 At present, not a single case of endometriosis of the temporal bone has been described in
medical science, as well as the association of endometriosis with dysfunction of the
temporomandibular joint and the development of degenerative joint disease, as well as the
treatment of these diseases with gestagens.
 This study presents a patient with primary complaints of constant acute pain in the left TMJ
(temporomandibular joint) aggravated by any movements of the lower jaw, inability to open the
mouth wide, and persistent headaches. The first-listed diagnosis was TMJ dysfunction and
degenerative joint disease, and the final diagnosis was temporal bone endometriosis and
secondary joint dysfunction. An articular splint helped alleviate initial symptoms, and the final relief
came after placing on progestogen therapy. Joint dysfunction has a polyetiological nature and
requires an integrated approach in diagnosis and treatment to achieve a clinical result.
 Case Report (J Int Dent Med Res 2022; 15(3): 1305-1310)
 Keywords: Invasive endometriosis, endometrial implants, TMJ, TMD.
 Received date: 17 May 2022 Accept date: 03 July 2022