The article aims at implementing Japanese experience of communication training by means of digital storytelling (DST) at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University under conditions of COVID-19 quarantine and distance learning. The paper studies and discusses the effectiveness of DST-based training and evaluation technique in the development of communication skills. The research involved 76 first- (N = 38) and second-year medical students (N = 38). The evaluation of DST skills was performed by ten criteria (8 structural, 2 stylistic) and occurred in three stages: introductory, developmental and final. Obtained data were statistically processed and analyzed. The research results were analyzed by (I) differences between groups, and (II) differences between stages. They indicate significant improvement of DST skills in both experimental groups at three research stages (p < 0.01). Rapid developmental dynamics of DST skills is primarily associated with better improvement of DST skills by structural criteria compared to stylistic in all participants (p < 0.01). This phenomenon indicates the requirement for further analysis and paying more attention to the development of lexical and grammar skills of medical students. Thus, the study confirmed the effectiveness of DST method in communication training and feasibility of its implementation in higher medical education as a tool of communication skills development.

The boundaries between truth and falsity are being assessed in the context of Plato’s theory of recollection. The nature of knowledge is seen as quite elusive, and this is why it evokes a need for questioning the notion of truth. Most important theories of truth are analyzed and taken to consideration in order to assess the boundaries of truth and falsity. The question of truth and falsity is being discussed in the context of broader topic of perception of the Universe. This is why the place of language and sensations is analyzed in the frame of cognizance. Theories of modern and post-modern thinkers are seen as a continuation of some statements made by Plato. Some approaches to cognizance of the Universe are evaluated in the diachronic aspect in order to develop a suitable theory of boundaries between truth and falsity. Approaches to paradoxes related to knowledge and deception are assessed in order to specify the distinction between truth and falsity. Machine assistance in the process of decision making is analyzed. Keywords: truth, knowledge, cognizance, reminiscence, deception

The article presents the results of treatment of 157 patients with generalized periodontitis depending on blood type using polypeptide drugs. The concentration of total protein, C – reactive protein, IgG, TRACPBSALP, albumin, amylase, lipase, Ca, Fe was determined in the oral fluid. The treatment allowed to reduce the content of total protein, C – reactive protein, TRACP in the oral fluid with increasing levels of calcium, Fe, BSALP, in relation to the relevant data before treatment. And also, polypeptide drugs helped to increase the level of albumin in representatives of 0 (I) and A (II) blood type in the oral fluid; contributed to a decrease: glucose, IgG with increasing activity, amylase and lipase in carriers of B (III) and AB (IV) blood type in the oral fluid, in relation to the values before treatment. The dynamics of indicators of oral fluid metabolism with the help of polypeptide drugs, convincingly proves the effectiveness of their use in the treatment of generalized periodontitis in patients with different blood type.

2023 marks the 125th anniversary of the foundation of the Medical Commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society’s publication, whose successor today is the journal Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Medical Sciences (Medical Sciences, ISSN 2708-8634; eISSN 2708–8642). Dr Eugen Ozarkevych, the founder and later the Chair of the Shevchenko Scientific Society’s Medical Commission in Lviv, initiated the publication of the scientific and practical journal “Medical Collection” («Лікарський збірник») in 1898. The journal’s primary purpose was to promulgate scientific achievements in the field of medicine in Ukrainian and to create Ukrainian medical terminology. This format allowed the reader to review scientific achievements in fundamental and clinical medicine, current medical problems, and new methods to in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. Ukrainian professional medical terminology was presented in this journal for the first time. Throughout its existence, this oldest medical journal, Medical Sciences, remains faithful to its historical multidisciplinary orientation. During the information and Russian war on the territory of Ukraine, Medical Sciences serves as a national heritage of Ukraine. It is recognized by international partners and indexed in scientometric bibliographic databases such as Scopus, Copernicus, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and Google Scholar. As an Open Access Journal, it is read in 155 countries of the world.
Keywords: Shevchenko Scientific Society, Medical Commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society, Medical Bulletin, Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Medical Collection. Medicine and Biology. New Series, Proceedings of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. Medical Sciences.

   UDC 616.33:615.24:599.323.41

   У гістофізіології нирок виключно важлива роль належить високомолекулярним вуглеводовмісним біополімерам – глікопротеїнам і протеогліканам. Зокрема, глікопротеїни подоцитів подопланін і подокаліксин забезпечують підтримання морфо-функціонального статусу означених клітинних елементів: формування цитоподій, щілинних діафрагм, та, спільно з мембраною ниркового клубочка – негативний електричний потенціал і селективну проникність фільтраційного бар’єру. Глікопротеїни щіточкової облямівки епітеліоцитів проксимальних трубочок нефронів мегалін і кубілін відіграють провідну роль у механізмах ендоцитозу та реабсорбції макромолекул з ультрафільтрату. Глікопротеїни екстрацелюлярного матриксу – фібронектин, ламінін, тенасцин, нідоген, колаген IV типу, гепаран-сульфат протеоглікани перлекан та агрин, дерматан-сульфат протеоглікани версикан, біглікан та декорин забезпечують адгезивні, опорно-механічні та індуктивні властивості ниркових мікроструктур. Лектини як реагенти здатні до вибіркового розпізнавання глікополімерів у залежності від складу та конфігурації їхніх кінцевих вуглеводних детермінант представляють собою цінний інструмент у дослідженні як нормального морфогенезу нирок, так і етіопатогенезу нефропатій. Особлива увага приділена сучасним тенденціям у лектинології – дослідженню ендогенних лектинів людини і тварин та їхній ролі за фізіологічних умов та у патогенезі ниркових хвороб. Наведено приклади практичного застосування лектинів як селективних гістологічних маркерів ниркових структур.
   Ключові слова: лектини, глікокон’югати, нирка, гістопатологія.

   Carbohydrate-rich biopolymers – glycoproteins and proteoglycans – play an extremely important role in renal
histophysiology. In particular, glycoproteins podoplanin and podocalyxin of podocytes maintain the morpho-functional status of these cellular elements: formation of pedicels, slit diaphragms, and, together with the glomerular membrane – a negative electrical charge and selective permeability of the filtration barrier. Proximal tubules brush border glycoproteins megalin and kubilin are in charge of endocytosis and reabsorption of macromolecules from the ultrafiltrate. Glycoproteins of extracellular matrix – fibronectin, laminin, tenascin, nidogen, various types of collagen, heparan-sulfate proteoglycans perlecan and agrin, dermatansulfate proteoglycans versican, biglycan and decorin provide adhesive, mechanical support and inductive properties of renal microand ultrastructures. Therefore, lectins as reagents capable of selective recognition of specific glycoepitopes proved to be a valuable tool in the investigation of both normal renal morphogenesis and pathogenesis of nephropathies. Special attention is paid to modern trends in lectinology – investigation of endogenous lectins of humans and animals and their role in health and disease. Practical examples of lectins application as selective histological markers of renal structures are depicted.
   Key words: lectins, glycoconjugates, kidney, histopathology.