Introduction. The use of basal implantation permitted to perform prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with defects of the upper jaw, where traditional dental implantation could not be used. Materials and methods. We present the clinical case of a patient with a subtotal defect of the right half of the maxilla after removal of a benign tumor, for prosthetic rehabilitation through basal dental implantation.Results and discussion. According to the signifcant post-resection defcit of the bone, it was decided to create a fxed prosthetic construction with support on 3 dental implants located in “strategic” areas – floor of the nose, tubero-pterygoid area and zygomatic body. The treatment was uneventful. No complications were detected during 9 years of follow-up observation.Conclusions. This clinical case successfully demonstrates the possibility of rehabilitation of patients with post-resection defects of the upper jaw trough basal dental implants with fxed prosthetic bridge-like constructions. 

The aim: of our work was investigation of dystrophy in periodontal tissues and an attempt to establish the correlation between dystrophy in the periodontium and presence of intestinal disbacteriosis.
Materials and methods: Clinical-radiological examination was carried out in 146 patients with generalized periodontal pathology at the age from 26 to 59 years old. Among them in 92 persons generalized periodontitis was diagnosed and in 54 – periodontosis. The rst stage of heaviness of the pathological process in the periodontium was revealed in 50 patients with generalized periodontitis and 28 persons with periodontosis. Other patients su ered from heavier forms of periodontal pathology (II and III stages), 42 persons with generalized periodontitis and 28 persons with periodontosis accordingly. Bacteriological analysis of feces for disbacteriosis was carried out in all patients.
Results: Changes in the physiological contour of the gums (that is macro relief of marginal periodontium) were found in the majority of examined patients. Because of the development of pathological gingival contour and recession of the gums, 72,5% of examined patients su ered from root denudation and di erent pathological conditions of roots cement structure – pigmentation, demineralization, wedge-shaped defects, caries. According to our clinical investigations it was found out that in majority of patients (83%) both in ammatory and dystophic changes were present, only 17% of patients had purely atrophic process in the periodontium without in ammation. In patients with GP and periodontosis, in whom dystrophic changes were accompanied by in ammation, clinical appearance was more expressed with redness, bleeding and suppuration from the pockets, thus hiding dystrophic signs.
Conclusions: According to clinical and radiological ndings numerous dystrophic changes were found in all structures of the periodontium and teeth of patients with periodontosis and generalized periodontitis. Changes intensify in disease progressing into the II-III stages. In patients with periodontosis clinical- radiological peculiarities of dystrophy were revealed in early stages of disease progression, while in generalized periodontitis dystrophic changes become apparent in late stages of disease. The presence of colon disbacteriosis was established in patients with periodontosis and generalized periodontitis. Disbacteriosis intensi es when diseases progress into II-III stages of heaviness. These data indicates to possible correlation between the development of dystrophic changes in periodontal tissues and the presence of intestinal disbacteriosis.
KEY WORDS: intestinal disbacteriosis, generalized periodontitis, periodontosis, dystrophy, gingival contour

Dystrophic changes of all periodontal structures and teeth in patients with periodontitis and generalized periodontitis were investigated in the study. Characteristic signs of the gums’ pathological contour, as well as other clinical and radiological features of dystrophy differ in patients with periodontitis and generalized periodontitis and contribute to the improvement of their differential diagnosis. Ultrastructural examination of the patients’ gums with periodontitis revealed disseminated microthrombosis, mucoid edema and fibrinoid transformation of intermediate connective tissue, and coagulation-dystrophic changes in periodontal tissues and cells.
Key words: periodontitis, parodontosis, gingival ultrastructure, coagulation dystrophy

Aim: To determine the role of damage to the ultrastructural elements of the periodontal nervous system in the pathogenesis of dystrophic periodontal disease.
Materials and Methods: The basis of the experimental part of the study was the preparation of ultrathin sections from blocks of gum tissue of white rats, which were prepared using the UMTP-3M device. The study and analysis of biopsy samples was carried out with the help of an electron microscope UEMV-100K.
Results: With the help of transmission electron microscopy, it was found that from the rst minutes after the injection of hemolysate of isogenic erythrocytes into the rats, aggregates of erythrocytes, clumps of blood plasma, clusters of brin monomer masses, bundles of brin bers, platelet and homogeneous were present in the connective tissue of the gums, and in particular in the lumens of hemocapillaries microthrombi, which conrms damage to the ultrastructures of the periodontium, which lead to the development of a pathological process, which is described when simple coagulation dystrophy is reproduced.
Conclusions: Coagulative damage to the ultrastructural elements of the periodontal nervous system is one of the important factors in the pathogenesis of dystrophic periodontal damage. Under these conditions, trophic disturbances occur, similar to those that occur when the integrity of the nerve is disturbed – neurotrophic mechanism of dystrophy.
KEY WORDS: Сoagulation dystrophies, generalized decompensated thrombinogenesis, periodontium, nerves of the gingival mucosa membranes

У споминi висвiтлено основнi вiхи життя та рiзно­плановi  аспекти  дiяльностi  завiдувача  кафедри  xipypriчнoї стоматологii: та щелепно-лицевоi: xipyprii: Львiвського нацiнального медичного унiверситету iменi Данила Галицького (1992-2012 рр.) професора 1. М. Гатя, який зробив значний вне­сок у розвиток xipypriчнoi: стоматологii: в Українi. lван Миросла­вович залишиться у нашiй пам'ятi як свiтла людина з багатим життевим досвiдом та високим професiоналiзмом.