Метароботи  –  висвітлитивиObjective ‒to highlight the high probability and features of neurological complications in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia.Materials  and  methods.  A  retrospective  cohort  study  was  done  of  57  patients  with  COVID-19 pneumonia who were treated at the COVID-location of the Department of Vascular and Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery and Neurology of the Clinical Emergency Hospital of Lviv in the period from June 29 to September 28, 2020 (91 day).Results. Out of the 57 patients 14 (24.6 %) were selected by prospective analysis that had a clear association between COVID-19 pneumonia and neurological complications. Neurolo-gical complications of COVID-19 were manifested as ischemic stroke in 57.1 % of patients, encephalopathy with convulsions and without seizures ‒ in 35.7 %, polyneuropathy with tet-raparesis, secondary purulent-inflammatory lesions of the spine ‒ in 7.2 %. Neurological com-plications occurred on average (20. 4 ± 6.1) days after the onset of the disease.Conclusions. Lesions of the spine and structures in the spinal canal after coronavirus infec-tion had a significant spread along the axis of the spine and severe course. The largest (57.1 %) was  the  proportion  of  ischemic  stroke  in  the  structure  of  neurological  complications  of  COVID-19, which indicated the severity of the coronavirus infection and its aggressive effect on the nervous system. The effectiveness of treatment of COVID-19 neurological complica-tions  depends  on  the  urgency  of  hospitalization  of  patients,  as  evidenced  by  the  correlation  between favorable treatment outcomes and the time from disease onst to admission to either therapeutic (r = + 0.37) or neurological department (r = +0.32).
Однією з основних проблем у відділеннях анестезіології та інтенсивної терапії є дефіцит енергії у пацієнтів. З метою її вирі-шення критичним пацієнтам призначається парентеральне харчування, в складі якого містяться жирові емульсії. Відомо, що есенціальні жирні кислоти у складі жирових емульсій можуть проявляти як прозапальні (лінолева кислота), так і протиза-пальні (ліноленова кислота) ефекти. З метою зниження впливу на імунну систему рекомендується використання альтерна-тивних жирових емульсій, оскільки це може забезпечити кращі клінічні результати. Перше покоління жирових емульсій скла-далося з соєвої олії, проте було доведено, що вона може підвищувати ризик гнійно-септичних ускладнень. У складі жирових емульсій другого покоління з’явилися середньоланцюгові тригліцериди, метаболізм яких може призвести до ацидозу, тому їх використання обмежене, особливо, у пацієнтів з цукровим діабетом. Жирові емульсії третього покоління містять оливкову олію, яка знижує ризик тромбозу, вважається імунонейтральною та є менш чутливою до перекисного окислення ліпідів. До складу жирових емульсій четвертого покоління входить риб’ячий жир, який володіє протизапальними властивостями і може зменшити тривалість перебування пацієнтів у критичному стані. Найперспективніше застосовувати збалансовані жири, серед яких в Україні наявний СМОФліпід 20%. Доведено, що для хворих, які потребують парентерального харчування, жирові емульсії є невід’ємною його частиною, а хворим у критичному стані рекомендують використовувати жирові емульсії, які містять риб’ячий жир. Проте, перед призначенням рекомендовано оцінювати вихідний рівень тригліцеридів. Зважаючи на все вищесказане можна зробити висновок, що ліпіди забезпечують доставку жирних кислот, які впливають на важливі процеси організму, серед яких метаболізм, імунна відповідь, згортання крові. Альтернативні жирові емульсії можуть бути кращим джерелом енергії, проявляючи також антиоксидантний вплив та менше пригнічення імунітету.
UNITOne of the main problems in the departments of anesthesiology and intensive care is the lack of energy in patients. In order to solve it, parenteral nutrition, which contains fat emulsions is prescribed for critical patients. It is known that fat emulsions consist of essential fatty acids which can have both pro-inflammatory (linoleic acid) and anti-inflammatory (linolenic acid) effects. In order to reduce the impact on the immune system, the use of alternative fat emulsions is recommended, as this may provide better clinical results. The first generation of fat emulsions consisted of soybean oil, but it was proven that this oil can increase the risk of purulent-septic complications. Second-generation fat emulsions contain medium-chain triglycerides, the metabolism of which can lead to acidosis, so their use is limited, especially in patients with diabetes. Third-generation fat emulsions contain olive oil, which reduces the risk of thrombosis, is considered immunoneutral and less sensitive to lipid peroxidation. Fourth-generation fat emulsions contain fish oil, which has anti-inflammatory properties and can reduce the duration of patients staying in critical condition. The most promising is the usage of balanced fats, among which there is a 20% SMOFlipid available in Ukraine. For patients who require parenteral nutrition, fat emulsions are an integral part of it, and for critically ill patients fat emulsions containing fish oil are recommended. However, it is recommended to assess baseline triglycerides prior to administration. Thus, lipids provide the delivery of fatty acids that affect important body processes, including metabolism, immune response, blood clotting. Alternative fat emulsions can be a better source of energy, also showing antioxidant effects and less suppression of immune system.

