Introduction. The use of basal implantation permitted to perform prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with defects of the upper jaw, where traditional dental implantation could not be used. Materials and methods. We present the clinical case of a patient with a subtotal defect of the right half of the  maxilla after removal of a benign tumor, for prosthetic rehabilitation through basal dental implantation.Results and discussion. According to the significant post-resection deficit of the bone, it was decided to create a fixed prosthetic construction with support on 3 dental implants located in “strategic” areas – floor of the nose, tubero-pterygoid area and zygomatic body. The treatment was uneventful. No complications were detected during 9 years of follow-up observation.

Conclusions. This clinical case successfully demonstrates the possibility of rehabilitation of patients with post-resection defects of the upper jaw trough basal dental implants with fixed prosthetic bridge-like constructions.

Keywords: upper jaw, post-resection defects, basal dental implants, prosthetic rehabilitation.