UDC 618.11-007.1

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), an endocrine and metabolic disorder in women of reproductive age, is characterized by high androgen levels, irregular periods, and small cysts in the ovaries. PCOS affects approximately 10 % of reproductive age women of all races and ethnicities. PCOS has been recognized to affect women of reproductive age since antiquity and in the 21st century, it emerges as the most widespread and serious reproductive metabolic disorder in the world. PCOS is a multifactorial disorder that affects both the reproductive and metabolic health of women. In addition, PCOS is a leading symptom of infertility in women. Nevertheless, women with PCOS who become pregnant unfortunately have an increased risk of complications, such as gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), preterm birth. Many people believe GDM disappears after childbirth, despite the fact that GDM is a warning symptom of type 2 diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. According to growing evidence, GDM complicates 40 % of PCOS pregnancies, suggesting that PCOS is a risk factor for GDM. Hence, PCOS is a lifelong disorder that can eventually lead to various long-term health complications, including chronic menstrual irregularity, infertility, endometrial hyperplasia, and endometrial cancer. Thus, it’s a scientific fact that both PCOS and GDM are significantly associated with each other. However, most studies on the risk of GDM in PCOS patients are retrospective. Therefore, there is no strong evidence whether PCOS is a risk factor for GDM or any other related factor. PCOS, a polygenic endocrinopathy, is in a true sense a set of diseases that worsen the state of the body. Reproductive and metabolic disorders associated with PCOS cause several clinical symptoms, such as irregular and painful periods, hirsutism, acanthosis nigricans, acne, psoriasis, anxiety, mood swings, patterned baldness, cardiovascular problems, type 2 diabetes, infertility, pelvic pain, low libido, low self-esteem, etc. Further studies are needed to understand the genetic and epigenetic contributions of PCOS, PCOS-related comorbidities, the role of placenta in nutrient availability, and influence of medications that may affect the long-term offspring health.

Рatients with diabetes have more complications and higher mortality from COVID-19. This is due to the fact that diabetes impairs the immune response. Hyperglycemia causes a violation of the immune response, which in turn cannot control the spread of pathogenic microorganisms and therefore patients with diabetes are more susceptible to infections. The purpose of the work ₋₋ analysis of bibliometric databases of literature on new developments in diabetes and COVID-19 and focused on clinical recommendations for patients with diabetes infected with COVID-19. The search methods included a literature review of scientific articles that studied diabetes and COVID-19.
According to the results of the analysis of the articles obtained as a result of the search in the PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, MedScape databases, a combination of the terms “diabetes and SARS-CoV-2”, “diabetes and COVID-19”, “pathogenesis of diabetes in case of COVID-19”, "pancreas", "clinical features", "diagnosis", "treatment", "clinical recommendations", we found 32 messages from 2020 to 2022. The main parameters of the study were outpatients and inpatients with diabetes and COVID-19 of middle and elderly age starting from 46 years
and up to 82 years of age in France, China, the USA, Great Britain, in which a nationwide, retrospective, populationbased study was conducted. The following concomitant diseases are included in the main studies: arterial hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular diseases. Issues of pathogenetic mechanisms in DM and COVID-19, as well as management of patients with DM and COVID-19 are highlighted.

УДК 618.ІІ-006.2-085

Резюме. Актуальність. Генітальний ендометріоз є однією з найактуальніших проблем сучасної гінекології. Розглядаючи оксидативний стрес як патогенетичну ланку ендометріозу, ми вважаємо обґрунтованим застосування в лікуванні комбінованого препарату, який містить супероксиддисмутазу, ресвератрол і цинк.

Мета роботи: оцінити ефективність лікування генітального ендометріозу, доповненого застосуванням супероксиддисмутази, ресвератролу і цинку з урахуванням провідних патофізіологічних ланок патології.

Матеріали та методи. Під спостереженням перебували 37 жінок репродуктивного віку з генітальним ендометріозом. Лікування жінок першої групи проводилося відповідно до настанови Guideline Development Group, GDG. 39 жінок другої групи додатково отримували препарат із вмістом супероксиддисмутази, ресвератролу і цинку. До групи контролю увійшли 30 здорових жінок. Проводили визначення показників стану процесів перекисного окиснення ліпідів за вмістом у сироватці крові пацієнток дієнових кон’югатів і малонового діальдегіду та антиоксидантної системи захисту за вмістом супероксиддисмутази і глутатіонпероксидази. Для моніторингу якості життя пацієнток проводили оцінку больового синдрому за візуальною аналоговою шкалою. Статистична обробка одержаних даних проводилася за допомогою стандартного пакета програм StatSoft Statistіca for Windows 13.0.

