
The study of the cognitive aspect of translation opens up new possibilities for understanding and analysing the translation process through the prism of cognitive science. By analysing the cognitive processes that take place in the translator's brain while performing translation, it is possible to reveal various aspects of this complex and multifaceted process. The purpose of this article is to conduct a literature review of cognition-oriented translation studies in order to contribute to the development of the science of translation studies. The method included the analysis of related literature from the scientific databases Scopus and Google Scholar. As a result of this study, advanced theoretical models were put forward and developed to reveal the so-called “black box” of the translator, which is considered a key aspect in understanding the cognitive processes of translation. These theoretical approaches aimed to uncover the internal mechanism and strategies used by the translator when performing translation in order to reveal and analyse how these processes occur in the translator's brain. Conclusions – the research focused on translation processes has great potential, as it uses the latest theoretical models and research methods from related cognitive disciplines such as cognitive psychology, cognitive linguistics, neurophysiology and computational linguistics. The paper attempts to identify challenges in cognitive translation research in order to contribute to a broader understanding of the cognitive aspects of translation and to help address key challenges in this area.

У статті проаналізовано дериваційний потенціал тактильних прикметників на матеріалі творів римського поета Вергілія. З’ясовано, що найчастіше в аналізованих поетичних творах зустрічаються ад’єктиви із непохідною основою. Виявлено, що відприкметникові деривати характеризуються тризонною словотвірною парадигмою із такими семантичними позиціями як: в адвербіальній – адвербіалізація ознаки; у вербальній – наділяти ознакою та набувати ознаку; в субстантивній зоні – абстрагована ознака та рідко носій ознаки; та в ад’єктивній –
вияв і заперечення ознаки.