The aim of the study eas to standardize the ultrasonography (USG) protocol for TMJ and masticatory muscles (MM) examination by unifying the clinically relevant USG parameters, determining their norms, and considering gender differences. The study involved 63 volunteers. The selected individuals with normal dental occlusion were divided into two groups: 26 females and 27 males. A 12L3 linear transducer with a frequency of 2.9 to 11.5 MHz (SIEMENS Acuson Juniper) was used. The following USG parameters with clear interpretation were studied: capsular width, condylar translation amplitude, thickness of MM at rest and contraction, percentage of MM thickening at contraction, the condyle and disc position at open and closed mouth, movement of the condyle and disc during mouth opening,
subchondral cartilage complex. No signifcant differences were found between the right and left TMJ and MM
parameters in both groups. A signifcant difference in USG parameters was observed between males and females, except for the amplitude of TMJ condyle translation and the percentage of MM thickening. On the basis of the obtained results, a standardized USG protocol for TMJ and MM was proposed, allowing a high-quality comprehensive USG examination of TMJ and MM structures in patients suspected of temporomandibular disorders.