Introduction. The stroke volume (SV) is an important indicator of the cardiovascular system activity, namely the maintenance of systemic hemodynamics. Its changes in the training process can indicate the formation of the level of training, or the processes of recovery of the body after loads. The purpose of this work was to determine the changes in the SV when performing tests with controlled breathing, as well as to investigate the correlations with the breathing pattern.
Мета – дослідити передумови застосування засобів фізичної реабілітації у спортсменів з перенапруженням кардіореспіраторної системи у процесі відновлення. Для оцінки активності ВНС було запропоновано показники ВСР, аналіз яких є практичним неінвазивним методом оцінки вегетативного статусу серця і дає можливість діагностувати перенапруження, попередити виникнення патологічних станів. Коригування функціональних змін в організмі спортсмена, що виникають за впливу фізичного навантаження, можливе завдяки ефективним засобам реабілітації, вибір яких здійснюють у тісній співпраці лікаря спортивної медицини, реабілітолога і тренера.
To determine changes in the parameters of cardiorespiratory relationships during the maneuver with a change in breathing rate after a 4-month cycle of training aimed at the development of strength endurance. Endurance training for 4 months led to an economization of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems function and a decrease in the response to sympathoadrenal activation and hyperventilation.
The purpose of this study was to establish morphometric parameters that correlate with the reactivity and recovery of blood pressure in response to a standard physical load in athletes of various game sports. The obtained results confirm that changes in DBP and PBP in response to physical load and during the recovery period after it are related to the morphometric parameters of the body, which can characterize the mechanisms of hemodynamic maintenance recovery and be useful in the selection and the organization of recovery mea-sures in certain sports sport.Key words:blood pressure, standart physical load, reaction, recov-ery, water polo, handball, volleyball.
Sports activity is accompanied by intense, long-term, volumetric loads of a specific direction in con-ditions of increased psychological stress, the goal of which is to achieve the maximum possible re-sults for the athlete. Excessive physical load, competi-tive activities, impaired reactivity and resistance of the body reduce the adaptive capabilities of the athletes’ body and often lead to health disorders. Therefore, one of the first tasks in preventing the development of pre-pathological and pathologi-cal conditions in athletes is the timely diagnosis of weak areas and early symptoms of maladaptation.