UDC 17:61:001.9
Science contributes to globalization by creating new knowledge and technologies that can be shared and applied across different regions and cultures. The Regional Cooperation for Health, Science and Technology (RECOOP HST) Association combines the scientific output of partner organizations at the local and regional level and uses it at the global level to prevent and eliminate major public health problems. Since research integrity (RI) varies among participating research organizations from U.S.A. to Ukraine, RECOOP recognizes that high quality research and outcomes, as measured by published papers, require a common understanding of scientific integrity and bioethics. During the last 15 years, RECOOP has organized workshops to educate scientists about the most devastating forms of research dishonesty: fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, which destroy trust and respect among scientists. Different types of research misconduct require different methods of detection and investigation. Now, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), various plagiarism checking software have appeared. However, detecting fabrication and falsification is not so easy. In addition, AI should not be used to replace human reviewers, as there is currently insufficient evidence to support its application in peer review. Two main approaches that RECOOP has taken to prevent misconduct and promote RI are evidence-based education and mentoring of students. Mentoring should take the form of informal discussions with students about responsible conduct of research (RCR) and serving as a role model. Key strategies for promoting integrity include the development of institutional policies and the monitoring of activities with appropriate auditing of data.
Keywords: scientific and research integrity, plagiarism, fabrication, falsification.