Today, the use of platelet-rich plasma is increasing in clinical practice in various fields of medicine. The plasma therapy is used by dermatologists, dentists, gynecologists, traumatologists and many other specialists in daily practice. Platelet-rich plasma is actively used in dermatology after its clinical effectiveness has been established. The plasma therapy method alone, as well as in combination with other methods of treatment, has shown advantages in certain skin diseases: androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, chronic vitiligo, melasma, inflammatory nail disorders, psoriasis, acne, post-acne and seborrheic dermatitis. Platelet-rich plasma can suppress cytokine release and limit inflammation by interacting with macrophages, improving tissue healing and regeneration, promoting the formation of new capillaries and accelerating epithelialization. Plasma platelets also play an important role in the host’s defense mechanism at the wound site by producing signaling proteins that attract macrophages. Blood plasma also has antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli, Staphilococcus aureus, Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans.

The increase in the frequency of toxic-allergic diseases is the result of an increase in the number of drugs on the pharmaceutical market, which leads to mass self-medication of the population. Most often, patients seek medical help after self-medication, using drugs of various pharmacological groups. Stevens-Johnson syndrome is the most common side effect of the drug.

Синдром Стівенса‐Джонсона – це тяжке імунокомплексне захворювання, що характеризується утворенням пузирів (бул) на слизових оболонках порожнини рота, горла, очей, статевих органів та інших ділянках шкіри і слизових оболонок, причиною якого є реакція організму на різноманітні фактори, що мають біологічне або хімічне походження. Визначальну роль в патогенезі різноманітних патологічних станів (запалення, шоків різного ґенезу тощо) має унікальний поза‐ і внутрішньоклітинний месенджер – система оксид азоту (NO), яка виконує функцію ендогенного регулятора при різних дерматозах.

Today, platelet-rich plasma is most frequently used in dermatology as an additional method of treatment for different types of alopecia, post-acne, acne, angioneurosis, acute and chronic ulcers with different etiology (diabetic, venous, traumatic, etc.), secondary hyperpigmentation spots and various cosmetic skin defects.

The blood plasma is able to provide a large amount of growth factors and various proteins that can stimulate the healing process. Plasma therapy accelerates neovascularization, increases blood supply and supply of nutrients necessary for cell regeneration in damaged tissue. Plasma therapy stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of cells involved in the healing process.

Stevens–Johnson syndrome (SJS), which is a drug-induced disease in 50% of cases, is increasingly common in everyday practice. A determining role in the pathogenesis of pathological conditions (inflammation, shocks of various genesis, etc.) plays a unique extra- and intracellular messenger, i. e., the nitrogen oxide (NO) system acts as an endogenous regulator in various dermatoses. In physiological concentrations, NO interacting with reactive oxygen species exhibits antioxidant properties, in case of metabolic disorders associated with the NO accumulation in tissues, and said reactions promote highly toxic substances adversely affecting the disease course. The NO biological action wide scope determines the interest in studying the NO-NOS system (nitrate ions (NO3-), nitrite ions (NO2-)) in patients with SJS, which is accompanied by the involvement of all body systems and defines the disease prognosis.