Since March 11, coronavirus infection has become an intercontinental problem - a pandemic has developed.Ukraine (until December 2019) ranks 17th in the world in the number of Covid-19 cases. Although according to statistics, the children are the least vulnerable group for coronavirus infection, unfortunately, severe and serious complications such as pneumonia, Kawasaki disease and Kawasaki-like syndrome, Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, toxic shock syndrome, myocarditis occur in children, too. As of the end of November, according to the Ministry of Health in Ukraine, 732,625 cases of coronavirus were laboratory- confirmed, including 13,720 children. According to the Lviv Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health, in the Lviv region since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, among 46078 of all infected were about 5-6% of children. To analyze clinical, laboratory features of severe coronavirus infection complicated by bilateral pneumonia with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in a three-year-old girl who was on V-V ECMO for one week and mechanical ventilation of the lungs for 28 days. The diagnosis was confirmed by detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA by PCR, X-ray and ultrasound examination of the lungs. The disease had a dramatic course but a successful outcome. Life-threatening conditions associated with COVID-19 in children are much less common than in adult patients. However, in some cases, when critical hypoxemia is not eliminated by traditional methods of respiratory support, ECMO can become a life-saving technology and with its timely usage in pediatric patients.

The aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of erector spine plane block vs lumbar paravertebral block for early rehabilitation after total hip arthroplasty.
Materials and methods: The study included 60 ASA ІΙ–ΙΙΙ patients (female/male = 35/25) aged 41-82 years, undergone total hip arthroplasty under spinal anesthesia. The patients randomly divided into two groups (n=30 in each) according to postoperative regional analgesia technique: paravertebral block (PVB) and erector spine plane block (ESPB). The time interval to meet three criteria: adequate analgesia (<4 points of VAS), opioid-free period longer than 12 h, and possibility to cover walking 30 m distance without time restriction was analyzed. We also analyzed opioid requirement postoperatively.
Results: The time interval to meet the three criteria after surgery was shorter to 9.4 h for patients in PVB group 36.3 h 95% CI 31.8 to 40.8 h than for patients in ESPB group 45.7 h 95% CI 40.1 to 51.3 h, (p = 0.016). During the first 24 h after surgery the total dose of nalbuphine per patient was significantly higher in ESPB group (10.7 95% CI 7.0 to 14.3) compared to PVB group (6.3 95% CI 3.7 to 9.0).
Conclusions: The paravertebral block and erector spine plane block provide quite effective pain relieve in patients undergone total hip arthroplasty (<4 points of VAS). PVB has more opioid-preserving effect than ESPB. The paravertebral block is superior to erector spine plane block for early rehabilitation after total hip arthroplasty (the time required for patients to meet the three criteria was shorter PVB than ESPB)

The aim of the study was to analyze cardiac function during Nuss procedure under the combination of general anesthesia with different variants of the regional block.
Materials and methods: The observative prospective study included 60 adolescents (boys/girls=47/13) undergone Nuss procedure for pectus excavatum correction under the combination of general anaesthesia and regional blocks. The patients were randomized into three groups (n=20 in each) according to the perioperative regional analgesia technique: standart epidural anaesthesia (SEA), high epidural anaesthesia (HEA) and bilateral paravertebral anaesthesia (PVA). The following parameters of cardiac function were analyzed: heart rate, estimated cardiac output (esCCO), cardiac index (esCCI), stroke volume (esSV) and stroke volume index (esSVI) using non-invasive monitoring.
Results: Induction of anesthesia and regional blocks led to a significant decrease in esCCO (-9.4%) and esCCI (-9.8%), while esSV and esSVI remained almost unchanged in all groups (H=4.9; p=0.09). At this stage, the decrease in cardiac output was mainly due to decreased heart rate. At the stage of sternal elevation we found an increase in esSV, which was more pronounced in the groups of epidural blocks (+23.1% in HEA and +18.5% in SEA). After awakening from anesthesia and tracheal extubation esSV was by 11% higher than before surgery without ingergroup difference.
Conclusions: The Nuss procedure for pectus excavatum correction lead to improved cardiac function. increase in stroke volume and its index were more informative than cardiac output and cardiac index which are dependent on heart rate that is under the influence of anaesthesia technique.