Монографія присвячена узагальненню експериментальних досліджень впливу лікарського засобу з політропними фармакологічними властивостями вінборону на фармакодинаміку широковживаного нестероїдного протизапального засобу – ібупрофену. Представлено дані про вплив ібупрофену та його комбінації з вінбороном на шлункову секрецію, проліферацію та апоптоз епітеліоцитів шлунку. Проведено оцінку ефективності комбінованого застосування ібупрофену та вінборону в лікуванні експериментального ревматоїдного артриту за даними гематологічних, біохімічних та патоморфологічних досліджень. Монографія буде корисною для широкого кола лікарів-клініцистів, фармакологів, біохіміків, патофізіологів та здобувачів закладів вищої освіти медичного, фармацевтичного та біологічного профілів. 

This monograph summarizes the experimental studies on the pleiotropic effects of vinboron on pharmacodynamics of ibuprofen which is a widely used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Data on the effect of ibuprofen and its combination with vinboron  on gastric secretion, proliferation and apoptosis of gastric epitheliocytes are presented. The effectiveness of the combined use of ibuprofen and vinboron in  the treatment of experimental rheumatoid arthritis was evaluated in  hematological, biochemical and pathomorphological studies.  The monograph will be of intersest for clinicians, pharmacologists, biochemists, pathophysiologists as well as for medical, pharmacy and biology students.  

 Flame retardants have attracted growing environmental concern. Recently, an increasing number of studies have been conducted worldwide to investigate flame-retardant sources, environmental distribution, living organisms’ exposure, and toxicity. The presented studies include the degradation of 4,40 -isopropylidenebis(2,6-dibromophenol) (TBBPA) by ozonolysis and photocatalysis. In the photocatalytic process, nano- and micro-magnetite (n-Fe3O4 and µ-Fe3O4) are used as a catalyst. Monitoring of TBBPA decay in the photocatalysis and ozonolysis showed photocatalysis to be more effective. Significant removal of TBBPA was achieved within 10 min in photocatalysis (ca. 90%), while for ozonation, a comparable effect was observed within 70 min. To determine the best method of TBBPA degradation concentration on COD and TOC, the removals were examined. The highest oxidation state was obtained for photocatalysis on µ-Fe3O4, whereas for n-Fe3O4 and ozonolysis, the COD/TOC ratio was lower. Acute toxicity results show noticeable differences in the toxicity of TBBPA and its degradation products to Artemia franciscana and Thamnocephalus platyurus. The EC50 values indicate that TBBPA degradation products were toxic to harmful, whereas the TBPPA and post-reaction mixtures were toxic to the invertebrate species tested. The best efficiency in the removal and degradation of TBBPA was in the photocatalysis process on µ-Fe3O4 (reaction system 1). Theexamined crustaceans can be used as a sensitive test for acute toxicity evaluation.

УДК 113:573.5

У статті проаналізована ідея французького філософа Анрі Берґсона, згідно з якою філософування полягає у тому, щоби створювати нові концепти, якомога більше уточнювати терміни, виковувати нові слова. Також експлікована процедура концептуалізації. Вона полягає у наданні філософського змісту звичайним повсякденним словам чи словосполукам, наприклад, слово élaboration (розроблення). У підсумку виникають цілі сімейства концептів, які сукупно можна назвати концептивними елементами. Вказано на важливу роль зв'язку між концептотворенням та філософським перекладом. Цей з в ’язок описаний на прикладі твору Берґсона «Можливе та реальне». Ключові слова: філософський переклад, Берґсон, Дельоз, концепт, концептуалізація.

УДК 61:378:811.11:614.23

The paper aims at researching the correspondence of academic aims of “English for professional purposes” and the professional requirements of future physicians. It involved application of several methods and approaches directed at collecting, calculating and interpreting received survey results of 407 first-year medical students of Danylo Halytskiy Lviv national medical university. The research results are presented as absolute mean values of positive responses as well as their relative number in percent (%). The difference between groups of categorized indices was considered confident for p0.05. All statistical calculations were performed in the R Studio software. All defined academic aims of English were positively evaluated by the survey ПРОФЕСІЙНА АНГЛІЙСЬКА МОВА ДЛЯ МАЙБУТНІХ ЛІКАРІВ: ВІДПОВІДНІСТЬ ЦІЛЕЙ НАВЧАННЯ ТА ПОТРЕБ СТУДЕНТІВ Молодь і ринок № 5 (213), 2023 74 participants: the number of responses “very important” and “important” are significantly higher than “not important” and “completely not important” (p0,05). The academic aims leading among all positively estimated include: 1) development of medical terminology knowledge (401/407; 98,5%); 2) development of patient-physician communication skills (397/407; 97,5%); 3) development of lexical skills and skills of critical thinking (384/407; 94,3%); 4) motivation of students (382/407; 93,9%); 5) development of oral communication skills (379/407; 93,1%). Aforementioned aims are related to the development of English communication competence of medical students, which is the readiness to interact qualitatively and effectively in professional medical setting with professional and non-professionals. However, the academic aims evaluated by students as less important include the development of empathy and written skills comprising the communication and academic competences. This phenomenon requires further study aimed at promoting student reflection of understanding the significance of these skills in their professional career. The development of communicative skills in higher medical education should be competence-based; it should be restricted by the educational and academic goals aimed at realization of the competence-based approach and development of professional competencies in future physicians. Thus, the performed research confirmed the correspondence of academic learning, developmental and tutorial aims of “English for professional purposes” with professional requirements of future physicians. The system of academic goals aids realization of competence-based approach and further development of professional communicative readiness for interaction in medical setting with professionals and non-professionals. Keywords: English for professional purposes; aacademic goals; future physician; medical university.