Introduction. The frequency of children with birth defects (BD) according to the WHO reaches 4-6% of the total number of newborns.
Objectives. The purpose of this work was to determine the probable risk factors for “model” BDs in newborns.
Methods. Analysis of clinical-epidemiological and medical-statistic data from the primary documentation on newborns in 2002-2020 with BDs by the “case-control” method filling out registration cards in maternity hospitals of Lviv region was conducted.
Results. There were filled 1204 healthy newborns’ cards and 1211 cards of newborns with BDs. In the structure of “model” BD, the deformations of the musculoskeletal system composed 272 (22.5%) cases, clefts of the lip and palate accounted for 193 (15.9%) cases, abnormalities comprised 174 (14.4%) cases. We observed statistically significant risk (р<0.05) of BDs for newborns with increased numbers of pregnancies in mothers. There was a statistically significant difference [OR=3.97; 95%CI: 1.97; 7.99] in the medical history relative to stillbirths (3.2%) in mothers with BD newborns as compared to women in the control group (0.8%). The prevalence of pathological structure of the placenta in women of the study group (32.8%) was higher [OR=3.71; 95%CI:3.01; 4.56] than in those of the control group (16.8%).
Mothers of both groups showed no statistically significant difference in anemia, preeclampsia, the interval between pregnancies, and the number of abortions and miscarriages (p> 0.05).
Conclusions. Further research in this area should be directed to determine the contributions of genetic factors in BD occurrence, considering the genealogical history of each family.