УДК. 378 + 174) : (347. 77 + 347. 77. 028. 4) (477. 83)

У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан проблеми плагіату в контексті академічної доброчесності. Описано пріоритетні напрями та механізми імплементації деяких наукових етичних принципів, заходи щодо формування навичок soft skills (гнучких навичок) при проведенні наукових досліджень у Львівському національному медичному університеті імені Данила Галицького, принципи функціонування первинної технічної експертизи, антиплагіатне програмне забезпечення та протидію фальсифікаціям відповідно до Кодексу академічної етики, інших нормативних документів та положень. Охарактеризовано шляхи попередження та протидії плагіату, імплементації принципів етики академічних взаємовідносин.

Ключові слова: академічна доброчесність, антиплагіатні заходи, експертиза наукових праць, програмне забезпечення.

Introduction. The article presents some priority mechanisms of implementation of scientific ethical principles, research soft skills formation at the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, principles of primary technical expertise, anti-plagiarism software and prevention of falsifications in accordance of Statute, Academic Ethics Code and other rules and regulations.

Purpose. The purposes of this study is to improve measures to prevent of academic integrity violations and identify academic plagiarism based on the basis of existing laws analysis and implementation of other rules and regulations at the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, anti-plagiarism experience.

Methods. The methodological basis of the work is: the basic principles of academic integrity, scientificity, objectivity, academic ethics, prevention of plagiarism and falsifications. The analysis of some points of the Laws of Ukraine «On Higher Education», «On Copyright and Related Rights», the experience of some international organizations, orders and regulations of the university, measures to soft skills and develop of some academic integrity competencies at the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University from the pedagogical positions were conducted. The components of anti-plagiarism expertise are singled out. The complex analysis of the available software and its effectiveness from the cross-examination position is carried out.

Results. The article analyzes the current state of the issue of plagiarism in the context of academic integrity. The priority directions and mechanisms of implementation of some scientific ethical principles, measures of soft skills development in conducting scientific research at the at the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, the principles of functioning of primary technical examination, anti-plagiarism software and countering falsifications in accordance with the Code of Academic Ethics and others normative documents and regulations are described. Ways to prevent and counteract plagiarism, implementation of the principles of ethics of academic relations are described.

Conclusions. It is concluded that the implementation of effective anti-plagiarism measures in the context of academic integrity is impossible without a complex prevention system and detection of unethical action, unification of publications quality control, wide full use of technical expertise with adequate licensing software, some recommendations from the Commissi on on Ethics and Academic Integrity.

Key words: academic integrity, anti-plagiarism actions, scientific works expertise, software