Laser therapy is a complex of hardware procedures that involve exposure of the skin to light energy and allows getting rid of a number of skin imperfections. The results of the therapy using the Nordlys device, were analyzed and presented. We observed 118 patients (42 men and 76 women aged 18 to 65 years). The Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) was used to determine the effectiveness of the treatment. The Nordlys narrow-spectrum IPL technologies were used to treat couperose and rosacea. The procedures were performed for 5-30 minutes with intervals of 1-2 weeks, 2-5 procedures per course. 17 patients with couperose and 29 patients with rosacea of different stages were treated.

It has been established that patients with psoriasis, which were under observation, had the skin microbial landscape of the lesions formed mainly of S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. saprophyticus, Bacillus and Micrococcus genera. The clearest microbial contamination of the lesions has been observed in psoriatic erythroderma, slightly less accentuated skin microbial contamination has been found in patients with the widespread form of dermatitis and the presence of arthropathy, and the least number of microorganisms have been found in patients with common psoriasis without complicated phenomena.

Squamous-hyperkeratotic mycosis of feet is the most prevalent dermatological condition in type 2 diabetes patients. The cutaneous symptoms develop slowly, starting with the formation of painless blistering and hyperkeratosis in areas exposed to pressure. The fungal infection adherence is promoted by poor circulation and traumatisation of the feet skin. The selection of a suitable product containing components with distinct keratolytic and hydrating effects is one part of the problem solution.

Найбільш розповсюдженими дерматологічними захворюваннями у хворих на діабет типу 2 є сквамозно-гіперкератотична форма мікозу ступней. Шкірна симптоматика розвивається повільно, починаючи з утворення неболючих змозолілостей та гіперкератозу в ділянках, що зазнавали тиску. Приєднанню грибкової інфекції сприяє порушення кровообігу та травматизація шкіри стоп. Однією з ланок вирішення проблеми є підбір необхідного препарату, який містить компоненти с вираженими кератолітичними та гідратуючими властивостями. Метою дослідження стало вивчення клінічної ефективності бальзаму для ніг від змозолілостей та гіперкератозу з протигриб- ковим ефектом.

Laser therapy is a complex of hardware procedures that involve exposure of the skin to light energy and allows getting rid of a number of skin imperfections. The results of the therapy using the Nordlys device, the principle of operation of which is based on the theory of selective photothermolysis, were analyzed and presented. We observed 118 patients (42 men and 76 women aged 18 to 65 years) with different dermatological problems. The Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) was used to determine the effectiveness of the treatment.