According to the WHO estimates, severe periodontal disease affects about 19% of the world's adult population, accounting for more than one billion cases worldwide. The main risk factors for periodontal disease are poor oral hygiene and tobacco use. Oral diseases cover a range of diseases and conditions that include dental caries, periodontitis (gum disease), tooth loss, oral cancer, orodental injuries, nomas and birth defects such as cleft lip and palate. The relevance of conducting a study of structural and functional disorders of gingival microcirculation in generalized periodontitis is substantiated. Synchronous changes in indicators of the functional state of the periodontal vessels and the microcirculatory bed are observed in the periodontium. The study of structural and functional parallels of the hemomicrocirculatory channel of the periodontium shows that one of the links of the pathogenetic theory of generalized periodontitis is vascular. This study can be used for effective, targeted, comprehensive treatment of generalized periodontitis during pharmacotherapy using drugs of various clinical and pharmacological, nomenclature and legal, classification and legal groups; study of pharmacoeconomic indicators regarding the availability of medicines to this contingent of patients. It has been proven that ultrastructural changes in the plasmolemma of endotheliocytes, both on the side of the vessel lumen and on the side of the basal membrane, indicate a violation of vascular permeability.

Важливим досягненням у вирішенні патогенезу генералізованого пародонтиту стало вивчення дисфункцій ендотелію судин мікроциркуляторного русла пародонта, яка характеризується порушеною ендотелій залежною релаксацією судин і підвищеною адгезивністю ендотелію [2, 3, 4, 11]. Особлива увага приділяється вивченню гемомікроциркуляторних порушень, які ведуть до розвитку в пародонті метаболічних порушень, дистрофічних, дегенеративних змін, ініціюють запальні реакції [1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12]. Оцінка ендотеліальної дисфункції є новим і перспективним напрямком сучасної медицини і розглядається не тільки як маркер судинних порушень. Встановлено її важливе значення в ініціюванні, прогресуванні і клінічних проявах чисельних захворювань [2, 4, 8, 10, 11]. В пародонтології механізми розвитку ендотеліальної дисфункції вивчені недостатньо, що вказує на необхідність глибокого вивчення цієї проблеми на сучасному медичному рівні.

Recently, a new sanological direction in the field of health, where health is considered as not a disease, a fundamental difference from the one accepted in medicine, is discussed in the world and Ukrainian scientific literature. Sanology today is practically formed as a new scientific field with its own language, object, subject and research methods. The purpose of this scientific report was to define the concepts associated with a constructive view of the basic statuses and components of health. Human health is the health of a harmoniously developed individual. Human body (physical component), his mind and ability to think (intellectual component), moral and ethical attitudes (moral component), ability to control emotions (emotional or mental component), ability to adapt to living and working conditions (social component). On the platform of the existing concept of health, which is based on the components of the health of a fully developed personality - physical, mental, social, we have developed a structure of components of each of them and the "zone" of sanology and medicine.

The annual increase in the incidence of diabetes and frequency of its complications determine the urgency of this problem. The most characteristic sighns of diabetes are vascular lesions of arterioles, venules, capillaries (microangiopathy). Changes in microcirculatory system at diabetes mellitus leads to other complications. The pathology of the marginal periodontium in patients with diabetes is, in fact, a local manifestation of diabetes-specific microangiopathy, which causes degenerative changes in periodontal tissues.