Результати. Оцінка больового синдрому в пацієнток другої групи показала, що больовий синдром у жінок з першою стадією захворювання повністю зник, серед хворих з другою стадією у 8 жінок відзначалося зникнення болю, у 3 — зменшення із сильного до слабкого болю, при третій стадії у 5 жінок біль зник зовсім, у 4 — зменшився із сильного до слабкого, в однієї жінки зменшився з нестерпного болю до слабкого. Усі пацієнтки другої групи відзначали зменшення болю при статевому житті, а при першій стадії — його відсутність, підвищення працездатності (r = 0,64; p < 0,01), зниження дратівливості й нервозності в перименструальний період (r = –0,59; p < 0,05) і в цілому задоволення результатом лікування. Побічних ефектів не відзначалося в жодної пацієнтки.

Висновки. Удосконалення лікувальної тактики генітального ендометріозу шляхом доповнення терапії супероксиддисмутазою, ресвератролом і цинком є патогенетично обґрунтованим, оскільки чинить значний позитивний вплив на систему «перекисне окиснення ліпідів — антиоксидантна система захисту» порівняно з традиційною схемою лікування.

Abstract. Background. Genital endometriosis is one of the most urgent problems of modern gynecology. Considering oxidative stress as a pathogenetic link of endometriosis, we believe it reasonable to use a combined drug containing superoxide dismutase, resveratrol, and zinc. The purpose of the work was to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment for genital endometriosis supplemented with the use of superoxide dismutase, resveratrol, and zinc, taking into account the leading pathophysiological links of the pathology.

Materials and methods. Thirty-seven women of reproductive age with genital endometriosis were under observation. Treatment in the first group was carried out in accordance with the Guideline Development Group recommendations. Thirty-nine women of the second group additionally received a drug containing superoxide dismutase, resveratrol, and zinc. The control group included 30 healthy women. The state of lipid peroxidation processes was assessed by the level of diene conjugates and malondialdehyde in the blood serum and the antioxidant defense system by the content of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. To monitor the patients’ quality of life, pain syndrome was studied using the Visual Analogue Scale. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out by means of the standard StatSoft Statistica for Windows 13.0 program package.

Results. The assessment of the pain syndrome in the second group showed that it completely disappeared in women with the first stage of the disease. Among patients with the second stage, pain disappeared in 8 cases, 3 patients had a decrease from severe to mild pain. At the third stage, pain disappeared completely in 5 women, in 4 cases, it decreased from severe to mild, and in one woman, the pain decreased from unbearable to mild. All patients of the second group noted a decrease in pain during intercourse, and in the first stage — its absence, an increase in work capacity (r = 0.64, p < 0.01), a decrease in irritability and anxiety in the perimenstrual period (r = –0.59, p < 0.05) and overall satisfaction with the treatment result. Side effects were not noted in any of the patients.

Conclusions. Improving treatment for genital endometriosis by supplementing therapy with superoxide dismutase, resveratrol, and zinc is pathogenetically justified, as it has a significant positive effect on the lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense system, compared to the traditional treatment regimen.


The aim: Conducting an evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of the use of magnesium in pregnant women.
Materials and methods: A comprehensive examination of 60 pregnant women was conducted, of which 30 were taking a magnesium preparation in a daily dose of 2473.72 mg of magnesium citrate and 40 mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride (the main group) and 30 pregnant women who were not taking a magnesium preparation (сomparison group). The analysis of the clinical course of the first half of the pregnancy with the determination the frequency and structure of complications, blood pressure levels, indicators of ultrasound, general and biochemical blood tests, urinalysis, lipid status and carbohydrarate metabolism.
Results: The main complications of the first half of pregnancy were: threatening miscarriage, abortion in progress, early gestosis, anemia, respiratory viral infection, exacerbation of extragenital pathology, hypertension. During the analysis of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism increased atherogenic potential. Analyzing the results of ultrasound studies reliably earlier comes down the local hypertonus.
Сonclusions: The correction of chronic magnesium deficiency, performed by the drug magnesium has allowed to reduce cases of threat of abortion, the abortion that was started, the symptoms of early preeclampsia, anemia of pregnant women, symptoms of respiratory viral infection, reduces the number of bed-days in the case of hospitalization. Theuseof magnesium helpedto normalizebloodpressure, carbohydrateandlipid metabolism, reduces hypertonus of the myometrium.
KEY WORDS: magnesium deliciency, pregnancy complication, magnesium