The COVID-19 pandemic is a highly dramatic concern for mankind. In Italy, the pandemic exerted its major impact throughout the period of February to June 2020. To date, the awkward amount of more than 134,000 deaths has been reported. Yet, post-mortem autopsy was performed on a very modest number of patients who died from COVID-19 infection, leading to a first confirmation of an immune-thrombosis of the lungs as the major COVID-19 pathogenesis, likewise for SARS. Since then (June-August 2020), no targeted early therapy considering this pathogenetic issue was approached. The patients treated with early anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet, anticoagulant and antibiotic therapy confirmed that COVID-19 was an endothelial inflammation with immuno-thrombosis. Patients not treated or scarcely treated with the most proper and appropriate therapy and in the earliest, increased the hospitalization rate in the intensive care units and also mortality, due to immune-thrombosis from the pulmonary capillary district and alveoli. The disease causes widespread endothelial inflammation, which can induce damage to various organs and systems. Therapy must be targeted in this consideration, and in this review, we demonstrate how early anti-inflammatory therapy may treat endothelia inflammation and immune-thrombosis caused by COVID-19, by using drugs we are going to recommend in this paper.

Keywords: immunopharmacology; immunotoxicology; infection; inflammation; pharmacoepidemiology.

Pandolfi S, Chirumbolo S, Ricevuti G, Valdenassi L, Bjørklund G, Lysiuk R, Doşa MD, Lenchyk L, Fazio S. Home pharmacological therapy in early COVID-19 to prevent hospitalization and reduce mortality: Time for a suitable proposal. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2022 Feb;130(2):225-239. doi: 10.1111/bcpt.13690

(1) Background: Italy accounts for more than 150,000 deaths due to the COVID-19 pandemic, leading the top rank in SARS-CoV-2-caused deceases in Europe. A survey on the different ways by which the COVID-19 pandemic emergency was managed in the foreign European countries compared to Italy is the purpose of this paper. (2) Methods: A literature search and various mathematical algorithms to approach a rank scoring scale were used to describe in detail the different approaches used by European countries to manage the COVID-19 pandemic emergency. (3) Results: The study showed that Italy stands at the bottom ranking for COVID-19 management due to its high mortality rate. Possible causes of the observed huge numbers of hospitalization and deaths were (a) the demographic composition of the European country; (b) its decentralized healthcare system organization; (c) the role of correct pharmacology in the early stages before hospitalization. Post-mortem examinations were of paramount importance to elucidate the etiopathogenesis of COVID-19 and to tailor a suitable and proper therapy in the early symptomatic stages of COVID-19, preventing hospitalization. (4) Conclusions: Factors such as the significant impact on elderly people, the public health organization prevalently state-owned and represented mainly by hospitals, and criticism of the home therapy approach toward SARS-CoV-2-infected people, may have concurred in increasing the number of COVID-19 deaths in Italy.

Keywords: COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2 epidemiology; deaths rate; healthcare system; paracetamol.


Сучасне наукове розуміння еректильної дисфункції вказує на переважну вторинність сексуальних розладів стосовно захворювань, що їх спричиняють. Це значною мірою стосується чоловіків, постраждалих внаслідок бойових дій. Основою роботи стали результати анкетування 298 чоловіків, постраждалих внаслідок бойових дій (осколкові та кульові поранення) з використанням анкет Міжнародного індексу еректильної функції-5 (МІЕФ-5). Дослідна група була розділена на дві: чоловіки віком 20–39 років (група 1) і чоловіки віком 40–53 роки (група 2). До контрольної групи увійшли 48 практично здорових чоловіків без скарг на сексуальну дисфункцію чи кардіологічну, неврологічну або ж ендокринологічну патологію. Серед чоловіків контрольної групи – 30 чоловіків віком 20–39 років (група 3) і 18 чоловіків віком 40–60 років (група 4). Показано, що у 196 чоловіків 1-ї групи віком 20–39 років спостерігається легка форма ЕД – сумарний бал – 19,57 ± 0,44. У 102 чоловіків 2-ї групи віком 40–53 роки теж наявна легка форма ЕД, однак сумарний бал значно нижчий – 17,94 ± 0,41. Показники окремих 5 компонентів статевої функції чоловіків і шкала твердості ерекції також були нижчими в пацієнтів 2-ї групи. Найбільш показово знижується домен ЕД-МІЕФ-5 зі ступенем тяжкості ЕД. Усі домени МІЕФ достовірно знижуються при ЕД порівняно зі здоровою групою респондентів, проте диференціація за тяжкістю ЕД відсутня. Тобто, при ЕД будь-якої вираженості одночасно страждають всі інші сексуальні функції – сексуальне бажання, впевненість в ерекції, твердість та підтримання ерекції, задоволення від статевого акту та статевого життя.

