UDC: 616.155.3-097.37:612.176:612.017.1:575.75.8

The aim of our study is to elucidate changes in the content of pro-inflammatory interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and anti-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-10 (IL-10) in the blood serum of guinea pigs in the dynamics of experimental immobilization stress. The dynamics of the immobilization stress is accompanied by a pronounced progression of the proinflammatory group of cytokines - TNF-α and IL-6 against the
background of declining functional activity of IL-10 at all stages of their formation (3 rd, 5 th and 15 th days) with an advantage on the 3 rd day of the experiment. The data obtained indicate an imbalance of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and impaired cytokinogenesis, which is important for the pathogenesis in immobilization stress.
Key words: immobilization stress; tumor necrosis factor – α; interleukins; cytokines.

Метою дослідження є з’ясування змін вмісту рівня прозапальних інтерлейкіну-6 (ІЛ-6) і фактору некрозу пухлин-α (ФНП-α) та протизапальних цитокінів інтерлейкіну-10 (ІЛ-10) у сироватці крові морських свинок у динаміці розвитку іммобілізаційного стресу. Динаміка розвитку іммобілізаційного стресу супроводжує виражену прогресію прозапальної групи цитокінів – ФНП-α та IL-6 на тлі спаду функціональної активності IL-10 на усіх етапах їх формування (3-я, 5-а та 15-а доби) з перевагою на 3-у добу експерименту. Одержані дані свідчать про розбалансування  протизапальних цитокінів та порушення цитокіногенезу при іммобілізаційному стресі 

UDC: 616.314.18-002.4-099]-092.4/.9

Abstract The aim of our work was to investigate the peculiarities of changes in endogenous rates: medium mass molecules (MMM) and erythrocyte intoxication index (EII) in the blood of guinea pigs in the experimental periodontitis formation. The results of biochemical studies showed that at all stages of the development of experimental periodontitis, there is a consistent increase in the degree of endogenous with their dominance on the 15 th
of the experiment relative to the control, namely, the content of medium-mass molecules (МMМ254, МMМ280) and the erythrocyte intoxication index (EII) increased in blood, respectively, by 24.8% (р≤0.05), 28.2% (р≤0.05) and 34.7% (р≤0.05) compared to the first group of animals, which indicates an increase in the processes and the important role of metabolites of endogenous intoxication and their participation in the mechanisms of formation of experimental periodontitis. 
Key words: periodontitis; stress; endogenous intoxication; medium mass molecules; erythrocyte intoxication index

 Метою роботи було дослідити особливості зміни показників ендогенної інтоксикації: молекул середньої маси (МMМ) та еритроцитарний індекс інтоксикації (ЕІІ) у крові морських свинок при формуванні експериментального пародонтиту (ЕП). Результати біохімічних досліджень показали, що на усіх етапах розвитку експериментального пародонтита відбувається послідовне зростання ступеня ендогенної інтоксикації з домінуванням їх на 15-у добу експерименту відносно контролю, а саме підвищувався вміст молекул середньої маси (МСМ254, МСМ280 ) і еритроцитарного індексу інтоксикації (ЕІІ) в крові відповідно на 24,8 % (р≤0,05), 28,2% (р≤0,05) і 34,7 % (р≤0,05) в порівнянні з першою групою тварин, що вказує на посилення процесів та важливу роль метаболітів ендогенної інтоксикації та їх участь в механізмах формування експериментального пародонтиту. 

Purpose. To determine the percentage of viral hepatitis (VH) B and C infection in patients with HIV/AIDS in Lviv Region, Ukraine.

Methods. We analyzed retrospectively patients’ medical cards with HIV/AIDS and VH, treated in Lviv Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases (LCHID) during the last four years.

