The aim: To evaluate the structural changes of the brain in relation to the formation of cognitive disorders (CD) in patients with arrhythmias

Materialsand methods: 147 patients with different clinical forms arrhythmias against the background of ischemic heart disease were examine. At the first stage, all patients with arrhythmias assessed cognitive functions. At the second stage, patients were distributed divided into two groups: the main group patients with CD, control – patients without CD. These groups underwent computed tomography examination of the brain.

Results:CD were established in 83% patients with arrhythmias. Mild CD were more often diagnosed in patients with persistent form of atrial fibrillation (AF), severe CD – in patients with permanent form of AF and atrioventricular blockade ІI-III degrees. Neuroimaging changes were found in 73.8% patients with CD and in 36% patients without CD. They were manifested by atrophic changes of the cortex, internal hydrocephalus, a decrease in the density of the brain sub- stance of the periventricular area. In patients with CD, compared to patients without CD, showed lacunar foci with predominant localization in the parietal and frontal lobes of the brain, periventricular and subcortical leukoaraiosis. Multiple correlations were established between CD and structural changes of the brain.

Conclusions: The increase in the severity of CD in patients with arrhythmias is associated with atrophic changes at the cortical-subcortical level, accompanied by the phenomena of internal hydrocephalus, periventricular and subcortical LA, lacunar foci, with a predominant localization in the frontal-temporal-occipital lobes, in the visual hump and basal ganglia of both cerebral hemispheres.

UDC 616.12-008.313:073.96:616.89-008.45/.46/.47

Background. The purpose of our work was to find out the dependence of changes in the cognitive sphere on the features of the structural and functional state of the heart and central hemodynamics in patients with arrhythmias.

Material and methods. We have examined 139 patients with different clinical forms of arrhythmias. All of them underwent extended neuropsychological testing and central hemodynamic studies. The state of central hemodynamics was assessed by an ultrasound examination of the heart. The state of intracardiac hemodynamics, structural changes in various parts of the heart were evaluated; based on this, the type of heart remodeling was determined. Correlations of hemodynamic indicators with the results of neuropsychological testing were evaluated.

Results. In patients with mild cognitive disorders (CD), the left ventricular myocardial contractility index did not differ significantly from that in patients without CD, but in people with moderate CD it was 9.6 % lower (p = 0.044). With moderate CD, the dilatation of the left parts of the heart increased (end-diastolic volume — by 16.5 %, p = 0.049; left atrium — by 9.9 %, p = 0.049), which, along with increased hypertrophy of the interventricular septum by 12.8 % (p = 0.048) and of the left ventricular posterior wall by 12.9 % (p = 0.048), led to an increase in the pulmonary artery pressure by 24.8 % (p = 0.015). Among patients with CD, concentric (42.2 %) and eccentric (22.6 %) left ventricular hypertrophy was more often detected (p = 0.048 and p = 0.027); in those without CD, concentric remodeling of the left ventricle prevailed (p = 0.037). In patients with mild CD, higher stroke volume was recorded — by 8.3 % (p = 0.049) compared to those without CD. However, according to indicators of cardiac output, cardiac index and total peripheral vascular resistance, differences were unreliable (p > 0.05). Patients with moderate CD reported an increase in stroke volume and cardiac output by 7.6 (p = 0.043) and 14.9 % (p = 0.014), respectively, compared to those without CD. Indicators of central hemodynamics had the greatest impact on the sphere of attention, regulatory functions, visual-spatial and mnestic deficits. The highest odds ratio for the development of CD were found for left ventricular ejection fraction (2.52, 95% confidence interval: 1.82–3.29, p < 0.001).

Conclusions. The identified associations of cognitive dysfunction, central hemodynamics and heart remodeling are important for optimizing an individualized approach to patient management and predicting the development of CD.

Мета роботи— проаналізувати особливості виявлення і перебігу клінічних форм позалегеневого туберкульозу (ПТБ) та профіль медикаментозної резистентності збудника у дітей різних вікових груп.

Матеріали та методи. Ретроспективно проаналізовано медичні дані 47 дітей віком до 14 років з локальними формами ПТБ, госпіталізованих у педіатричне відділення Львівського протитуберкульозного стаціонару в період з 2013 до 2020 р. Дітей розподілили на вікові групи: до 1 року (n = 19, група І), 2—9 років (n = 19, група II) і 10—14 років (n = 9, група III).

