УДК 616.314.13/.14:613.83]-056.8-08

Результати аналізу поширеності вживання наркотиків у 2018–2019 рр. вказують, що ситуація погіршилася, поширеність наркоманії в Україні має тенденцію до зростання. Вживання наркотичних речовин призводить до чималої кількості негативних змін у різних органах і системах організму (нефропатії, респіраторні захворювання, цироз печінки, захворювання серцево-судинної системи (інфекційний ендокардит), хірургічна патологія (некротизувальні фасціїти), вірусні гепатити, ВІЛ/ СНІД, туберкульоз), а також до психічних і поведінкових порушень. Мета роботи – на підставі аналізу фахової літератури дослідити вплив наркотичних речовин і способу життя, що формується при наркозалежності, на патологію порожнини рота та особливості надання стоматологічної допомоги наркозалежним хворим. 

 Diagnosing the persistent but not clinically pronounced inflammation in periodontal tissues often is an important clinical problem. Measurement of Nitrite-anion concentration in saliva is informative in diagnosing the periodontal pathology at different stages of its development as well as in differentiation of superficial inflammation of periodontal tissues in the case of gingivitis and profound destruction of gums and bone in case of periodontitis.

Aim of our investigations was the examinations of Nitric oxide level in saliva of patients with periodontal pathology by measuring accumulation of Nitrite anion.

Materials and methods. Were examined 47 patients (20-40 years old), including 28 persons with generalized inflammatory diseases of the gums: chronic simple (14) and hypertrophic gingivitis (14) and 19 patients with chronic generalized periodontitis. The level of Nitrite anion in salive of patiens was meassured. Saliva was obtained in the quantity of 1 ml from each patient on an empty stomach.

The method of analysis was as follows: 0,2 ml of sodium hydrocarbonate was added to 0,2 ml of saliva and stored in ice for 10 min, than 0,4 ml of distilled water and 1,2 ml of 4% ZnS04 were introduced into this solution. The mixture was centrifuged for 20 min and 1,2ml of translucent supernatant was separated from it and mixed with 1,2ml of Gries reactive. Results were obtained within 15 min in a spectrophotometry method (λ = 550 nm).

Results. In the patients with simple chronic gingivitis the level of Nitrite anion in saliva differs significantly from the control samples only in the group with exacerbation of simple chronic gingivitis (51,9±2,4 pmoI/L). In the patients with chronic hypertrophic gingivitis amounts of Nitrite anion in saliva were 11,6 ±1,6 pmol/L, but in the case of exacerbation they were increased 4-5 times as much as 56,1 ±2,7 pmol/L. Levels of Nitrite anion increased considerably in the exacerbation of both forms of gingivitis and amounted to 51,9 ±2,4 pmol/L and 56,1 ±2,7 pmol/L, respectively. These results indicate that level of NO synthesis in saliva doesn’t depend on the type of inflammation in the gums (simple or hypertrophic).

All the patients with chronic generalized periodontitis were tested at the active stage of disease and at the stage of remission. Increased amounts of nitrite anion in saliva of the patients with chronic generalized periodontitis were reported at the active stage of chronic

PhOL Ripetska, et al. 681 (pag 680-689)


ISSN: 1827-8620

generalized periodontitis (84,9 ± 3,8 pmol/L), which exceeds the healthy control group more than 10 times.

Remission in the patients with generalized periodontitis was attained after complex treatment, which included surgical pocket elimination and was characterized with absence of pockets, inflammation and gums bleeding on probing. Levels of nitrite anion in saliva were lowered to 8,5 ±0,7 pmol/L, which makes an insignificant difference with healthy persons (4,9 ±0,6 pmol/L).

Conclusion. The level of nitric-anion which depicts the level of Nitric oxide in the saliva probably depicts not only the activity of periodontal inflammatory process, but also the aggressiveness of alveolar bone destruction.

All human studies were conducted in compliance with the rules of the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association "Ethical principles of medical research with human participation as an object of study". Informed consent was obtained from all participants.

