Aim: to determine if COVID-19 infection affects the auditory system and causes hearing problems among students. Materials and Methods. Questionnaire based cross-sectional study during 14–28.04.2021. 11 questions and a hearing test sent to 450 students randomly. The questionnaire contained basic demographic questions, study details, COVID-19 anamnesis, hearing test online link. XIX КОНҐРЕС СВІТОВОЇ ФЕДЕРАЦІЇ УКРАЇНСЬКИХ ЛІКАРСЬКИХ ТОВАРИСТВ (СФУЛТ) ● 27–29.10.2022 92 УКРАЇНСЬКІ МЕДИЧНІ ВІСТІ • Т. 14 • № 3–4 (92–93) • 2022 Results. 201 students participated, 15 were excluded. There were students in Ukraine, Lebanon, France, Canada, India, Bahrain, USA, Netherlands, Romania, Italy. Among the participants previously infected by COVID-19 (46), 18 (39.13 %) showed hearing problems: mild (17.4 %), moderate (19.6 %), severe (2.8 %) issues. Among the participants that were never infected (140), 23 (16.4 %) showed hearing problems: mild (10.7 %), moderate (5,7 %), none severe issues. Most of the previously infected participants were infected from more than 2 months ago (40) and 17 (42.5 %) of them showed hearing problems. This may show that hearing loss may be a long term effect of COVID-19 infection. The value of student’s t-test between the control group and the previously infected was calculated and it was 2.89, (p < 0.05) which shows that the difference between the 2 groups was statistically significant. Conclusion. There was a significant difference found between percentage of participants previously infected by COVID-19 affected by hearing loss and percentage of the control group affected by hearing loss, showing that COVID-19 may cause damage to the hearing system. The effect of COVID- 19 on hearing should be further investigated.
VOICE IMPAIRMENT IN PEOPLE OF VOICE PROFESSIONS AFTER COVID-19 Moskalyk O., Semenyuk O. Lviv, Ukraine, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University Post-COVID-19 syndrome (PCS) is considered a multisystem disease that sometimes occurs after a relatively mild course. The most common manifestation of PCS is fatigue, followed by respiratory disorders. Materials and methods. 30 patients of 18–60 years old – people of voice professions, in the period from 01–09.2021 were examined. All patients complained about changes in the quality and endurance of the voice, which was reflected in their professional activities. The complex examination of patients included: detailed anamnesis, 700 rigid endoscope examination, videolaryngostroboscopy. Results and discussion. Women predominated (63 %). Patients associated voice disorders with COVID-19. 87 % of patients had a mild course, 13 % – moderate. "Weakness" or hoarseness of the voice appeared during the illness in 30 % patients, after the illness – 70 % of patients, when they started work and increased the voice load. The inflammatory changes of a mucous membrane were not observed. The vocal folds in all cases were mobile, but there was a decrease of their tone, and incomplete closure during phonation. Asymmetry of movements of the right and left vocal folds during videolaryngostroboscopy was noted. 23 % of patients were diagnosed with hemorrhage in one of the vocal folds. Conclusions. The voice professionals who complained of changes in voice quality and endurance after acute infectious disease COVID-19 were diagnosed with hypotonic dysphonia, and 23 % of them were diagnosed with hemorrhage in one of the vocal folds, which can be regarded as one of the manifestations of PCS.
Cystic fibrosis is a genetically determined disease. The development of medicine has resulted in an improvement and prolongation of life. Numerous scientific studies support the thesis that maintaining physical performance is a key element of complex treatment. The basis of treatment should be: parallel pharmacological treatment and physiotherapeutic. The aim of this work was to present the physiotherapeutic techniques used in this disease. The main methods of physiotherapeutic treatment include positional drainage, forced exhalation technique, active breathing cycle technique, autogenous drainage, variable bronchial pressure technique and increased respiratory pressure technique. Physiotherapy of the respiratory system is of major importance, the main aim of which is to prevent the deterioration of the already existing respiratory failure. Each of the presented methods of physiotherapy was created thanks to constant search for the perfect technique to cleanse the bronchial tree. This disease has a different clinical course and each technique should be adapted to the individual needs of the patient and the basis of effective therapy is systematic, daily cleansing of the bronchial mucus from the bronchial tree. Physiotherapy applied earlyIn the thoracic region, it is the treatment of choice for patients with cystic fibrosis, improves the quality of life and prolongs the patient's age.
With the expansion of the knowledge about the physiology of pregnancy is changing the recommendation for safe management during its duration. More and more often talk about the need for physical activity due to maintaining or even increasing cardiopulmonary capacity, muscle strength, range of joint mobility, especially the hip and spine. And the right conduct and selection of exercises not only guarantees the development of the child, but also prepares the future mother for active participation in childbirth. Regular gymnastics and properly selected exercises, as part of pregnancy care with a physiological, uncomplicated course, are widely recognized. It is important that such awareness also have women expecting a child, while gaining additional motivation to exercise. In this article, we have tried to present and justify the valuable effect of the mentioned gymnastic exercises, which a pregnant woman can do without medical contraindications.
Carbon monoxide is known as the ‘silent killer’. It may lead to a direct threat to people’ s life. In the statistics, carbon monoxide poisoning is in the third place after drugs and alcohol. Its victims are not only the result of accidents, but also because of deliberate action (suicide). There are many emergency medical interventions in cases of carbon monoxide poisoning.
The aim of the study was to determine the appropriate scheme for medical rescue teams attending to the victim poisoned by carbon monoxide.
Material and Methods:
The research material was obtained from the analysis of medical record cards of rescue actions and the order of departure medical rescue team, which were directed to 70-year-old man due to carbon monoxide poisoning as a result of intentional action – a suicide attempt. The case study method was used.
Most important for the medical person assisting in a case of poisoned by carbon monoxide is the immediate interruption of exposure to the toxic gas by evacuation of the victim, and quick implementation of a high rate of oxygen flow. In such a situation, each minute is very precious. The longer the exposure to the fumes, the less likely the victim is to survive.
The medical rescue team acted in accordance with the guidelines in a case of carbon monoxide poisoning. They properly implemented the medical rescue operation, but this does not always guarantee success.