INTRODUCTION: Odontogenic inflammatory processes constitute a significant part among maxillofacial disorders, as well as among all inflammatory processes in organism. The author used hydrogels saturated with silver ions and an antioxidant drug for local treatment of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons.
AIM OF THE STUDY. To conduct cytological assessment when applying hydrogels saturated with silver ions and an antioxidant drug for local treatment of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons.
STUDY SUBJECT AND STUDY METHODS. 50 patients with odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons of maxillofacial area had been examined. To study the dynamics of the inflammatory process, cytology was performed on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 10.
STUDY RESULTS AND THEIR DISCUSSION. No differences were found in both groups of patients on the first day of treatment. On the second or third day, there was a higher number of red blood cells and a significant decrease in the number of neutrophilic granulocytes in the study group than in the comparator group. In the fibrin strands, accumulation of single macrophages, histiocytes, fibrocytes and monocytes were noted. During analysis of cytograms, an increase in the number of erythrocytes, histiocytes, fibroblasts, almost complete absence of neutrophilic granulocytes and single macrophages in the main group were observed on the 4-5 day, indicating the formation of granulation tissue and accelerated onset of proliferation. On the sixth day, patients of the study group had almost no neutrophils and no signs of inflammation, unlike patients in comparator group.
CONCLUSIONS. Cytology results has shown that application of hydrogels saturated with silver ions and an antioxidant drug for local treatment of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons accelerates the healing time of postoperative wounds.
INTRODUCTION: Odontogenic inflammatory processes constitute a significant part among maxillofacial disorders, as well as among all inflammatory processes in organism. The author used hydrogels saturated with silver ions and an antioxidant drug for local treatment of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons.
AIM OF THE STUDY. To conduct cytological assessment when applying hydrogels saturated with silver ions and an antioxidant drug for local treatment of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons.
STUDY SUBJECT AND STUDY METHODS. 50 patients with odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons of maxillofacial area had been examined. To study the dynamics of the inflammatory process, cytology was performed on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 10.
STUDY RESULTS AND THEIR DISCUSSION. No differences were found in both groups of patients on the first day of treatment. On the second or third day, there was a higher number of red blood cells and a significant decrease in the number of neutrophilic granulocytes in the study group than in the comparator group. In the fibrin strands, accumulation of single macrophages, histiocytes, fibrocytes and monocytes were noted. During analysis of cytograms, an increase in the number of erythrocytes, histiocytes, fibroblasts, almost complete absence of neutrophilic granulocytes and single macrophages in the main group were observed on the 4-5 day, indicating the formation of granulation tissue and accelerated onset of proliferation. On the sixth day, patients of the study group had almost no neutrophils and no signs of inflammation, unlike patients in comparator group.
CONCLUSIONS. Cytology results has shown that application of hydrogels saturated with silver ions and an antioxidant drug for local treatment of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons accelerates the healing time of postoperative wounds.
The aim of the study eas to standardize the ultrasonography (USG) protocol for TMJ and masticatory muscles (MM) examination by unifying the clinically relevant USG parameters, determining their norms, and considering gender differences. The study involved 63 volunteers. The selected individuals with normal dental occlusion were divided into two groups: 26 females and 27 males. A 12L3 linear transducer with a frequency of 2.9 to 11.5 MHz (SIEMENS Acuson Juniper) was used. The following USG parameters with clear interpretation were studied: capsular width, condylar translation amplitude, thickness of MM at rest and contraction, percentage of MM thickening at contraction, the condyle and disc position at open and closed mouth, movement of the condyle and disc during mouth opening,
subchondral cartilage complex. No signifcant differences were found between the right and left TMJ and MM
parameters in both groups. A signifcant difference in USG parameters was observed between males and females, except for the amplitude of TMJ condyle translation and the percentage of MM thickening. On the basis of the obtained results, a standardized USG protocol for TMJ and MM was proposed, allowing a high-quality comprehensive USG examination of TMJ and MM structures in patients suspected of temporomandibular disorders.
