Abstract. The article examines the problem of ensuring the psychological stability of students during the war. The level of psychological stability of the student in connection with his visit was analyzed. A study was conducted using a survey of students of several universities in Ukraine. The developed questionnaire made it possible to outline that most students feel anxiety and fear. The influence of the psycho-emotional state during the war on the educational performance of students was determined. There are ways to reduce the feeling of anxiety, tension, fear and directions of adjustment of the psychological climate in the context of resistance to stressful situations. The object of this study is the psychological stability of students during university studies and studies under martial law. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the formation of psychological stability in students and the means of its formation. The purpose of the study is to determine the psychological conditions for the formation of students' psychological stability. Factors of stressogenicity and psychological stability of students in war conditions were studied. The research revealed the psychological essence of stress resistance and psychological resilience. On the basis of the survey, the mental state of students of higher education institutions during the war was analyzed. The methods of increasing the level of psychological stability of students while studying during the war are considered. Practical recommendations on the formation of stress resistance and psychological stability of students of higher education institutions during the war are presented.
Objective: The aim: The study aims to provide evidence of the effectiveness of online low-intensity CBT-based psychological interventions on the psychological well-being of people with social anxiety disorders and related impairments in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Patients and methods: Materials and methods: 222 volunteers aged 18-35 years included in study: low-intensity CBT group (n=106) and control group (n=116). To assess the mental health prob¬lems were used International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) and a set of IAPT scales. Analyses considered levels of pre-post intervention effect sizes and clinically significant improvement of symptoms of social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, depression, and distress in maintaining general and work activity scores.
Results: Results: Comparisons between the low-intensity interventions group and control (self-help guide psychological care as usual) indicated more reduction in the severity of symp¬toms of social anxiety disorder and comorbid impairments associated with depression or generalized anxiety disorder. Changes for social phobia and other outcomes indicate that the odds of relapse or exacerbation of symptoms in the control group are more significant than those after a CBT-based low-intensity psychosocial care program. Analysis showed a significant interaction between outcomes scores and the number of sessions: more than five online sessions and homework with a self-help guide improved outcome.
Conclusion: Conclusions: This pilot trial provides initial evidence that low-intensity online interventions based on CBT result in reductions in psychological problems for persons with a social anxiety disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Цією статтею продовжується цикл публікацій про системи охорони здоров’я різних країн світу. Нижчеподаний матеріал присвячений медицині малих країн Європи.
Ключові слова: система охорони здоров’я, Норвегія, Португалія, Греція, Нідерланли,
This article continues the cycle of publications about the healthcare systems of different
countries of the world. The article below is devoted to the medicine of small European countries.
Key words: health care system, Norway, Portugal, Greece, Netherlands, Switzerland
УДК 616.6(075.8)
У підручнику "Сексологія та сексопатологія" викладені теоретичні та практичні основи сексології, сексопатології сучасний погляд на сексуальну орієнтацію та парафілії, базові методи діагностики та лікування сексологічних захворювань чоловіка та жінки, принципи судової сексології.
Підручник розрахований на студентів медичних вузів, але може бути використаний і лікарями-інтернами, лікарями-сексопатологами, сексологами, урологами, гінекологами, психотерапевтами, педіатрами, лікарями загальної практики та інших спеціальностей, а також психологами, соціологами, педагогами, юристами тощо. Він створений на основі базової програми для медичних вищих учбових закладів III-IV ступеня акредитації.