The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of concomitant somatic pathology on periodontal tissues. Materials and methods. 104 patients, aged 28–46 years, with diseases of periodontal tissues, who had somatic pathology, were involved in the study. The examined persons were divided into groups: 35 persons (group 1) with pathology of the hepatobiliary system, 37 persons (group 2) with pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, and 32 persons (group 3) with pathology of the cardiovascular system. The comparison group included 30 people with periodontal tissue diseases without somatic pathology. To determine the depth and prevalence of the inflammatory process of the gums the Svrakov’s number indicator was used. Oral hygiene was assessed according to the Silness-Loe and Stallard indices. The papillary-marginal-alveolar index (C. Parma, 1960) was determined to assess the severity of gum inflammation. Bleeding gums were assessed by the gum’s papilla bleeding index according to Muhllemann. Statistical processing of the research results was carried out with a computer program for variational and statistical analysis of medical and biological research data “GraphPad Prism 5”.
Results and discussion. Patients with diseases of periodontal tissues against the background of somatic pathology had the highest percentage of chronic generalized periodontitis of the II degree, in contrast patients of the comparison group had the highest percentage of chronic generalized periodontitis of the initial – I degree. Svrakov’s number in patients with periodontal disease against the background of somatic pathology significantly (р ˂0.05) exceeded the indicators of patients of the comparison group. At the same time, there is no significant difference between the results of groups 1, 2 and 3.
The highest values of the indexes of Silness-Loe and Stallard were recorded in patients with the cardiovascular system pathology, which significantly (p<0.05) exceeded the data in the comparison group, but did not significantly differ from the results of patients with pathology of hepatobiliary system and gastrointestinal tract. The papillary-marginal-alveolar index data were the highest in patients with hepatobiliary system pathology (64.25 ± 8.19%), which significantly (p<0.05) exceeded the results of the comparison group and in individuals of groups 2 and 3.The highest indicator of the bleeding index is 1.98 ± 0.22 points in patients of the 1st group, which significantly exceeds the indicators in the group of people without somatic pathology and in the group of patients with pathology of gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. Conclusion. The conducted studies show that the presence of somatic pathology contributes to the development of periodontal tissue diseases, and certainly aggravates their course, which is proven by the results of the index assessment.
Keywords: periodontitis, somatic pathology, periodontal indices.

Objective: To systematize available data regarding COVID-19 vaccination aspects among dental specialists and  highlight relevant occupationally-related features of vaccination challenges.
Materials and Methods: Search of pertinent literature sources associated with above-formulated objective was  provided via PubMed Central database ( and Google Scholar search engine  ( Criteria of publication date included 2020-2022 years period. Publications in  English or at least with English abstract/summary were collected within primary sample for further preliminary  content-analysis. All articles collected for in-depth content-analysis were evaluated due to the text-mining, textidentification and text-extraction principles with further clusterization and systematization of outcomes at the  Microsoft Excel 2019 software (Microsoft Office, Microsoft, 2019). 
Results: After full reading of articles’ texts 28 of them were categorized as those containing new and/or unique  information, interpretations or facts, out of which 12 were cross-sectional online surveys, 4 were editorials, 7  were literature/systematic/clinical reviews, 1 was brief report, 1 was opinion article, 1 was ethical moment, 1  was advice article, and 1 was web-source. New challenges related with COVID-19 vaccination within dental field  are represented by personal hesitancy of dental professionals and students, which in turn associated with such  factors as provided information support, previous COVID-19 experience, fear of getting infected or transmit  disease to the patients or family members, fear of potential post-vaccination side-effects development, changes  of occupational status, and interaction within dental team. 
Conclusions: Further improvements of dental care field possible only after vaccination of dental professionals.  Vaccination of dentists is widening window of their possibilities regarding inclusion as members of COVID-19  vaccine’s delivery team and participation within “behaviorally informed strategies” and public motivational  programs, which in turn is aimed at amplification of positive willingness for COVID-19 vaccination among general  public.
Keywords: COVID-19, Vaccination, Dentistry 

An imbalance between generation of free radicals and antioxidant defence leads to an oxidative stress Pulmonary damage caused by oxygen toxicity occurs due to the generation of reactive oxygen species and subsequent formation of more potent oxidants in experimental peridontitis development. Furthermore, the reactive oxygen species content may be a useful and practical parameter for evaluating periodontal disease activity.

