The purpose of the study is to analyze the results of managing pregnant women and newborns with COVID-19. Under observation were 208 pregnant women who were admitted to the municipal non-profit enterprise "Maternity Hospital №1 in Lviv». The department of extragenital pathology was specially equipped for patients. Based on clinical examination, epidemiological history and laboratory tests, a diagnosis of COVID-19 was made. COVID-19 was diagnosed in 179 (86.1%) pregnant women. 29 (16.2%) women were admitted to the intensive care unit and 1 (0.6%) woman required non-invasive mechanical ventilation. 74 women gave birth, of which 35 (47.3%) women - by caesarean section, the rest of the pregnant women after COVID-19 treatment were discharged under the supervision of a antenatal clinic doctor with the progression of pregnancy. The most common indication for caesarean section was fetal distress - 19 (54.2%) women. In 14 (18.9%) cases, the delivery was premature. The epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS - severe acute respiratory syndrome) caused by SARS-CoV showed that coronaviruses can cause not only mild and moderate respiratory diseases, but also severe, and even fatal, primary viral pneumonias, mortality from which, according to the WHO, worldwide was 17.6%. The risk of severe illness in pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 does not increase compared with the general population, according to our observations was 15.1%, which corresponds to the data of international experts. There is currently no evidence of miscarriage, fetal malformations, spontaneous preterm birth, and vertical transmission of the virus. Thromboprophylaxis is carried out for hospitalized women who have had a symptomatic course of COVID-19. In the treatment, cephalosporins II-III generation and macrolides are used. Corticosteroids are used to treat COVID-19 in women requiring oxygen support.