We studied the influence of maternal hypothyroidism on progeny skin morphogenesis by means of histological, histochemical and lectinhistochemical methods. Hypothyroid conditions in rats were achieved by daily food supplementation with antithyroid drug Mercazolil. The experiment was conducted on 10 control and 10 hypothyroid rats, which delivered 70 and 46 offsprings, respectively. We discovered that maternal hypothyroidism induces the accumulation of mast cells (MCs) in the skin of progeny on the 1st, 10th and 20th postnatal days, with decrease of these cell’s count returning to control level on 40th postnatal day. These results indicate that offsprings developing under conditions of maternal hypothyroidism are a risk group for changes in immune status and the occurrence of allergic reactions. The stratum corneum of epidermis, its lipid barrier as well as pilosebaceous units, in both control and experimental group animals, at the early stages of postnatal ontogenesis are enriched with carbohydrate determinants of αDMan, βDGal, βDGal(1–3)DGalNAc, αLFuc, αDGalNAc, αDGlcNAc, Neu5Ac. Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) is a selective histochemical marker of MCs, while Lactarius torminosus fungus agglutinin (LTFA) is a selective label of Langerhans cells. Maternal hypothyroidism resulted in reduction of lectin binding with the structural components of progeny skin and its derivatives. We speculate that alterations in glycoconjugate processing and degradation sequences have an impact on the cell signaling, formation of adhesive contacts, cellular proliferation and differentiation. The lectin set we used clearly demonstrated specific labeling of cellular subpopulations, monitoring glycoconjugates processing and degradation under physiological and pathological conditions in all skin components.
Keywords: skin, Mercazolil, hypothyroid rats’ progeny, lectin histochemistry.

    The  problem  of  bone  trauma  and  restoration  of  bone  integrity  with defects of various localization, shape and size is particularly relevant today.    Objective:To  determine  the  features  of  post-traumatic  dynamics  of  the  mineral elements content in the bone tissue of the mandible using octacalciumphosphate.Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 65 sexually mature male rabbits weighing  2.5-3.0  kg,  aged 6-7  months which  were  divided  into  3  groups  (20  rabbits each): Group I -control -the bone tissue defect healed under a blood clot; Group II -the defect was filled with native octacalciumphosphate (OCP-N); Group III -the defect was filled with octacalciumphosphate with chitosan and ampicillin (OCP-N-Chitosan-Ampicillin). Five intact animals were used to study the normal mineral composition of the rabbit mandibular bone tissue (MBT). The content of five mineral elements was determined using atomic absorption and emission spectral analysis. Data was carried out after 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 56, and 84 days.
   Results:It was established that the calcium and phosphorus content in the MBTwere lower thanin the control, but higher than normal. Magnesium and sodium levels with OCP-N   were   similar   to controls,   while   with   OCP-N-Chitosan-Ampicillin,   they returned  to  normal.  Sodium  levels were higher  than  controls.  Sodium  levels  were higher than the first control group data. Magnesium levels, while using OCP-N were higher than the parameters for intact animals and first control group throughout the entire  experiment.  While  using  the  OCP-N-Chitosan-Ampicillin  material  they were higher than the first control group. The potassium content throughout the experiment in  both  experimental  groups  was  lower  than  data  of first  control  group.  However, when using OCP-N  material on day 84, the studied parameter remains significantly lower  than  in  intact  animals;  with OCP-N-Chitosan-Ampicillin  it  returns  to  normal values.
   Conclusions:The mineral composition of bone tissue undergoes significant changes following a bone-destructive injury, characterized by a substantial increase in calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium levels. The dynamics of sodium and potassium content are less pronounced. When the bone defect is filled with the osteoconductive material OCP-N-Chitosan-Ampicillin, the levels of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and potassium return to normal values by the 84th day after injury.
Keywords: rabbits, bone tissue, lower jaw, mineral elements, reparative osteogenesis, osteoplastic materials, octacalcium phosphate.

UDC 577.615.324-027.2.615.076

   Creation of novel remedies efficient in supporting wound healing remains an actual task in pharmacology. Hydrogels showed high efficiency in wound healing and tissue regeneration due to viscosity, elasticity and fluidity that provide them with functional characteristics similar to that in extracellular matrix. The aim of the study was to create chitosan-based hydrogels functionalized with different components (chondroitin-6-sulfate, hyaluronic acid, N-stearoylethanolamine) and to estimate their biocompatibility and biodegradability in vitro. For the first time, a lipid substance N-stearoylethanolamine (NSE) known as suppressor of pro-inflammatory cytokines expression was used as hydrogel component (1.95 mg/g). FTIR analysis confirmed the complexation of chitosan molecule with hyaluronate, chondroitin-6-sulfate, NSE. MTT-test and Trypan blue exclusion test were used to study hydrogels cytotoxicity towards human cells of different tissue origin. Biodegradability of hydrogels was evaluated using direct hydrogel contact with cells and cellindependent degradation. It was shown that chondroitin-6-sulfate (<2 mg/ml), hyaluronic acid (<2 mg/ml) and NSE (26 μg/ml) did not demonstrate significant toxic effects towards pseudonormal human cells of the MCF10A, HaCat, HEK293 lines and mouse cells of the Balb/3T3 line. The studied hydrogels were stable in saline solution, while in a complete culture medium containing 10% fetal bovine blood serum they underwent degradation in >24 h. The identified biodegradability of the chitosan-based hydrogels is important for the release of noncovalently immobilized NSE into biological medium. Further studies on laboratory animals with experimental wounds are expected to explore the potential of created hydrogels as anti-inflammatory
and wound-healing agents.
K e y w o r d s: chitosan hydrogels, chondroitin-6-sulfate, hyaluronic acid, N-stearoylethanolamine, FTIR analysis, human pseudonormal cells, toxicity, biodegradability

УДК 616-035

Упродовж останнього десятиріччя поширеність захворювань органів сечовидільної системи серед дітей раннього віку в Україні не зменшується, незважаючи на успіхи, досягнуті в розвитку методів їх діагностики та лікування. Зростає частота їх нетипового прогредієнтного малосимптомного перебігу. Щороку збільшується і частота природжених вад розвитку органів сечовивідної системи (ПВР ОСС). Вади розвитку органів
сечовидільної системи становлять від 26,0 до 35,0 % усіх випадків природжених вад [1–3]. У зв’язку з цим науковцями розглядаються можливі причини цього і висуваються гіпотези про сукупність несприятливих екзогенних та ендогенних факторів, що реалізують «програму» хвороби на всіх рівнях організму, починаючи з клітинного.

УДК 616.61-053.2:575:576.5

Сьогодні спостерігається тенденція до стійкого зростання захворювань нирок серед дітей різного віку. Поширеність захворювань сечової системи у дітей варіюється значно і становить від 5,6 до 27,5 випадків на 1000 дітей. До найпоширеніших захворювань входять дисметаболічні (обмінні) нефропатії, які становлять від 27% до 64% від усіх випадків захворювань сечової системи у дітей. Усі дисметаболічні нефропатії врешті-решт призводять до утворення кристалів кальцію в ниркових канальцях, що може призвести до розвитку сечокам'яної хвороби, інтерстиційного нефриту, інфекційних ускладнень та хронічної ниркової недостатності. З цієї причини важливим є проведення досліджень щодо функціонального стану паренхіми нирок.