New 4-aryl-3-(morpholin-4-yl)-2-arylimino-2,3-dihydrothiazole derivatives 1.1-1.16 were obtained using the Hantzsch reaction by condensation of N-(morpholin-4-yl)-N'-arylthioureas with the corresponding α bromoacetophenones in alcohols. Synthesized hydrobromides 1.1-1.8 were formed as crystalline precipitates during the boiling of the reaction mixture. Bases 1.9-1.16 were obtained by neutralizing the corresponding hydrobromides with NH4OH solution. It has been proposed a possible mechanism of the reaction that is based on the study of the structure of the synthesized compounds. The structures of the synthesized compounds were confirmed by 1H NMR spectroscopy with its special techniques (NOESY and ROESY experiments). It has been shown the formation of the isomer 4-(4'-chlorophenyl)-3-(morpholin-4-yl)-2-(4'-chlorophenylamino)-2.3-dihydrothiazole on the basis of compound 1.14. Pharmacological screening of synthesized derivatives of 4-aryl-2-arylimino-2,3-dihydrothiazole compounds revealed the analgesic effect in the model of visceral pain caused by the introduction of acetic acid to white mice. The anti-inflammatory effect of the synthesized compounds was evaluated in vivo by reducing limb edema in rats with carrageenan-induced inflammation. Thus, the synthesized compounds have analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity.
The article raises a question about the possible and effective kidney transplantation in elderly patients with various severe comorbidities. The analysis is based on an example of successful kidney transplantation from a deceased donor when a 67-year-old patient had severe concomitant background: obesity, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disturbances. Despite unfavorable prognosis and further unpredictable illnesses such as COVID-19, candidal esophagitis, coronary attack, and pneumonia, the patient has not develop graft injury or rejection and kept sufficient kidney function. The research was mainly focused on coexisting illnesses and their influence on kidney transplantation consequences. Following disease groups were discussed regarding their impact on transplantation outcomes and prognosis: arterial hypertension, cardiac disorders, diabetes mellitus, and obesity. Patient’s age, previous interventions, and comorbidities were observed for association with outcomes and risk of graft rejection. A review of available publications compared approaches for recipient selection in different clinical centers as well.
УДК: 61:004.946
У статті проведено екскурс в історію технологій віртуальної реальності. Висвітлено основні тенденції і події, які визначили сучасний стан галузі. Виділено три історичних періоди – до появи концепції віртуальності, період початкових розробок і сучасний період. В сучасному періоді становлення віртуальної реальності значно інтенсифікувались медичні розробки. Практичні застосування технології охоплюють найширші ділянки медицини. В той же час, необхідні доказові дослідження для оцінки їх користі.
The patient suffered from a mild form of COVID-19 and was treated on an outpatient basis. According to the family doctor’s prescription, she took Azithromycin 500 mg a day per os for 6 days, and then Ceftriaxone 1.0 g twice a day i.m. for another 6 days. Diarrhea appeared on the 10th day of treatment up to 10-15 times a day, a month later - blood admixtures in the stool appeared. The result was negative. Data from colonoscopy and histological examination of the intestinal mucosa and the clinical picture showed nonspecific ulcerative colitis, moderately severe. The patient started treatment with Salofalk first at a dose of 2 mg and then 4 mg per day. Due to the insufficient clinical effect, the patient was additionally prescribed Budenofalk in a daily dose of 9 mg with a positive clinical effect