УДК 616.311.2-002-036.12-053.2-056.5-08

Abstract. Research in recent years indicates a high prevalence of periodontal tissue diseases in children and adolescents. It has been proven that in children with overweight, periodontal tissue diseases occur much more often than in children with normal weight. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to justify and clinically evaluate the effectiveness of a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures in children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis on the background of overweight. For this purpose, 158 children with overweight aged 12-15 years were examined. All children were divided into the main group, the comparison group and the control group. The clinical assessment of the intensity of the inflammatory process and the effectiveness of the treatment of HCG was carried out based on clinical signs and periodontal indices. For the treatment of HCG in children with overweight, a therapeutic and preventive complex was developed, which included: teaching children and their parents about hygiene, the rational choice of hygiene products, professional oral hygiene 2 times per year, and for children with moderate and severe gingivitis – 3-4 times; sanitation of the oral cavity; local application of our patented gel and mouthwash. It was recommended to rinse the oral cavity with herbal anti-inflammatory agents at home, correction of nutrition was carried out. In the comparison group and the control group, the treatment of HCG was carried out according to local protocols. The effectiveness of the HCG treatment was evaluated by the dynamics of clinical indicators during follow-up examinations the next day, after 5-6 and 12-14 days according to the criteria of «normalization», «improvement», «no change». It was established that the use of the developed complex for HCG treatment in children with overweight contributed to more pronounced normalization of clinical symptoms compared to children who received conventional treatment. The effectiveness of the treatment is also evidenced by a significant decrease in periodontal indices at all follow-up periods. Thus, the analysis of the immediate clinical results of the HCG treatment in children with overweight of the main group testified to the reliably high therapeutic effectiveness of the composition of local action in the form of gel and mouthwash on the inflammatory process in the periodontal tissues compared to the generally accepted method of treatment. Local pharmacological correction of the inflammatory process in the periodontal tissues contributed to the elimination of inflammation and improved oral hygiene.
Key words: chronic catarrhal gingivitis, periodontal indices, children, overweight, treatment.

УДК 616.311.2-002-053.2-08-06:616.899]-078-079

Abstract. The aim of the study was to analyze the dynamics of immunological and microbiological changes in the oral cavity of children with oligophrenia during the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis. It was observed 54 children of 12 years old with І stages of oligophrenia to assess these changes. The main group included 26 children and a comparison group was formed from 28 children. Treatment of HCG in children of the main group was carried out according to the worked out scheme, which included the local application of anti-inflammatory gel “Holisal”, rinsing the oral cavity with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents. Askorutin, Echinacea-Lubnipharm and vitamin-mineral complex were prescribed as endogenous agents. Nutrition correction was also performed. In children of the comparison group, HCG treatment was carried out in accordance with regional protocols for dental care (professional oral hygiene, antiseptic treatment of the gingival mucosa, use of therapeutic and prophylactic pastes, oral hygiene training). Therapeutic measures in children with HCG and oligophrenia were used twice a year. The content of immunoglobulins A, M, G, secretory immunoglobulin A and interleukin spectrum in oral fluid, also changes in the biocenosis of the oral cavity at different periods of observation (after 1 and 6 months) were studied in the dynamics to assess the immunological and microbiological status of children during the treatment of HCG. Analysis of the results of the study of immunological and microbiological parameters of the oral cavity in children with oligophrenia in the treatment of HCG shows an improvement in local immunity, that evidenced about stabilization of immunological parameters of oral fluid (reduction of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-4, TGF-β1, increased levels of IgA, G, M, sIgA in the oral fluid), and the normalization of the biocenosis, that indicate on the positive dynamics of the microbial landscape of dental plaque. 
The results of clinical observations also confirm the effectiveness of the proposed complex for the treatment of HCG in children with oligophrenia.
Key words: HCG, children, oligophrenia, microbiological and immunological changes.