Objective: To systematize available data regarding COVID-19 vaccination aspects among dental specialists and  highlight relevant occupationally-related features of vaccination challenges.
Materials and Methods: Search of pertinent literature sources associated with above-formulated objective was  provided via PubMed Central database (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) and Google Scholar search engine  (https://scholar.google.com/). Criteria of publication date included 2020-2022 years period. Publications in  English or at least with English abstract/summary were collected within primary sample for further preliminary  content-analysis. All articles collected for in-depth content-analysis were evaluated due to the text-mining, textidentification and text-extraction principles with further clusterization and systematization of outcomes at the  Microsoft Excel 2019 software (Microsoft Office, Microsoft, 2019). 
Results: After full reading of articles’ texts 28 of them were categorized as those containing new and/or unique  information, interpretations or facts, out of which 12 were cross-sectional online surveys, 4 were editorials, 7  were literature/systematic/clinical reviews, 1 was brief report, 1 was opinion article, 1 was ethical moment, 1  was advice article, and 1 was web-source. New challenges related with COVID-19 vaccination within dental field  are represented by personal hesitancy of dental professionals and students, which in turn associated with such  factors as provided information support, previous COVID-19 experience, fear of getting infected or transmit  disease to the patients or family members, fear of potential post-vaccination side-effects development, changes  of occupational status, and interaction within dental team. 
Conclusions: Further improvements of dental care field possible only after vaccination of dental professionals.  Vaccination of dentists is widening window of their possibilities regarding inclusion as members of COVID-19  vaccine’s delivery team and participation within “behaviorally informed strategies” and public motivational  programs, which in turn is aimed at amplification of positive willingness for COVID-19 vaccination among general  public.
Keywords: COVID-19, Vaccination, Dentistry