Results. In the recent four years, 164 patients have been treated for HIV/AIDS in LCHID. The lethal outcome of the disease was observed in 19 patients (11.58%). Among all patients, VH was revealed in 43 patients (26.2%). Chronic HCV infection was reliably more common – 32 patients (74.4%) compared with co-infection HBV+HCV – 8 patients (18.7%) and chronic HBV infection – 3 patients (6.9%). VH at the stage of liver cirrhosis was observed in 15 patients (34.88%). Among them, the primary cause of cirrhosis was HCV infection in 8 (80%) individuals, co-infection HBV+HCV – in 2 (13.3%), HBV infection – in 1 (6.7%) person. The average age of patients with HIV/AIDS + VH constituted 37.4±0.9 years. Besides, men suffered more frequently – 32 (78.3%) compared with women – 11 (21.7%), p<0.001. The ratio of urban to rural residents was 3:2 – 29 (67.4%) versus 14 (32.6%), p<0.001, respectively. Mortality in patients with HIV/AIDS + VH constituted 20%, however, viral hepatitis or its complications were not the cause of death in any of the above-listed cases.

Conclusion. The obtained results prove that in the Lviv region, VH with parenteral route of transmission has been observed in every fourth patient with HIV/AIDS. Combination HIV/AIDS + VH was more common in men than in women. In ¾ of all cases, chronic HCV infection was reported. In 1/3 of patients, hepatitis was characterized by progression to liver cirrhosis. Thus, it is expedient to intensify the conduction of educational measures as to the likelihood of infecting with parenteral VH and HIV/AIDS in risk groups.

Проведені дослідження констатують факт, що у кожного п’ятого пацієнта із лептоспірозом, який одужав, спостерігалась пневмонія. При цьому у пацієнтів із тяжким перебігом хвороби факт наявності пневмонії верифікувався вірогідно частіше, ніж у пацієнтів із середньотяжким перебігом лептоспірозу. Ознаки пневмонії відзначалися у кожного третього пацієнта із лептоспірозом, у якого хвороба завершилась летально.  Пневмонія спостерігалась однаково часто у чоловіків та жінок, незалежно від висліду хвороби.

Background. Over last five years, 20 cases of Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal syndrome (HFRS) have been officially registered in Ukraine. We believe that the real incidence rates of HFRS are significantly higher. This underdiagnosis is partially due to the rarity of HFRS cases in Ukraine and the limited number of patients that are referred to specialists for laboratory examinations.

Case description. Patient D., 34 years old, became acutely ill with a fever of 39°C, back pain, nausea, and weakness. He was hospitalized with suspicion of leptospirosis. The biochemical panel revealed increasing levels of creatinine and urea, and the level of ALAT was slightly elevated.  Other biochemical data were normal. A complete blood cell count (CBC) revealed thrombocytopenia. Tests for viral hepatitis and leptospirosis were negative. HFRS was not suspected at this stage and symptomatic treatment was prescribed. The patient was discharged from the hospital on the 17th day of the disease. However, the patient's condition was not satisfactory, and the patient was hospitalized again on the 20th day of the disease. CBC, urine test, and coagulation test were unchanged. Only an elevated level of ALT(120.6 U/l) was identified.  An epidemiological review of the patient’s history revealed that he worked in a fish farm, feeding fish with dry food that was stored where rodents were possibly present. During the second hospitalization, the doctor again did not suspect HFRS. Only on the 25th day of the illness, during a multi-disciplinary meeting on the basis of the epidemiological history and after familiarization with the initial clinical signs and symptoms, was HFRS suspected. On the 25th day of the disease, Hantavirus IgM (IFA titer 1:640) and IgG (titer 1:10240) were detected in the blood of the patient. The patient received symptomatic therapy and was discharged on the 32nd day of disease.

Discussion. This case demonstrates a low vigilance of Ukrainian doctors to Hantavirus infection. To improve diagnosis and detect more cases of HFRS, it is necessary to introduce a mandatory examination of all patients with fever and kidney damage, as well as with suspicion of leptospirosis for Hantaviruses.