УДК 616.311.2-002-053.2-08-06:616.899]-078-079

Abstract. The aim of the study was to analyze the dynamics of immunological and microbiological changes in the oral cavity of children with oligophrenia during the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis. It was observed 54 children of 12 years old with І stages of oligophrenia to assess these changes. The main group included 26 children and a comparison group was formed from 28 children. Treatment of HCG in children of the main group was carried out according to the worked out scheme, which included the local application of anti-inflammatory gel “Holisal”, rinsing the oral cavity with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. Askorutin, Echinacea-Lubnipharm and vitamin-mineral complex were prescribed as endogenous agents. Nutrition correction was also performed. In children of the comparison group, HCG treatment was carried out in accordance with regional protocols for dental care (professional oral hygiene, antiseptic treatment of the gingival mucosa, use of therapeutic and prophylactic pastes, oral hygiene training). Therapeutic measures in children with HCG and oligophrenia were used twice a year. The content of immunoglobulins A, M, G, secretory immunoglobulin A and interleukin spectrum in oral fluid, also changes in the biocenosis of the oral cavity at different periods of observation (after 1 and 6 months) were studied in the dynamics to assess the immunological and microbiological status of children during the treatment of HCG. Analysis of the results of the study of immunological and microbiological parameters of the oral cavity in children with oligophrenia in the treatment of HCG shows an improvement in local immunity, that evidenced about stabilization of immunological parameters of oral fluid (reduction of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-4, TGF-β1, increased levels of IgA, G, M, sIgA in the oral fluid), and the normalization of the biocenosis, that indicate on the positive dynamics of the microbial landscape of dental plaque. 
The results of clinical observations also confirm the effectiveness of the proposed complex for the treatment of HCG in children with oligophrenia.
Key words: HCG, children, oligophrenia, microbiological and immunological changes.