УДК: 616.53-002:616.155.3-008.13]-085.8-078.73

Introduction. Acne is one of the most common dermatological diseases. It may have a chronic course, leaving permanent marks, and in last years has been tending to have more and more severe clinical course with widespread skin lesions. According to recent studies, the development of acne is due to the combined effect of endogenous and exogenous factors, among which endocrine diseases, disorders of metabolic processes, reduced systemic immunity and phagocytic ability of mononuclear phagocytes and granulocytes at various stages of phagocytosis of pyogenic cocci, which contributes to more severe clinical course, and frequent relapse of this diseases. It was also proved that the intestinal microbiota plays an important role in the formation of homeostasis and immune response. The Objective of the study is to determine the evolution of phagocytosis indices in patients with acne under different comprehensive treatments, using oral antibiotics, immunotherapy (PRPtherapy), probiotics, low-dose birth control pills and IPL- therapy.
Materials and methods. We observed 93 women with acne aged from 18 to 25 years old. In 19 (20.43%) patient mild acne was diagnosed, in 41 (44.09%) – moderate acne, in 33 (35.48%) persons – severe acne, 54 (58.06%) persons suffered from acne up to 1 year, 39 (41.93%) – from 1 to 3 years. To assess the state of phagocytosis in patients with acne vulgaris, we determined phagocytic activity (PA) and phagocytic index (PI) of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, nitro blue tetrazolium recovery test (NBT test spontaneous) and NBT-test pyrogenal stimulated by recognized methods.
Results. Analysis of the studied parameters of phagocytosis at the end of treatment showed a significant increase in patients of the core group who were administered a comprehensive treatment which included oral antibiotic, probiotic, and low-dose birth control pills, PRP-therapy and IPLtherapy, as compared with the patients of other groups under study.
Conclusions. Using combined therapy for women with acne occurring against the backdrop of a sluggish process of phagocytosis and concomittant intestinal dysbiosis leads to normalization of the leading indices of phagocytosis (PI, PA, NBT tests both spontaneous and stimulated), and enchances their phagocytic activity both during capture and formation of bactericidal activity and in the final stages of phagocytosis justifying the feasibility of a combined use of antibiotics, probiotic, low-dose birth control pills PRP-therapy and IPL-therapy in the treatment of acne.
Key words: acne, phagocytosis, probiotic, PRP-therapy, IPL-therapy, low-dose birth control pills. 

Eight million Ukrainians have taken refuge in the European Union. Many have asthma and/or allergic rhinitis and/or urticaria, and around 100,000 may have a severe dis- ease. Cultural and language barriers are a major obstacle to appropriate management. Two widely available mHealth apps, MASK-air® (Mobile Airways Sentinel NetworK) for the management of rhinitis and asthma and CRUSE® (Chronic Urticaria Self Evaluation) for patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria, were updated to include Ukrainian versions that make the documented information available to treating physi- cians in their own language. The Ukrainian patients fill in the questionnaires and daily symptom-medication scores for asthma, rhinitis (MASK-air) or urticaria (CRUSE) in Ukrainian. Then, following the GDPR, patients grant their physician access to the app by scanning a QR code displayed on the physician's computer enablin to read the app contents in his/her own language. This service is available freely. It takes less than a minute to show patient data to the physician in the physician's web browser. UCRAID—developed by ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) and UCARE (Urticaria Centers of Reference and Excellence)—is under the auspices of the Ukraine Ministry of Health as well as European (European Academy of Allergy and Clinical immunology, EAACI, European Respiratory Society, ERS, European Society of Dermatologic Research, ESDR) and national societies.