Keywords: gingivitis, periodontitis, Nitric oxide, levels of Nitrite anion in saliva 

The article deals with current status and shortcomings of journalism education in China. It aims to gain in-depth insights into the journalism
education model, considering the vast number of students in Chinese universities and focuses on innovations in journalism education within the context of rapid media development. The analysis primarily focuses on representative universities identified from Chinese academic assessments, aiming to detect commonalities and provide insights for other universities. Journalism education in contemporary China has experienced rapid development, with various types and levels of institutions establishing journalism and communication programs. The origins of higher education in media studies can be traced back to journalism, which later evolved into the discipline of journalism, incorporating
communication studies. In 1997, communication studies were established as a separate academic discipline. Apart from journalism and communication education, film and media arts education has also seen rapid growth in China. With the advancement of the internet and digital technologies, the media industry has undergone significant transformations, posing new challenges and requirements for future journalists. From the current state of journalism education, it is apparent that universities face issues related to educational objectives, program offerings, and teaching methodologies. To improve the quality of future journalists’ training, universities should adjust journalism programs accordingly: emphasizing theoretical learning while enhancing practical teaching, increasing collaboration with news media companies to encourage students’ active participation in practical activities, identifying and addressing deficiencies through hands-on experience, and making the cultivation of versatile journalists a key educational objective.

The aim: A comprehensive analysis of anxiety as an emotional state and pathopsychological symptom in the situation of a massive humanitarian catastrophe in wartime
Materials and methods: A systematic search was conducted up to April 2022 in the following databases: Google Scholar, PubMed, DOAJ, and CORE. Three reviewers independently assessed full-text articles according to a predefined aim. We used a quantitative and qualitative approach to infer. The range of mental reactions to the intensive stress with a pooled prevalence of anxiety was estimated. Anxiety as an independent structural psychological phenomenon or incorporated into more complicated mental states, including mental disorders, was assessed.
Conclusions: The anxiety features as an expected mental reaction to the threatening environment are established, the analysis of anxiety development trajectories was shown, and the basic principles of psychological care in anxiety states are considered. The criteria of pathological anxiety, the characteristic of the anxiety symptom as a structural element of psychiatric diseases, and the modern methods of treatment of anxiety disorders are presented. Many specialists in the different areas work with anxious people and patients with anxiety disorders in the Ukrainian current situation, so it was concluded that understanding and being aware of the differentiation of anxiety states will improve psychological care and, if necessary, will lead to providing of a full spectrum of specialized medical care

UDC: 61:612.4:615.9.616.4:616-09

Snakebite envenoming is a common but neglected public health problem worldwide, especially in tropical countries. Annual mortality as a result of snakebites exceeds 138,000. It is believed that this problem is underestimated, and in many countries, individual cases of bites are not subject to proper fixation. The purpose of the study is the analytical and quantitative assessment of the structural components of the rats' adrenal glands under exposure to the venom of Vipers Vipera berus berus and Vipera berus nikolskii. Experimental studies were carried out on white, non-linear male rats. Vipera berus berus and Vipera berus nikolskii viper venom were obtained from V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The freeze-dried native venom was stored at
-20 °C and dissolved in saline immediately before the experiment. The animals were divided into three groups (control and 2 experimental groups) of 10 individuals each. Experimental rats were injected intraperitoneally in a physiological solution with a semi-lethal dose (LD50) (1.576 mg/g-1) of Vipera berus berus and Vipera berus nikolskii venoms. Animals of the control group were injected intraperitoneally with only a physiological solution. Rats were removed from the experiment 24 hours after exposure to the poison and anesthetised by cervical dislocation. Statistical analysis of the area
of the microcirculatory channel and the nuclear-cytoplasmic index was performed using Fiji: ImageJ program and processed in Excel. Administration of the venom of the vipers Vipera berus berus and Vipera berus nikolskii to rats was accompanied by a significant increase in the area of the microcirculatory bed relative to the control group (2.9 times for Vipera berus berus and 6.5 times for Vipera berus nikolskii). Exposure to Vipera berus berus viper venom was associated with a significant decrease in the nuclearcytoplasmic index in rats of the experimental group compared to the control group (13 % and 42 %, respectively), which is evidence of a decrease in the area of the nuclei of endocrinocytes of the adrenal cortex. This indicator in rats under the administration of Vipera berus nikolskii venom was even lower and amounted to 12 %. According to the statistical analysis of the quantitative assessment of the state of the cortical substance of the adrenal glands, it is worth noting the similar effect of the poisons of both types of snakes at the cellular level. At the same time, at the tissue level, the effect of Vipera berus nikolskii venom is more pronounced than that of Vipera berus berus - this is evidenced by the higher degree of disruption of the structure of the hemomicrocirculatory channel in the adrenal cortex of animals from the group that was affected by this venom. It led to an increase in the area of vessels due to their expansion and ruptures of their walls and haemorrhages into the surrounding parenchyma and stroma.