UDC 616.716.1/.3-001.5-089.168.1-036.82
Purpose of the study. The aim of this research was to compare the effectiveness of transcranial electrical
stimulation to normalize the regulatory functions of the CNS in the postoperative period of treatment of patients
with bone injuries of the middle face. Research methods. The study was performed in 47 patients with combined
mid-facial trauma, characterized by the presence of mild traumatic brain injury (concussion, brain contusion
of mild severity) and severe injuries of the facial skeleton – 1, 3, 4, 7 classes according to the Yu.I. Bernadsky
classifcation. After surgical treatment, all patients were divided into two groups. Conservative treatment
according to the traditional scheme described above was used for rehabilitation of patients in the control group
(22 patients). The same scheme was used for the treatment of patients of the main group (25 patients), but it was
supplemented by a course of transcranial electrical stimulation, which was performed using a low-frequency
electrotherapy device “Radius-01 FT”. The parameters of transcranial electrical stimulation were established
according to the literature of similar studies [20; 21; 22], and were DPS = 5%, 70 Hz, 0.11 ms with a session
duration of 35 minutes 1 time per day with a course of treatment of 10 days. The 7th and 14th days were
chosen as the terms of observation of the effect of its influence on the body’s resistance to stress factors, while
hematological studies were selected as indicators to determine the content of β-endorphins, ACTH and cortisol,
and to calculate the Garkavi stress index. Scientifc novelty. Studies have shown that the use of transcranial
electrical stimulation helped to normalize the tone of anti-stress defense mechanisms, stimulated endodorphic
structures of the brain and reduced the intensity of pain in patients with combined mid-facial trauma. Already on
the 7th day, the content of stress-limiting hormones β-endorphins in the plasma of the main group patients was
higher compared to that of the control (15.4 ± 1.8 pg / ml to 12.73 ± 1.6 pg / ml with g > 0.05), Conclusions.
The obtained data indicate a positive therapeutic effect of transcranial electrical stimulation on the stress-limiting
endogenous opiate system.
УДК 616.311.2 – 002 + 616.314.17 - 008.6) : 612.014.484:577.15.024/.025 -092:615.274] - 092.9
Мета дослідження: вивчити стан протеїназо-інгібіторної системи в тканинах пародонта в динаміці розвитку експериментального пародонтиту (ЕП) та іммобілізаційного стресу (ІС) на фоні застосування тіоцетаму. Матеріал та методи досліджень. Експериментальні дослідження проводились на 50 морських свинках (самцях), які розподіляли на чотири групи (по 10 у кожній): перша – інтактні тварини – контроль; друга (дослідна) група - тварини з експериментальним пародонтитом за умов іммобілізаційного стресу (3-я доба), до ІІІ групи відносили морські свинки з ЕП та ІС на 5-у добу комбінованого модельного процесу, до ІV - тварини з ЕП та ІС (15-а доба) ) і до V – тварини з ЕП та ІС на 15-у добу експерименту після застосування тіоцетаму. Експериментальний пародонтит моделювали за методом З.Р.Жоган (1983). Іммобілізаційний стрес відтворювали за методом П.Д. Горизонтова (1996). Для корекції порушень V групі тварин вводився препарат тіоцетам з розрахунку 250 мг/кг внутрішньом'язово з 6-ої доби експерименту впродовж 10 днів. Стан протеїназо-інгібіторної системи оцінювали за загальною протеолітичною активністю – за лізисом азоальбуміну, азоказеїну і азоколагену та інгібіторів протеолізу за вмістом альфа 1- інгібітора протеїназ, альфа-2-макроглобуліну за методом Веремеенко К.Н., Голобородько О.П., 1988. Статистичне опрацювання одержаних даних здійснювали за методом Стьюдента. Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. Оцінюючи результати досліджень, можна зробити висновок про те, що за умов розвитку експериментального пародонтита та іммобілізаційного стресу відбувається порушення функціонального стану протеїназо-інгібіторної системи, яке проявляється надмірною активацією протеїназного потенціалу (зростає рівень азоальбуміна, азоказеїна та азоколагена) і депресією інгібіторів протеаз. Це призводить до розвитку протеїназо-інгібіторного дисбалансу, зокрема і порушення клітинного гомеостазу, в цілому. Застосування тіоцетаму показало його коригуючий вплив на змінені показники протеолізу, суттєве збільшення інгібіторного захисту в тканинах пародонта морських свинок за умов розвитку ЕП та ІС.