Результати та обговорення.Діти віком до 1 року статистично значущо частіше проживали у сільській місцевості, ніж у місті (78,9 та 21,1 %; р < 0,01). Резистентні форми туберкульозу (ТБ) діагностували у 49,0 % дітей, зокрема у 73,7 % дітей першого року життя, що статистично значущо частіше, ніж у дітей віком 2—9 років (26,3 %; р < 0,01). Частота мультирезистентного ТБ і його ризику у дітей віком до 1 року становила 35,7 та 28,6 % відповідно. Найпоширенішою клінічною формою ПТБ незалежно від віку був ТБ периферичних лімфатичних вузлів (ПЛВ) — 40,4 %. У дітей віком до 1 року діагностували лише ТБ ПЛВ і ТБ мозкових оболонок та центральної нервової системи, у дітей віком 2—9 років ТБ ПЛВ і ТБ кісток траплялися статистично значущо частіше, ніж ТБ іншої локалізації, у дітей віком 10—14 років ТБ кісток і суглобів — частіше, ніж ТБ очей і шкіри. Частка ТБ мозкових оболонок і центральної нервової системи у групі І була статистично значущо більшою порівняно з групами ІІ і ІІІ (р1 < 0,01; р2 < 0,05), тоді як ТБ кісток і суглобів у дітей груп ІІ і ІІІ діагностували статистично значущо частіше порівняно з групою І (р1 < 0,01; р2 < 0,05). У 89,4 % випадків ПТБ поєднувався з ТБ органів дихання. У дітей віком до 1 року міліарний ТБ легень виявляли статистично значущо частіше, ніж інші клінічні форми (р < 0,05). Двобічне ураження статистично значущо частіше спостерігали у дітей віком до 1 року порівняно з дітьми віком 10—14 років (77,8 та 28,6 %; р < 0,05), однобічне ураження — у дітей віком 10—14 років порівняно з дітьми віком до 1 року (22,2 і 71,4 %; р < 0,05). У дітей віком до 1 року та 2—9 років статистично значущо частіше ТБ діагностували під час звернення по медичну допомогу, ніж при обстеженні контактних осіб (63,2 та 26,3 %; р < 0,05; і 68,4 та 31,6 %; р < 0,05) і при профілактичному огляді (10,5 і 0 %; р < 0,01). Під час самостійного звернення статистично значущо частіше, ніж при профогляді, виявляли ТБ у дітей віком 10—14 років (66,7 та 0 %; р < 0,01). Лише 36,8 % дітей групи І, 42,1 % дітей групи ІІ і 33,3 % дітей групи ІІІ після звернення в поліклініку були скеровані до спеціалізованого закладу. У пацієнтів віком до 1 року та 2—9 років статистично значущо частіше спостерігали поєднання клінічних виявів інтоксикаційного і бронхолегеневого синдромів порівняно з дітьми віком 10—14 років (47,4, 31,6 та 0 %; р1 < 0,05; р2 < 0,01). Інтоксикаційний синдром значно частіше домінував у дітей віком 10—14 років, ніж у дітей віком до 1 року (88,9 та 26,3 %; р < 0,01). Відсутність вакцинації значно частіше констатували у дітей віком до 1 року, ніж в інших вікових групах (94,7; 57,9 та 44,4 %; усі р < 0,05), а частка неефективного щеплення була значно більшою у дітей віком 10—14 років, ніж у дітей віком до 1 року (55,6 та 5,3 %; р < 0,05).

Висновки.Необхідна інтенсифікація профілактичних протитуберкульозних заходів серед дітей різ-них вікових груп, посилення контролю за проведенням вакцинації, регулярний скринінг, відстеження контактів серед дорослого населення та їхнє контрольоване лікування.

