INTRODUCTION: Odontogenic inflammatory processes constitute a significant part among maxillofacial disorders, as well as among all inflammatory processes in organism. The author used hydrogels saturated with silver ions and an antioxidant drug for local treatment of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons.
AIM OF THE STUDY. To conduct cytological assessment when applying hydrogels saturated with silver ions and an antioxidant drug for local treatment of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons.
STUDY SUBJECT AND STUDY METHODS. 50 patients with odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons of maxillofacial area had been examined. To study the dynamics of the inflammatory process, cytology was performed on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 10.
STUDY RESULTS AND THEIR DISCUSSION. No differences were found in both groups of patients on the first day of treatment. On the second or third day, there was a higher number of red blood cells and a significant decrease in the number of neutrophilic granulocytes in the study group than in the comparator group. In the fibrin strands, accumulation of single macrophages, histiocytes, fibrocytes and monocytes were noted. During analysis of cytograms, an increase in the number of erythrocytes, histiocytes, fibroblasts, almost complete absence of neutrophilic granulocytes and single macrophages in the main group were observed on the 4-5 day, indicating the formation of granulation tissue and accelerated onset of proliferation. On the sixth day, patients of the study group had almost no neutrophils and no signs of inflammation, unlike patients in comparator group.
CONCLUSIONS. Cytology results has shown that application of hydrogels saturated with silver ions and an antioxidant drug for local treatment of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons accelerates the healing time of postoperative wounds.
INTRODUCTION: Odontogenic inflammatory processes constitute a significant part among maxillofacial disorders, as well as among all inflammatory processes in organism. The author used hydrogels saturated with silver ions and an antioxidant drug for local treatment of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons.
AIM OF THE STUDY. To conduct cytological assessment when applying hydrogels saturated with silver ions and an antioxidant drug for local treatment of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons.
STUDY SUBJECT AND STUDY METHODS. 50 patients with odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons of maxillofacial area had been examined. To study the dynamics of the inflammatory process, cytology was performed on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 10.
STUDY RESULTS AND THEIR DISCUSSION. No differences were found in both groups of patients on the first day of treatment. On the second or third day, there was a higher number of red blood cells and a significant decrease in the number of neutrophilic granulocytes in the study group than in the comparator group. In the fibrin strands, accumulation of single macrophages, histiocytes, fibrocytes and monocytes were noted. During analysis of cytograms, an increase in the number of erythrocytes, histiocytes, fibroblasts, almost complete absence of neutrophilic granulocytes and single macrophages in the main group were observed on the 4-5 day, indicating the formation of granulation tissue and accelerated onset of proliferation. On the sixth day, patients of the study group had almost no neutrophils and no signs of inflammation, unlike patients in comparator group.
CONCLUSIONS. Cytology results has shown that application of hydrogels saturated with silver ions and an antioxidant drug for local treatment of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons accelerates the healing time of postoperative wounds.
The aim of the study eas to standardize the ultrasonography (USG) protocol for TMJ and masticatory muscles (MM) examination by unifying the clinically relevant USG parameters, determining their norms, and considering gender differences. The study involved 63 volunteers. The selected individuals with normal dental occlusion were divided into two groups: 26 females and 27 males. A 12L3 linear transducer with a frequency of 2.9 to 11.5 MHz (SIEMENS Acuson Juniper) was used. The following USG parameters with clear interpretation were studied: capsular width, condylar translation amplitude, thickness of MM at rest and contraction, percentage of MM thickening at contraction, the condyle and disc position at open and closed mouth, movement of the condyle and disc during mouth opening,
subchondral cartilage complex. No signifcant differences were found between the right and left TMJ and MM
parameters in both groups. A signifcant difference in USG parameters was observed between males and females, except for the amplitude of TMJ condyle translation and the percentage of MM thickening. On the basis of the obtained results, a standardized USG protocol for TMJ and MM was proposed, allowing a high-quality comprehensive USG examination of TMJ and MM structures in patients suspected of temporomandibular disorders.
The article raises a question about the possible and effective kidney transplantation in elderly patients with various severe comorbidities. The analysis is based on an example of successful kidney transplantation from a deceased donor when a 67-year-old patient had severe concomitant background: obesity, diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disturbances. Despite unfavorable prognosis and further unpredictable illnesses such as COVID-19, candidal esophagitis, coronary attack, and pneumonia, the patient has not develop graft injury or rejection and kept sufficient kidney function. The research was mainly focused on coexisting illnesses and their influence on kidney transplantation consequences. Following disease groups were discussed regarding their impact on transplantation outcomes and prognosis: arterial hypertension, cardiac disorders, diabetes mellitus, and obesity. Patient’s age, previous interventions, and comorbidities were observed for association with outcomes and risk of graft rejection. A review of available publications compared approaches for recipient selection in different clinical centers as well.
UDC 616.12.331.1+616.379-008.65):616-008.9:616.36-003.826]-006-002.64-092.19
Abstract. Background. Lack of information about proinflammatory interleukins (IL) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) levels in case of metabolic-associated liver steatosis (MALS) and their roles in its progression to steatohepatitis are key reasons for the relevance and actuality of our study. The purpose: to evaluate proinflammatory interleukins 2, 6, and TNFα levels in concomitant liver steatosis. Materials and methods. Thirty- five patients with hypertension stage II–III, type 2 diabetes mellitus were examined. All of them were treated on an outpatient basis according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Declaration of Helsinki. Participants were divided into the main group with MALS (n = 24, males 45.8 %, females 54.2 %; average age 55.83 ± 0.89 years) and the control group without steatosis (n = 11, males 54.5 %, females 45.5 %; average age 53.00 ± 1.55 years). In addition to standard parameters, levels of IL6, IL2, TNFα, selectin, resistin, insulin, C-peptide, glycated hemoglobin, non-esterified fatty acids were evaluated, and some indexes were calculated, including triglyceride-glucose index and Castelli indexes I and II. Results were processed statistically, with significance level of р < 0.05. Results. Although MALS is not followed by qualitative differences in proinflammatory IL2, IL6 and TNFα compared to no steatosis, the risk of TNFα elevation was 5 times higher in patients with MALS (odds ratio 5.08; 95% confidence interval 1.02–25.17). An increase in IL2 and TNFα is unfavorable for patients with MALS, it can be considered as a marker of steatosis progression to steatohepatitis, as it is associated with transaminase activation, endogenous intoxication, lipid distress and glucose intolerance. IL6 was rather lower in patients with MALS compared to those without steatosis, but its growth was exponential and proceeded simultaneously to IL2 and TNFα. Conclusions. MALS was not associated with significant changes in IL2, IL6 and TNFα compared to no steatosis, but their elevation can be criteria for transformation into steatohepatitis due to the activation of transaminases, inflammation, endogenous intoxication, lipid distress, glucose intolerance.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus; interleukin-2; interleukin-6; tumor necrosis factor alpha; metabolic-associated liver steatosis