The development of oxidative and nitrative stress and the processes of free radical oxidation are associated with many pathological processes. Damage of any origin leads to the activation of free radical processes not only in the place of damage, but also in the whole organism. The aim of the study is to assess the state of lipid peroxidation, content of GSH and GSSG and the activity of NO-synthase and arginase in lymphocytes and peripheral blood serum in men with erectile dysfunction due to combat trauma. The research was conducted on peripheral blood lymphocytes of men injured as a result of combat operations (shrapnel and bullet wounds) in the Russian-Ukrainian war, and who were treated at the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Western Region (Lviv, Ukraine). The research group of men with combat injuries was divided into two age groups: men aged 20–39 years and men aged 40–53 years. The MDA content in the blood serum of patients of both age groups was 1.35 times higher than in the control group. In peripheral blood lymphocytes, the MDA content in patients of the young age group was 1.27, and in patients of the middle age group in 1.39 times higher than in the control group. Simultaneously, no significant changes in the concentration of oxidized glutathione in blood serum and blood lymphocytes were found between men with erectile dysfunction due to combat trauma and healthy men. GSH content in blood serum in patients of both age groups was significantly lower than in the control group. The arginase/NOS ratio in blood serum was 9.75 times lower in the young age group and in 20.45 times lower in the middle age group compared to healthy men. It was established that in the blood serum and blood lymphocytes of men with erectile dysfunction due to combat trauma, processes of lipid peroxidation were intensified and the GSH level was reduced. The GSH/GSSG ratio was reduced only in blood serum. It was found that the oxidative stress is associated with development of nitrative stress. The arginase/NOS ratio was shifted towards increased NOS activity. Activation of iNOS was accompanied by significant inhibition of cNOS. Further study of biochemical mechanisms is important to understand the triggers of erectile dysfunction due to combat
Keywords: trauma; erectile dysfunction;MDA content; glutathione;NO-synthase; arginase. 

Erectile dysfunction and the associated quality of life are a pressing social and medical problem for millions of people. The basis of
the work was the results of a survey of 298 men injured as a result of combat operations (shrapnel and bullet wounds) using the questionnaires of the International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) and the SF-36 Health Status Survey (SF-36) questionnaire to characterize the quality of life. The research group was divided into two: men aged 20-39 years (group 1) and men aged 40-53 years (group 2). The control group consisted of 48 clinically healthy men without complaints of sexual dysfunction or cardiac, neurological or endocrinological pathology. It is shown that men aged 20-39 years have a mild form of ED where the total score is 19.57 ± 0.44. Men of the 2nd group aged 40-53 years also have a mild form of ED, but the total score is much lower and is 17.74 ± 0.41. Patients of both age groups affected by hostilities suffer from both mental and physical health components. Indicators such as general health, role functioning due to physical condition, and pain intensity have probably lower values compared to the contol group. Lower indicators of role functioning due to physical condition indicate limitations in everyday life due to unsatisfactory physical condition. The decrease in the physical functioning index has statistically significant differences only in patients of the 2nd observed group. Thus, a mild form of erectile dysfunction is observed in men injured as a result of hostilities. No significant differences in the severity of erectile dysfunction were found betweenmale war victims of two age groups. All IIEF-5 domains were significantly reduced in men affected by combat operations. It has been proven that the physical and mental components of health suffer in victims of hostilities. Against the background of a decrease in all indicators on the scales of the physical component of health, general health and role functioning caused by physical condition lag behind the most. In the psychological domain, the most pronounced changes are recorded in such components as mental health, vital activity and social functioning. Сorrelation analysis revealed the significant correlation between physical functioning and role functioning caused by emotional state (r =+0.64; P < 0.05).
Keywords: men with shrapnel and bullet wounds; erectile dysfunction; quality of life;SF-3