine was detected exclusively in the group of patients with PCa and only in 16% of all cases. Conclusions: PCA3 score detected in urine demonstrated moderate sensitivity and good specificity in differentiation between PCa and non-PCa and high sensitivity and specificity in differentiation between clinically significant PCa and non-PCa.

 Our results on the action of mitomycin C in the treatment of urethral stricture indicate an additional effect on the regulatory system of the cell, in particular, disruption of the arginase / NO-synthase system of blood lymphocytes, leading to an imbalance of lymphocyte regulatory systems and NO regulatory function. Decreased H 2O2-induced iNOS activity by mitomycin C suggests that these antibiotics may prevent NO overproduction in blood lymphocytes. Nitric oxide, which is produced in excess in pathological conditions of the body, has a pronounced cytotoxic effect due to the formation of peroxynitrite – a product of the interaction of NO and superoxidanion-radical, capable of destroying almost all components of the cell. It is likely that one of the mechanisms of action of mitomycin C is a decrease in hyperproduction of NO. 

 To summarize, being an attractive research topic, the radiogenomics of PCa currently is not a comprehensively investigated area of oncourology. According to preliminary research findings conducted in this field, the combination of genomics and radiomics (and presumably metabolomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics) as integrative parts of precision medicine in the future has the potential to become the foundation for a personalized approach to the management of PCa. However, there are a number of hindrances to achieving this goal, such as relatively small numbers of patients included in current studies, a lack of available large randomized controlled trials, the need to use complex integrated methods of big data analysis, the comparatively high cost of genomic profiling and imaging methods, and the question of whether, before we include any potential genomic or transcriptomic marker into radiogenomic analysis, it should first be validated in order to prove its separate clinical value. If so, it greatly and significantly shifts the horizon of the actual use of radiogenomics in clinical practice, owing to the need for a huge body of future research.