UDC  618.03-06:616.441-002-073.7:612.882.3

Thyroid disease is the second most common endocrine disorder after diabetes inpregnancy.Thyroidhormonesarecrucialforthegrowthandmaturationofmanytargettissues,especiallythebrain and skeleton. During critical periods in the first trimester of pregnancy, maternal thyroxine is essential forfetal development as it supplies thyroid hormone-dependent tissues. The purpose of the study was to researchthe features of the bioelectrical activity of the brain in pregnant women with thyroid pathology and determine thefrequency of such changes. Materials and methods.The state of bioelectrical activity of the brain was evaluatedby electroencephalography in 160 pregnant women with thyroid pathology. The biopotentials of the brain in thesubjects were studied with software and hardware complex DX-NT32 (DX Complexes software, Kharkiv, Ukraine)and computer processing of electroencephalography data. Electrodes in the amount of 16 pieces were appliedaccording to the international scheme 10/20 in the bipolar interpretation. Results. Specific changes in electro-encephalograms characteristic of each type of thyroid pathology and dependent on its severity were revealed inpregnant women. Acquired disorders adversely affect the course of pregnancy and childbirth in women with thyroidpathology. Increased anxiety with depressive tendencies, reduced general activity, a feeling of depression, anxiety,and low mood were detected in women with thyroid disorders. The identified criteria make it possible to attributethese changes to the manifestations of a pathological neurotic state in conditions of maladaptation, which wasconfirmed by electroencephalography data. Conclusions. The detected disorders of spontaneous and evokedbrain activity indicate the existence of a cerebral basis of psychological stress, which has a qualitative effect onelectroencephalography. Acquired disorders negatively affect the course of pregnancy, childbirth, perinatal out-comes, and future development of the child.Keywords:pregnant women; thyroid gland; diffuse non-toxic goiter; diffuse toxic goiter; electroencephalography


An imbalance between generation of free radicals and antioxidant defence leads to an oxidative stress Pulmonary damage caused by oxygen toxicity occurs due to the generation of reactive oxygen species and subsequent formation of more potent oxidants in experimental peridontitis development. Furthermore, the reactive oxygen species content may be a useful and practical parameter for evaluating periodontal disease activity.

УДК 616–002.525.2–031.81:616.12–008(048.8)

Introduction. The prevalence and incidence of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in the world is significant. In recent years, there has been a tendency of the SLE prevalence increase. Despite the undoubted progress in understanding the etiology and pathogenesis of SLE, its diagnosis and treatment, the mortality of patients, including ones at young and working age, is higher than in the general population, and circulatory system lesions are ones of
its main reasons in these cases.
The aim of the study. To analyze the literature, devoted to the modern view on the problem of systemic lupus erythematosus with and without comorbid lesions of the circulatory system, describe the clinical case.
Materials and methods. Content analysis, method of system and comparative analysis, bibliosemantic method of studying the current scientific studies on modern principles of diagnosis and treatment of patients with SLE are used. A clinical case is described.
Results. A clinical case of a 43-year-old patient S., who was hospitalized for SLE, she considers herself ill for eighteen years and she has been constantly taken outpatient and periodically inpatient treatment due to the frequent deteriorations in her general condition, clinical and laboratory parameters, is described. Based on the received results of the examinations, applying the method of determining the functional class of SLE, the patient was diagnosed
with a clinical diagnosis indicating comorbid lesions of various organs and systems (skin, joints, kidneys, vessels, heart, blood system, immune system, eyes). The generally accepted basic medical complex of the patient includes drugs, taking into account the lesions to the circulatory system. The conducted complex pathogenetic treatment gave a positive result.
Conclusions. In the described clinical case demonstrated the development of comorbid lesions of many organs and systems, including circulatory system, in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. Inclusion in the treatment complex in addition to basic and drugs for the treatment lesions of circulatory system has improved the general condition of the patient, stabilized clinical and laboratory parameters, as evidenced by a prospective study during
three years. The information provided in our clinical case is consistent with the results of the literature review. Systemic lupus erythematosus needs further in-depth study due to its widespread prevalence among young and people of working age, lack of accurate knowledge about the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease, comorbid lesions of many organs and systems, including circulatory system, the development of severe and often life-threatening manifestations, the lack of clear recommendations that would predict the differentiated use of drugs taking into account comorbid syntropic lesions.
Keywords: SLE, circulatory system lesions, atherosclerosis, diagnosis and treatment of SLE.