The aim: To study the epidemiological situation of ascariasis among women with pathology of the reproductive system on the basis of a literature database (PubMed, Medline, Google Scholar, PLoS, Hindawi) and to present our experience with ascariasis and pathology of reproductive system.
Materials and methods: We investigated parasitic invasions in 174 women reproductive losses and 186 patients with primary infertility.
Results: The results performed in women with infertility and reproductive losses have proved the role of parasitic infection in the emergence of disorders of hormonal homeostasis, endothelial-lymphocytic dysfunction, severe vaginal and intestinal dysbiosis and, as a consequence, reproduction of conditionally pathogenic flora, etiopathogenetic risk factors for the development of various forms of women’s reproductive health pathology.
Conclusions: More global attention to the diagnosis and treatment of parasitic infections in the examination of women with infertility and reproductive losses is warranted. The influence of ascariasis as a source of autoinfection of the gastrointestinal tract, allowed us to consider the presence of this invasion a risk factor for the development of chronic inflammatory process of the lower genital tract.

Nowadays, newborns that required prolonged respiratory maintenance for different reasons are more often surviving. Increase in the number of complications is observed on the back- ground of positive clinical effects of certain component of inten- sive therapy. Search for the factors, which provoke appearance of recurrent bronchial obstruction syndrome, is an important component and basis of prophylaxis.
The aim of our research was to conduct analysis of factors that provoke the development of recurrent bronchial obstruction syndrome. To build mathematical model of bronchial obstruction devel- opment in young children with respiratory disorders in neonatal period, the method of logistic regression was used.
The results of conducted analysis enabled to detect that the presence of respiratory therapy significantly determines the risk of appearance of recurrent bronchial obstruction syndrome and suggest mathematical model of individual calculation of risk factors in this pathology. Data of conduction of mathematical analysis can be used for elaboration of a complex of rehabilita- tion measures concerning the development of recurrent bron- chial obstruction syndrome in children, who suffered respira- tory disorders in neonatal period. The highest risk of recurrent bronchial obstruction syndrome development in children born before 29 gestational week with simultaneous combination of prolonged (over 700 hours) total period of respiratory therapy.
Elaborated method of individual calculation of the risk of re- current bronchial obstruction syndrome development in young children, who experienced respiratory disorders in neonatal pe- riod, has practical significance and can be applied in everyday clinical practice.

The purpose of the present research was to prove the assumption that considering students’ personality type and self-determination, including motivation about their profession choice, has a direct positive effect on building their English for professional purposes competence. Considering obtained theoretical and empirical data, we can state that personality type and self-determination are interrelated with developing English for professional purposes competence of students majoring in non-philological specialities, namely in Sciences. To collect the data, we employed theoretical analysis and conducted two questionnaire polls to define the significant personality types of students and their motivation for their occupational choice. English for professional purposes competence is an integral characteristic of occupational and personal qualities of future specialists majoring in non-philological specialities. Acquisition of linguistic, specialised and cultural knowledge and building abilities and skills in speaking, writing, listening, and reading involve many psychophysiological mechanisms. Some conscious acts alter into a series of automatic, unconscious operations in language learning. Thus, building English for professional purposes competence involves focusing on activities consistent in the gradual accomplishment of different tasks, concentrating on structured performance according to the instructions, performing a series of automatic, unconscious operations and building associative links. In this way, constructing cognitive maps will bring fruitful results.

   Оскільки актуальність дослідження роботи полягала у необхідності вивчення специфіки перекладу сленгових одиниць на прикладі п'єси Бернарда Шоу “Пігмаліон”, то метою дослідження було зіставлення та розгляд особливостей формування, функціонування, імпозиції (впливу) та перекладу сленгу у творі. Автор зазначила, що розвиток мови постійно перебуває у динаміці, і сленг, як наслідок, змінюється і трансформується у свою чергу. У роботі представлене дослідження сленгових одиниць (кокні) та їх впливу на фонетику, граматику, лексику та орфографію як мові-оригіналі, так і у перекладі на українську.

Ключові слова: сленгові одиниці, кокні, приклади, вплив сленгу.