Для ранньої діагностики ускладнень цукрового діабету, що є запорукою успіху для подальшого лікування захворювання, важливо розуміти особливості будови і кровопостачання органів при цукровому діабеті. Домінуючу роль в інвалідизації при цукровому діабеті відіграє ураження стінки судин різних органів. Проте, до останнього часу недостатньо вивченим залишається питання морфологічних змін кровоносних судин яєчка при цукровому діабеті. Ціла низка невирішених питань щодо особливостей будови та кровопостачання яєчка на мікро- та ультраструктурному рівнях, морфологічних змін яєчка та його гемомікроциркуляторного русла за умов цукрового діабету, якісно-кількісних змін ангіоархітектоніки яєчка щура при експериментальній формі цукрового діабету, проблем успішного вибору ефективних методів лікування судинних порушень яєчка при цукровому діабеті, що безперечно зумовлено недостатнім вивченням морфологічних особливостей патогенезу мікроциркуляторних порушень на різних стадіях діабетичної мікроангіопатії.
It is a well-known fact that teeth extraction induces significant dimensional changes of the alveolar ridge [1, 2, 10]. From the point of view of conventional 2-stage implantation this situation requires grafting of the alveolar sockets before implants placement. Nowadays a variety of materials of different origin are present on the market for appropriate bone substitution (synthetic scaffolds: HA, TCP, Bioglass, coral minerals; Ceramic xenografts: Bio-Oss®, Cerabone®ȎOORJHQLF bone (demineralized, lyophilized); ȎXWRJHQLF ERQH FDQFHOORXV FRUWLFDO etc. The expectations of conventional implantologists from grafting procedure are as following: superior results, higher aesthetics, long term predictability, significantly higher success rate, faster healing etc. [18]. But, being honest, the same results are desirable from the point of view of immediate 1-stage implantation and immediate loading as well... Although the concept of immediate implantation and loading requires no bone substitution, even of fresh extraction sockets, because it relies on natural bone healing under the influence of immedi ate loading, the lack of grafting sometimes leads to inappropriate aesthetic results especially in the aesthetically significant areas as frontal maxilla or mandible. The introduction of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) and autologous dentin (AD) as a grafting material in maxillofacial surgery and implantology drastically changed the attitude of implantologists to bone substitution and made immediate implantation procedure more predictable [3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17]. Taking into account that immediate implantation and loading, especially in form of Strategic Implant® approach, is associated with multiple teeth extractions, the use of these extracted teeth in combination with PRF as a grafting material can be a superior technique which provides higher aesthetic and functional results. The aim of this work was to study the effectiveness of AD-PRF composition in immediate implantation and loading in the aesthetically crucial areas.
Manifestation of traumatic disorders is often chracterised by reorganization or ossifcation of the TMJ hematoma, while the use of conservative therapy after TMJ traumatic injuries is often ineffective. The purpose of the preswent work was to study the effectiveness of arthrocentesis in the complex treatment of post-traumatic temporomandibular disorders. 24 patients with a history of mandibular condylar fractures underwent CT, ultrasound and MRI. TMJ arthrocentesis was performed under local anesthesia. After osteosynthesis, the number of patients with stage III according to Wilkes was up to 58.33% while, after splinting- 33.33%. The control ultrasound and MRI carried out 3-6 months after arthrocentesis showed no signs of hemarthrosis in 84.61% of patients with intra-articular disorders of the second degree, and also in 72.72% of patients with internal disorders of the third degree, the position and function of the articular disc being restored. Arthrocentesis with TMJ lavage is a minimally invasive surgical manipulation that has proven useful in temporomandibular disorders of traumatic origin, in particular after fractures of the articular process of the mandible.
Introduction. The main purpose of this research was to study the effectiveness of local fbrinolytic therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with traumatic injuries of the zygomatic-orbital complex. Materials and methods. Patients in the control group (15 persons) received in the postoperative period standard antibiotic therapy, and analgesic, antiinflammatory and anti-edematous therapy. Patients in the main group (17) received into the parabulbar tissues an additional injection of „Hemase” 5000 ME once a day, for 4-5 days. The effectiveness of the treatment was compared by determining the state of microcirculation, sensory sensitivity and level of enolase in the venous blood. Results and discussion. The general conjunctival index in the control group was 18.9 ± 1.2 points on the 7th day and 16.1 ± 1.8 points on the 14th day, and 15.7 ± 1.0 (p <0.05) and 11.7 ± 1.1 points (p <0.05), respectively, in the experimental one. The threshold of electrical excitability of the infraorbital nerve in patients of the control group on the 7th day was 68.4 ± 5.2 μA, while in the main one - 48.1 ± 5.3 μA (p <0,05). On day 14, the difference in the excitability threshold was even more pronounced: in the control - 52.9 ± 4.8 μA, in the main group- 33.2 ± 3.4 μA (p <0.05), with the index on the healthy side at 27.1 ± 1.9 μA. It was also found out that, in the control group, the level of enolase on both the 7th and 14th day exceeded the values obtained during the examination of patients in the main group: 24.5 ± 1.5 ng/ml to 19 , 4 ± 1.3 ng/ ml and 15.6 ± 1.4 ng/ml to 15.1 ± 1.5 ng/ml. Conclusions. The obtained data allowed stating that application of the proposed course of postoperative rehabilitation helps restore the conduction of nerve trunks, has an anti-edematous effect on the soft tissues of the infraorbital area and improves the hemodynamics of the suborbital artery and vein.