Objective: The aim: The prevalence analysis of three ways of tobacco use among young adults: traditional (smoking of cigarillos or cigars) and alternative (hookah smoking and use of E-cigarettes) as well as the development of ways of tobacco smoking prevention.

Patients and methods: Materials and methods: Cross-section anonymous survey among young adults 18-44 years of age (n=410) has been conducted. The obtained results were compared with the data of the similar studies from different countries. The statistical methods (analysis of the mean and relative values), structural and logical analysis and systemic approach.

Results: Results: Among those who were interviewed, aged 18-44 years, there are 24.15±2.11 % of respondents - hookah smokers, 9.02±1.42 % persons prefer the traditional method of tobacco use (smoking of cigarillos or cigars), while 6.34±1.20 % ones use E-cigarettes. Such forms of smoking are more common among males. The smokers of cigarillos, cigars and hookahs have appreciated their high availability when buying - 9 (7;10) points out of 10 possible. The study has found that 11.54±1.58 % of smokers of E-cigarettes and 8.08±1.35 % of hookah smokers consider them safe types of smoking and harmless to their health.

Conclusion: Conclusions: The prevention methods of smoking prevalence among young people must be based on the tougher rules of tobacco market and latest devices for smoking at the legislative level.

УДК: 614.2: 519.2

The research aims at improving the quality assessment of clinical audit results in Ukraine using the complex of statistical methods and studying statistical methods in foreign reports of the clinical audit and personal experience.

Materials and Methods. The research was performed by analyzing the reports of clinical audit (n=62), held during 2021 by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership. The spectrum of statistical methods was extended by the analysis of the example of a sociological survey of patients (n=405) regarding the quality assessment of medical care. The methods applied in the current study included systemic approach and analysis, structural and logical analysis, correlation and regressive analysis, calculation of relative values.

Results and Discussion. All 100% clinical audit reports, carried out by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership were based on the results of the statistical calculations. The most common method of processing results is the epidemiological statistics (93.5%), ratio of chances/risks (30.6%), probability assessment by Х2 Pearson's method (21.0%). It is noteworthy that for pointing the central tendency almost in half of the cases (46.8 %) the median and the Interquartile Range were used. Complex mathematical methods such as the survival assessment by Kaplan- Meier and method multiple regression were used in 6.5 % та 4.8 % reports, accordingly.

Conclusions. Based on our own experience, we suggested implementation of standardization methods, a detailed correlation and regressive analysis, neuro networks and power analysis into the methodology (technique) of the clinical audit. Implementation of spectrum of evidentially substantiated methods of statistical analysis will allow to increase the evidence level and to deepen the statistical analysis of databases when conducting the clinical audit, аnd therefore, the quality assessment of clinical audit results will increase.