UDC 616.314–002:(616.311.2–002+616.314.17-008.6)]-053.81:613.2:311.21
The article presents the results of the study on the food products influence on caries and periodontal processes using statistical methods. The information base of the study was the data obtained by surveying dental students aged 18–22 years of the medical university. Mainly, consumption of dairy products, vegetables and fruits, meat, bread, and sweets were considered as factors. The quantitative characteristic of nutrition was taken as the number of food consumption times during the week. The hypothesis that the amount of food consumption affects the state of the periodontium and the number of carious teeth in a person has been confirmed. As a result of determining the relevant dependencies, a significant influence of two food products groups – dairy and vegetables and fruits – was revealed. Directly, the dependences have a non-linear (quadratic) form, and accordingly, the optimal intervals of the products consumption are established, since both insufficient and excessive use of them negatively affects the condition of the teeth and gums. A two-factor linear statistical dependence was built to estimate the total effect of two types of food products. Regarding other products, no significant relationships were found between their use and the oral cavity condition. The conclusions of the article present the main results of the performed studies and directions for further research.
Key words: caries, periodontal disease, food products, statistical dependence, impact assessment, optimal consumption