Objective — to analyze the peculiarities of detection and course of various clinical forms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB), the profile of drug resistance of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT) among children of different ages.Materials and methods. We retrospectively analyzed the medical data of 47 children aged 0 to 14 with local forms of EPTB, hospitalized in the pediatric department of Lviv TB hospital from 2013 to 2020. Children were divided into groups: up to 1-year-olds (19 children; group I), 2—9 year-olds (19 children; group II) and 10—14-year-olds (9 children; group III).
Results and discussion.It was found that children under 1 year of age were more likely to live in rural areas than in urban areas (78.9 vs. 21.1 %; p < 0.01). Resistant forms were diagnosed among 49.0 % of children. Among children of the first year of age this number reached 73.7 %, which is probably more often than among children aged 2—9 (26.3 %; p < 0.01). The numbers of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and the risk of MDR-TB among children under one year of age were 35.7 and 28.6 %, respectively. The most common clinical form of EPTB was TB of peripheral lymph node (PLN) regardless of age (40.4 %). Only TB of PLN and TB of meningeal and CNS were found among children under 1 year of age. Among children aged 2—9, TB of PLN and TB of bone and joints were probably more common than all other localizations. TB of bones and joints among children aged 10—14 was more common than TB of eyes and skin. The proportion of TB of meninges and CNS in group I was probably higher compared to groups II and III (p1 < 0.01; p2 < 0.05). At the same time, TB of bones and joints among children of groups II and III was diagnosed significantly more often than in group I (p1 < 0.01; p2 < 0.05).In 89.4 % of cases EPTB was combined with pulmonary TB (PTB). Among children under one year of age, miliary PTB was diagnosed probably more often than other clinical forms (p < 0.05). Bilateral lesions were probably more common among children under one year of age than in children aged 10—14 (77.8 vs. 28.6 %; p < 0.05). Unilateral lesions were more common among children aged 10—14 than in children up to one year of age (22.2 vs. 71.4 %; p < 0.05). Children under 1 year of age and 2—9-year-olds were significantly more likely to be diagnosed with EPTB when seeking medical care than during examination of contact persons (63.2 vs. 26.3 %; 68.4 vs. 31.6 %; all p < 0.05) and during the preventive examination (10.5 % and 0; all p < 0.01). Also, EPTB was found more often among children aged 10—14 (66.7 vs. 0; p < 0.01). It was found that only 36.8 % of children of group I, 42.1 % of children of group II and 33.3 % of children of group III were sent to a specialized hospital after visiting the clinic.Patients under 1 year of age and 2—9-year-olds compared with children aged 10—14 were significantly more likely to have a combination of clinical manifestations of intoxication and bronchopulmonary syndromes (47.4 and 31.6 % vs. 0; p1 < 0.05; p2 < 0.01). At the same time, intoxication syndrome was significantly more common among children aged 10—14 than among children under one year of age (88.9 vs. 26.3 %; p < 0.01). Lack of vaccination was significantly more common among children under one year of age than in the following age groups (94.7 vs. 57.9 and 44.4 %; both p < 0.05), and the proportion of ineffective vaccinations was significantly higher among children aged 10—14 than in children under 1 year of age (55.6 vs. 5.3 %; p < 0.05).
Conclusions. These data indicate the need to intensify preventive TB measures among children of different ages, as well as the need for enhanced control over vaccination, regular screening, monitoring of contacts among the adult population and their controlled treatment

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patient outcomes, treatment options, and corresponding healthcare expenses are affected by the presence of different comorbidities. The aim of this work was to develop an algorithm for predicting the risk of hypothyroidism development in patients with T2DM according to a mathematical model obtained by regression analysis, for the timely implementation of appropriate preventive measures among T2DM patients. We analyzed 538 medical records of T2DM patients. It was found the following risk factors influencing the occurrence of hypothyroidism in patients with T2DM: hemoglobin, total cholesterol, non-HDL-cholesterol, glycated hemoglobin, and thyroid stimulating hormone levels. Prognostic model of the risk of hypothyroidism development in T2DM patients was built using multiple regression analysis. In order to stratify the risk of hypothyroidism development in T2DM patients, the following criteria were proposed: no risk at RC HT ≤ 5.0; low risk at 5.1≤ RC HT≤14,9; high risk at RC HT ≥15.0; where RC HT — risk coefficient for the hypothyroidism development in T2DM patients. Therefore, the developed algorithm and mathematical model for predicting the development of hypothyroidism in T2DM patients are highly informative and allow to determine in advance the contingent of patients with a high probability of hypothyroidism risk based on routine laboratory data.

Background. The issue of the pathogenetic influence of cortisol on the development of metabolic syndrome (MS) in children is considered. The above-threshold values of cortisol are proposed to be taken as a marker of MS. The purpose was to study the relationship between blood cortisol and MS components in children.

Materials and methods. We have examined 44 children with MS (study group; waist circumference > 90th percentile of the distribution according to age and sex) and 14 children without signs of MS (controls). The children of the study groups did not differ in age and gender. Anthropometric parameters (body weight, height, body mass index, neck, waist, and hip circumferences, waist/hip circumference index), blood cortisol and leptin, blood lipid and carbohydrate spectrum (total cholesterol, high- and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, blood glucose, and insulin, HOMA-IR and glucose/insulin indices) were evaluated. The measurement of blood pressure with the calculation of the average level was conducted three times. The diagnosis of MS was formed according to the IDF guidelines, 2007.

Results. It was found that the level of blood cortisol in children with MS (362.9 (255.5–634.1) μg/l) was 37.9 % lower than in controls (р > 0.05). The frequency of the above-threshold blood cortisol values in children of both groups was 31.8 and 50.0 %, respectively (р > 0.05). The study of dependence using the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient between blood cortisol and anthropometric parameters (rmax = 0.16; p > 0.05), lipids (rmax = 0.4; р > 0.05), carbohydrate metabolism (rmax = 0.26; р > 0.05), and blood leptin (r = 0.19; р > 0.05) did not reveal any significance. A significant correlation was found between cortisol and systolic blood pressure. Conclusions. In children with MS, there was no significant difference in the level of blood cortisol compared to those without MS criteria. The association of blood cortisol and MS criteria other than systolic blood pressure has not been found. Although cortisol is important in the formation of systolic blood pressure, it cannot serve as a marker of MS in children since it is not a criterion-forming sign of MS.